I Pet a Dog.

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[Y/N's POV]

We were all pretty miserable that night.

We camped out in the woods, about 100 yards from the main road. The land was marshy and had clearly been used by some high schoolers to party, considering the flattened soda cans and fast food wrappers scattered around it.

We managed to salvage some food and blankets from Medusa's place, but we didn't dare light a fire to dry our damp clothes. We'd had enough excitement for that day and didn't wanna attract anything else.

We decided to sleep in shifts that night. I volunteered for the first shift.

Annabeth laid down with a thin blanket to cover her. It clearly didn't do much since she was still shivering.

My jacket had somehow remained dry throughout that whole ordeal. Staring down at it and then at her, I sighed.

Oh, what the hell. I slipped out of it and held it out to her. "Einstein," I mumbled.


"Take it. You need it more than me."

She contemplated for a moment before she swiped the jacket from my hands and slipped it on. It was ever so slightly big for her. The tips of her fingers barely peeked out from the sleeves, and the bottom came to about a quarter down her thigh.

It was kind of cute.

With a newfound sense of warmth, she was out like a light. As soon as her head hit the dirt, she was gone.

Grover had settled in the branches of a tree, and Percy opted for a makeshift bed made of leaves.

Turning to the others, I told them, "Get some rest, guys. I've got first watch."

Neither of them budged.

"It makes me sad, Y/N," Grover murmured.

"What does? The fact you signed up for this stupid quest?" Percy questioned.

"No, dingus. He meant all the trash all over the floor." I pointed out.

"And the sky, you can't even see the stars. They've polluted the sky. This is a terrible time to be a satyr." Grover  bleated.

"Oh, yeah. I guess you'd be an environmentalist." Percy said.

"Shouldn't everyone?" I reasoned. "We all live here. Just like you take care of your house, make sure it's clean and safe, we should do the same to places like this, Nature, I mean."

"Alright, Captain Planet," Percy joked.

"Eh, not that far off. The whole "son" of the Goddess of nature thing makes you a little more connected to it all."

"Why did you say son like that?" Percy inquired.

I stared up at the stars and murmured. "Because she's not my mom. My Mother is Melina Aurelian, and she lives in Oakhill, Texas."

"She's done everything a mother should do and more. She's been there for me and supported me in everything I've ever done. Even if she's not my flesh and blood, she'll Always be my mom, and I don't care what anyone says." I paused, "What has Artemis done for me? That's right, separate me from her. Because of her blood in my veins, I got hunted down by a horse dinosaur thing, and now I'm here." I spat.

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