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   THE WALK HOME was oddly nostalgic. In a blink of an eye, they had arrived at Seulhyun's house. After explaining the whole situation to her family, everyone had mixed reactions. Her father and brother were shocked but knew moving was the most appropriate action to take. Unfortunately for her, her mother didn't seem to be on the same page as all of them. How could she possibly leave everything behind?

This house contains everything she holds dear to her—the memories, the setting, all of it. Seulhyun pursed her lips when she caught her mother's gaze. It was full of desperation and reluctance.

"Mom.." Seulhyun sighed, "if we don't go, we'll end up losing everything." Her plead rang in the air and her mom squeezed her eyes shut, scrunching her gown into her palms. "Fine."

"Are we going to walk there?"
Seulhyun glanced at Niki and both of them shared a wary look with each other. "Not exactly."

Her mom frowned, "Then how do you suppose we go to The Enlypse Kingdom?" Seulhyun smiled awkwardly and stepped sideways. "So, uh, I have a companion actually."

"His name is Buddy, he is very loving actually- competitive as well,"—Niki rolled his eyes—"He's cute too!"
Her father raised a keen brow at her. Why was she rambling on about her 'companion', "It's an owl, isn't it?" Her brother grimaced. He's not fond of birds whether big or small.

Seulhyun waved both her hands, dismissing his idea. "It's way better than an owl." She boasted.

Then, Seulhyun sensed a familiar presence approached them. In the next second, a big impact landed in front of their house. Niki looked at the dragon with brows raised a smirk playing on his lips. "Show off."

The brunette girl beamed with happiness, running to her companion, giving the biggest hug she could. Buddy shook his head with happiness upon seeing her.

On the other hand, her whole family had their jaw dropped on the floor. What in the bloody hell is that? "Is- is that a bloody dragon?!!!" Her brother screamed, shielding himself behind their father. "Dear, I think- that's quite-" Her father stuttered.

Seulhyun smiled, leaning on her dragon. Niki shook his head, chuckling, "This will be our ride home. Although he can be quite troublesome," —The dragon growled at Niki as if it understood him, which earned a frightened reaction from the family members—"He sure is an efficient travel service."

Niki yelped when Seulhyun punched him on the arm. "What's that for?!" Even though he clearly knew the reason behind the punch.
"He's more than just a travel service!"

Niki faced the dragon and questioned the dragon, his eyes sharp yet his mouth formed a wide smile. "Oh, really?" He placed his hand on Buddy's nose, "Are you really more than a travel service?" He teased, leaning down towards the dragon.

Buddy only huffed but did nothing to remove Niki's hand on itself.

"Are you all done packing?" Seulhyun abided their banter and asked her family. "Because we don't have the luxury of time at the moment."
Immediately, her family bolted into their humble abode and took the things they needed.

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