Oh No, He's Hot!

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[Thalia's POV]

I woke up in a cold sweat and was hyperventilating. I shot upward into a sitting position in whatever bed I was in. Looking around, this place must've been an infirmary of some sort.

"Hey, hey, you're alright now," a girl's voice rang out, gently pushing me back onto the bed.

"W-Where am I?" I wheezed.

"You're at Camp Half-Blood. This is the infirmary." She explained, "You passed out again last night, and we put you here for the night. I need you to drink some of this for me, alright?"

Tentatively taking the glass from her, I downed the entire thing in one go. My throat was incredibly dry.

"Where's Luke and Annabeth? Did they make it here alright?"

The girl tending to me froze at my question. She placed my empty glass and the other tool in her hand on the table and removed her surgical mask. "Things have changed a lot since you were last awake, Thalia. There have been some... Developments. To say the least. It's better if your tour guide tells you about it. He should be here any minute—"

The door creaked open behind her, revealing the guy she must've been referring to.

My breath hitched when he stepped into the room, the light illuminating his face as he walked toward me.

He was beautiful. 

There was no other way to put it. It was like somebody had decided to put everything I wanted in a guy into one person and plopped him down in front of me. He was about my height,  and had beautiful Heterochromatic eyes—one silver and one E/C.

"Heya, Doc. I've got it from here. I gotta ask her a few questions, then I'll be taking her off of your hands." He instructed the girl at the foot of my bed.

"Sure thing, Y/N."

He put on glasses and grabbed a clipboard filled with notes, grabbing a pen as he sat down.

"Alright," he exhaled, tapping the pen against the paper. "I'm Doctor L/N, and I'm just gonna be asking you some questions for you if you don't mind."

"You're not a doctor!" the girl from earlier shouted from the other end of the room.

"Be quiet, Leah! " he shouted back and turned to me again. "She just can't let me have any fun."

"Yeah..." I mumbled, absorbing his features.

"Well!" he started again, flipping to the second page of his stack of papers on the clipboard. "Let's start with something easy. Who are you?"

"Yours..." I whispered breathlessly

He cocked an eyebrow at me, turning to Leah with a look of confusion. "Okay, that's odd. It says your name here is 'Thalia Grace,' but I might have to get that changed." He scratched out something on the clipboard, "First name, 'Yours,' man. Your parents weren't great at naming, were they?"

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