Hotline Miami

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[Annabeth's POV]

Saltwater splashed Y/N's face, waking him up.

"Ack!" he yelped, wiping his tongue with the sleeve of his ruined shirt, "Saltwater got in my friggin mouth!"

I giggled at his unfortunate situation, "Maybe you shouldn't sleep with your mouth open, Bambi."

The Golden Fleece was still snuggly wrapped around us. My energy was completely restored, and my ribs were back where they should have been.

"You okay?" Y/N asked, turning to me.

"Yeah, I'm all good now." I assured him, resting my head against his back again, "How are you?"

"I'm Feeling like a million bucks, believe it or not," he said. I doubt he was lying, either. He had this silver glow radiating from him. I guess the Fleece had a special effect on him since it was Nature magic, and he was the son of the Nature Goddess.

He was warm, too. I fell asleep soon after he did because of the heat radiating from him. He was like a big space heater; considering how wet we'd all gotten from swimming, it was a welcome comfort.

I'd thought back to what'd happened on the island, him putting himself between the Piranha-sheep and Grover. The exchange he'd had with Clarisse while she was hoisting me over her shoulder. And, of course, how he'd killed Polyphemus.

I don't know why, but how he did it, how easy he made it look. It made me feel all weird.

"You were really cool," I mumbled, "Taking on Polyphemus by yourself like that."

"Oh, it was nothing," he said, "Believe me, after what he did to you. There was no way I was letting him live."

"You did that for me?"

"Mostly," he shrugged, "I'm not going to let someone hurt my best friend if I can help it. And if they do, I'm gonna make sure they never have the opportunity to do it again."

For some reason, being called his best friend ticked me off. I guess it wasn't the title I wanted next to my name when he thought of me.

I remembered what he did before fighting Polyphemus and asked him, "Why did you think it was a good idea to play Piranha-Sheep tamer back there? What if they didn't listen to you?"

He shrugged me off, "Eh, I had faith in my abilities. I could talk to at least one of Cerberus' heads, and I can talk to normal sheep. I figured my abilities extended to carnivorous sheep, too."

"Still," I pressed, "There had to have been an easier way."

"Maybe there was, but in the heat of the moment, I didn't want Grover to get turned into sheep chow."

I wrapped myself tighter around him, "You're still not allowed to watch movies alone. I need to ensure you're not getting any more bad ideas from the movies you watch..."

"Oh, come on! The idea worked, didn't it? I'm alive, Grover is alive. We've got the fleece. If anything, I should watch more movies and get even dumber ideas from them."

"You're insufferable..." I huffed with a pout.

"Oh, be quiet. You love me!" He joked.

I snuggled my face into his back and mumbled, "You have no idea..."

"What was that?"

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