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   "Mom, which dress did you like best?"   THE QUESTION HUNG in the air as the said lady sat on the leather cough with her hands clasped modestly as her thumbs fiddled with each other

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   "Mom, which dress did you like best?"
  THE QUESTION HUNG in the air as the said lady sat on the leather cough with her hands clasped modestly as her thumbs fiddled with each other. Her lips formed a pout as her temple creased with contemplation. Before her mom could say anything—as she was too busy thinking—her little brother spoke his preference. "I think the second dress was the best because it matched with your complexion."

Seulhyun frowned, all of them are white so how can one be better than another in matching her complexion?

Her brother pressed his lips and pointed at the current dress she was wearing, which was the fourth dress. "This dress just feels rather...eh," he shrugged, "but when you wore the second dress, it's bound to steal glances."

Her father began nodding, understanding the boy's statement as they both high-fived each other. Seulhyun looked at them in confusion, face scrunched as she tried to decipher his explanation. What does he mean by 'eh'? Is it too plain? Or was the design unflattering on her body? Or was it actually too bejeweled? There were so many things he could mean from his choice of words, but Seulhyun didn't bother to ask as she focused on her mother, knowing she can trust her mother's words the most in fashion.

To be honest, she could have chosen the easy path and called Choi Yeonjun, the best tailor in the world, to the castle but she knew inviting her parents to the castle for her dress selection will make them uneasy and constant on their highest alert. So instead, she much rather go to the best boutique in town—at least they could voice out their thoughts more openly.

"The first was elegant, it hugged your body but it felt monotone because of the lack of jewels or embroidery. The second one was show-stopping with the enormous gown and trail, with the complex embroidery and lace. Meanwhile, the third one was smaller but more flowy. This one," she pointed at the dress she was wearing, "is beautiful, especially the bow on the back and how it highlights your waist."

She paused and continued, "But, I disagree. I think the third dress suited you the most. It wasn't too simple but not too extravagant- it was just right."

Seulhyun smiled, enjoying the detailed explanation unlike her brother's...

"The drape over the shoulders really sold it as it still showed your arms since its lace material." Her mom ended on a bright note as the men couldn't help but he persuaded by her after the lengthy explanation.
"Now that you said it, mom, I agree with you." Her little brother quickly switched.

"This one is rather revealing." Her father finally added, his eyes shut as his head spun in disapproval, "It shows too much." Seulhyun laughed at her father's comment as she silently agreed. She didn't really feel comfortable in it, but if her family had said this was the best then she would have wore it.

Suddenly, her mom sighed heavily, "I can't believe you're getting wedded already." Her voice came out as a whisper, breaking the jovial atmosphere into a bittersweet one. "Niki is a good man though, so I'm grateful it's him you're marrying and not a creep." She said.

Seulhyun chuckled, slightly proud she could attract such a high quality person. "Don't worry, if he does anything that pesters me, I'll immediately tell you." She whispered as if it was a daring secret, everyone laughed, certain that Niki would rather destroy the world than do anything to hurt her.

"Have you decided on the rings?" Her father brought up which Seulhyun nodded to. Niki and her had designed their wedding rings not long ago, carefully selecting the gems they wanted in the ring. The both of them decided on something rather simple but elegant; a golden ring embedded with tiny carats of diamond around the outer edge and each other's signature in the inner side of the ring. They both coherently agreed that it wouldn't be a fuss to clean and it would be the most practically to work with as the gem doesn't bulge out of the ring.
"It's already in the making."
"What about the location decorations?"
"That is still in discussion, but we've decided the theme."
"Will it be outdoors?"
"Most likely."


   AFTER SPENDING HALF her day with her family, Seulhyun finally arrived back at the castle. Now, with her weary bones, she flopped onto her bed as it squeaked under her weight as her arms spread out, her chest rising up and down rhythmically. Today was a tiring yet productive day, so she was satisfied with all of the things she had done. From practicing her witchery skills to documents she had to deal with upon her practice for the princess title.

In her moment of rumination, a knock was heard from her door, without her response, Niki had gone into her room with a wide smile on his face. They hadn't been able to see each other the entire day.

Seulhyun immediately opened her arms and Niki quickly invited himself into her embrace as they laid on her bed, softly breathing in each other's presence. Niki flipped their positions so Seulhyun wasn't squished by his weight and asked about her day. "Was it tiring?"
Seulhyun nodded and Niki stroked her hair, sighing as he felt guilty for burdening her with the royalty standards.

"I'm sorry." He said and Seulhyun shook her head, "You're not at fault, I want to be your lover, Niki, so let me earn it."

Niki furrowed his brows, "You don't have to earn the title as my lover because you've owned it the moment you laughed in front of me." He revealed, causing Seulhyun to scoff in disbelief by his cheesiness. "I'm telling the truth!"
"I didn't say you lied!"
"But you scoffed!"

"Well..." Seulhyun sat up and laughed followed by Niki, who instead merely stared at her. Once Seulhyun's laughter melted in the air, she took notice of his unwavering eyes on her. She tilted her head, questioning the thoughts clearly floating in his head.

"What are you thinking about?" Seulhyun asked as she crossed her legs.

Niki frowned and said, "Why do you call me Niki?"

"My real name is Riki, you should start calling me that." He told, his lips slightly protruding as he spoke. Seulhyun raised her brows as surprise reflected off her face, "I don't know, I was just used to calling you Niki."

"Besides, it suits you well."
"My real name is much better."
Seulhyun nodded along him as they laid back down, her head on his arm as Niki has his body facing her, his other arm wrapped around her waist. "Try it. Call me Riki." Niki breathed out.

Seulhyun smiled shyly and rolled her eyes, turning her back towards him. "I'm tired, don't disturb me...Riki."
Upon hearing the name slipped off of her tongue Niki couldn't hold back his excitement as he peppered kisses all over her exposed cheek, earning a squeal from the brunette. "Niki, stop!"

"That tickles!" Her laugh bounced against the walls as Niki continued to smother her in love. The evening ended in a chorus of laughter and love as the both of them appreciated each other's presence, hoping for the awaited day to finally come.

I hope you enjoy the final moments for this couple before the story closes 😞I'll miss them ❤️‍🩹

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I hope you enjoy the final moments for this couple before the story closes 😞
I'll miss them ❤️‍🩹

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