I Object!

308 13 26

[Y/N's POV]

When the idea of 'monster island' came to my mind, I expected something a lot like Sirens Island. Craggy rocks, wrecked ships, and bones of whatever poor souls that'd stumbled upon it littering the island.

Polyphemus' island looked nothing like that. To be fair, it had a rickety rope bridge hanging across a bottomless pit. Not a great thing to see. It was basically a big sign saying SOMETHING EVIL LIVES HERE!

Other than that, though, it looked like a nice tropical island. Green fields stretched as far as the eye could see, tropical palm trees dotted the island, and beautiful white sand beaches hugged the edge of the island. It looked like a great vacation spot if you ignored the things that lived there.

As we sailed closer to the shore, I took a deep breath. The air was sweet, almost sickeningly so.

Annabeth stared at the island in awe. "The Fleece..."

We couldn't see the Fleece, but I could feel its presence. It was almost overwhelming.

"If we take it away, will the island die?" Percy asked.

Annabeth shook her head, "It'll fade. Go back to what it would be normally, whatever that is." 

It almost felt like a crime to ruin this place. Besides the obvious inhabitants and the fact that this place probably had some terrible twist like most places, we ended up. The only place we've gone that I think wasn't malicious was...

The Car Wash...?

Wow, we're really unlucky.

A flock of a few dozen sheep milled about in the grassy meadow. It looked pretty normal, all things considered like some shepherd had just lost their flock, and now they were just hanging out here.

Besides the fact that they were the size of Hippos, I'm not a zoologist, but I don't think sheep can get that big.

I wonder if I can talk to them.

Just past them was a path leading up into the hills. At the top was a massive tree with something glittering in its branches.

The Golden Fleece. The thing that could save camp was just a short walk away.

"This feels too easy..." I muttered, squinting my eyes at the island, trying to see anything that could stop us if we got on the island. "Should I just walk up there and take it off the tree?"

"You said the same thing about Ares' shield at Waterland last time." Annabeth pointed out.

"Yeah, don't remind me," I groaned.

Annabeth's eyes scanned the meadow, her eyes narrowing, "There's supposed to be something guarding it. A dragon or somethin—"

Just as she talked, a deer emerged from the brush and started prancing around, looking for food.

"Awww, look at her! She's so cute!" I gushed, staring at the deer hop around.

Just as I finished my sentence, all the sheep bleated and rushed the deer. It all happened so fast that I blinked, and it was there. I blinked again, and it was covered in a mass of fluffy wool, tufts of fur, bones, and chunks of deer flesh spewed from the dog pile.

A few seconds later, all that was left were the bleached bones of the poor doe who'd been at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I placed a shaky hand over my mouth and whimpered. "I shouldn't have said anything..."

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