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[Y/N's POV]

My sleep was nice and undisturbed for the rest of the night. No weird blurry-faced women, no grimace playing baseball. Just nothingness. It was nice.

The sun beamed through an open window, waking me up. I stretched, letting out a big yawn as I did so. I was under the building, but the room I was in was on the outer part of the bottom floor, meaning a window was placed just right to let the sun burn my retinas.

Throwing myself out of bed, I made my way upstairs from the... Negative first floor? Ground floor? I don't know what to call it. The others were all digging into breakfast and noticed me finally appearing.

"So he lives!" Leah shouted, clearly in as good a mood as when I'd left her last night.

I hope she took what I said to heart.

"Yup, I am very much alive. Just extremely sleepy." I yawned, taking a seat next to Annabeth.

A plate appeared in front of me: pancakes, not just any pancakes. Chocolate pancakes.

I bit my lip In anticipation, "Gods, you look delicious right now..."

"What did you just say!?" Annabeth shrieked.

"I WAS TALKING TO THE PANCAKES!" I shouted back, slathering them in maple syrup and gobbling them up in less than a minute flat.

I put the dish in the sink and washed what was already there.

I suddenly remembered something.

"I remember what the Aphrodite kids called me when I'd have them over for lunch!"

"What's that?" Lou asked.

"They said I'd make a good House Husband."

The Simultaneous clanging of silverware hitting plates, the countertop, or the floor sounded off in unison.

"Or was it MaleWife? I can't remember."

Lou looked furious, Leah seemed to be thinking about the implications of what I'd said, and Annabeth was biting the inside of her cheek.

"What?" I inquired, confused. "It's just a compliment saying I'm a good cook. And good at chores, I guess?"

"I really wanna see what they see in you, Honey. I can hardly get you to clean your room at home!" My mom yelled, yanking on my ear.

"Ow, ow! Well, I kind of HAVE to do stuff for myself there. I live alone in my cabin, so I've picked up some skills, I guess."

"A likely story..." she said, pulling on my ear a little harder. "At least I know I can make you do chores more often."

I groaned at that, me and my big mouth...

"So, what should we do today?" Lou blurted, trying to get me out of my precarious spot.

Mom finally let go of my ear and took off her apron. "Well, there's a boat in the garage. We could drag that out there and drive it around. We could swim, or if they've got the equipment, we could try wakeboarding."

"I'm down," Leah confirmed, getting out of her seat and going upstairs to change into something more fit for swimming.

"I don't know if I packed a swimsuit, but I'll check, " Annabeth said, racing up the stairs to check her suitcase.

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