The War : Reprieve

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Warrior in Woolworth’s

His roots are in today

Doesn’t know no history

He threw the past away

He’s the rebel on the underground

She’s the rebel of the modern town

He’s the rebel on the underground

She’s the rebel of the modern town


Friday 14th July 1978

“I’m going to kill her,” Lily said, sliding into their booth at the Leaky Cauldron, “I am truly, seriously, going to strangle her in her sleep.”

“Wedding planning’s going well, then?” Sirius asked, grinning over his butterbeer. James wrapped an arm around Lily’s shoulders, leaning over to press a kiss against her forehead in greeting.

“She’s impossible! Completely impossible! Lily, you were supposed to call the florist! Lily, did you pick up my dress from the tailor? Lily, you stole my earrings—my silver earrings, I know you took them! I don’t even wear silver jewellery!”

Sirius bit his lip, trying not to laugh. Lily was clearly furious, gesticulating wildly as she ranted. James had to dodge to avoid being smacked in the face as he tried to cuddle her.

“What’s going on?” Remus asked, arriving back at their table with another tray of butterbeers.

“Petunia’s being a cunt, what else is new.” Mary replied, examining her nails under the dingy bar light. Outside, the sun was still shining, just beginning to sink in the sky—but the fading light hardly reached them in their private back corner, and Mary had to make do with the flickering lamp attached to the wall.

“Ah,” Remus grinned, sliding into the seat next to Sirius, “She still sending you out on those ridiculous errands every day, then?”

“Yes! And mum sides with her—says she’s just under a lot of pressure, and I should try to be understanding. And Petunia refuses to let me use magic for any of it—she caught me using scourgify to clean the china for her rehearsal dinner, and she literally threw one of the plates at my head. Of course, then I had to fix it using reparo, and that just made her even angrier…”

At this point, Sirius couldn’t resist the urge to laugh—Mary had caught his eye and was making a face, and he nearly choked on his butterbeer as he started to giggle. Lily narrowed her eyes.

“It’s not funny, Black.”

“Oh, come on,” Mary grinned, “It’s a little bit funny, you have to admit.”

“When you don’t have to deal with her, maybe…” Lily grumbled, taking a swig of her drink. “Ugh, I think I’m going to need something stronger than butterbeer.”

“I second that!” Sirius cheered, raising his glass.

“Second what?” Marlene appeared at the end of the table, smiling.

All the Young Dudes ( Sirius' Perspective ) Where stories live. Discover now