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Chapter 4: Playing a Game of Tag

Ayumi's irritation barely registered as she processed the absurdity of the situation. *Tag? Seriously?* Her eyes flicked around the room, her disinterest palpable. She leaned against the wall, crossing her arms with an air of casual boredom. *What a joke,* she thought, half-amused. *Wonder how many of them will get a ball to the face. At least that might be entertaining.*

"The time limit is 136 seconds," Ego's voice boomed from the wall-mounted monitor, as indifferent as ever. "If you get hit with the ball, you're 'it.' Whoever's 'it' when the time runs out has to piss off back home. And remember, no using your hands. Those are the rules."

Ayumi sighed, almost too lazy to care, but her analytical mind kicked in automatically. "In a 90-minute match, a player touches the ball for an average of 136 seconds," she said, her voice flat, eyes half-lidded. "So, the one who can't get it done in that time gets eliminated, right? And this room... it's the size of a penalty area."

The room fell silent as everyone turned to her, but Ayumi didn't even bother to meet their gazes. Ego grinned on the monitor, clearly pleased. "You're absolutely right, Ayumi. This is a practical exercise to test just that. Starting now."

The monitor cut off, replaced by a countdown as a ball dropped from the ceiling, landing with a thud in front of a beefy guy-Nameoka Ryo, rank 252. *Lowest-ranked player,* Ayumi mused, not particularly interested.

Nameoka's face twisted in anger as he locked onto two other players-a guy with purple hair and one with white. He hurled the ball at them with a fury that seemed way too intense for a game like this. Ayumi didn't even flinch; she was too far off in her corner to care. *This is so pointless.*

Time ticked away, but Ayumi's mind wandered. She barely registered the commotion until another player, moving with surprising speed, grabbed the ball. The screen flashed: Zantetsu Tsurugi, rank 241. *So this guy's the top dog in Team V?*

"Throughout heaven and earth, I alone run solo," Zantetsu declared, clearly proud of himself.

Ayumi stifled a yawn, her interest waning again. *Does he even know what he's talking about?*

"You mean 'Honored one'?" Purple Hair corrected, sounding amused.

Zantetsu bristled. "Eh? Glasses-kun, what are you doing?" Nagi's voice cut in, sounding confused.

Zantetsu, oblivious to his mistake, shot forward with impressive speed. "Too bad, it's my win," he announced, clearly expecting some sort of recognition.

Ayumi rolled her eyes. *Does this guy even know how the game works?*

"...What?" Zantetsu blinked in confusion. "The game stops when someone else becomes 'it,' right? Don't I win if I steal the ball?"

A scream tore through the room as Nameoka erupted. "W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU IDIOT?! GIVE ME BACK THE BALL! THE GUY WHO'S IT AT THE END LOSES!"

Laughter broke out around the room, but Ayumi barely cracked a smile. *This is just sad.*

Zantetsu adjusted his glasses, his face flushed with embarrassment. "Ehhhhh? Uh... end loses?..."

Ayumi let out a small sigh. *What a waste of time.*

Purple Hair's laughter filled the room. "This guy's the best! He's totally stupid! A natural-born idiot!"

*Harsh,* Ayumi thought, but she couldn't bring herself to care.

"The way he tries to sound smart by saying difficult words... yup, he looks and talks like an idiot."

Zantetsu's jaw clenched, his irritation evident. "Only idiots call other people idiots," he muttered.

Ayumi's gaze sharpened slightly as Zantetsu suddenly bolted, dribbling with a speed that was impressive, even to her. He zigzagged across the room, trying to salvage his pride. "The boughs that bear most," he started, launching the ball in a sharp curve, "are locusts!!"

Purple Hair wasn't impressed. "You mean 'hang lowest'." The ball curved around him, heading straight for Nagi's head.

Nagi dodged at the last second, and Ayumi barely noticed as the ball sailed past him-right towards her. She didn't react in time.

The ball hit her square in the face, hard enough to make her stumble. The room went silent as the ball bounced to the ground at her feet.

*Of all the-* Ayumi's thoughts scattered as she held her nose, checking for blood. Luckily, there wasn't any, but the sting was enough to pull her out of her apathy.

Zantetsu's panicked face was almost comical as he stammered out an apology. "I- I am so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Shut it, idiot," Ayumi snapped, her tone icy and impatient. The room seemed to hold its breath as she stepped forward, her foot on the ball, her expression betraying nothing but mild annoyance. She glanced at the timer-*50 seconds left.*

With a bored flick, she sent the ball up, catching it midair with a sharp kick aimed directly at Zantetsu's face. He barely managed to dodge, the ball grazing his hair as it hit the wall behind him.

Ayumi didn't stop. She sent another shot, this time at his groin. He jumped just in time, narrowly avoiding the hit.

*Panicking?* Ayumi thought with a smirk. *You wish.*

She wasn't even trying that hard. Each shot was more of a test of her own precision than a real attempt to hit him. She could see Zantetsu tiring, his movements growing less sharp. The others watched in silence, too stunned to speak.

With 15 seconds left, Ayumi decided to wrap it up. She turned, kicking the ball towards the wall behind her before sprinting after it with a speed that left the others wide-eyed. As the ball rebounded, she leapt, twisting in midair to deliver a perfect bicycle kick that sent the ball rocketing towards Zantetsu.

It struck him with a satisfying thud, sending him crashing into the wall. Ayumi landed effortlessly, not even winded, and spared him a glance as he crumpled.

"Eat that," she muttered, barely interested in the outcome as she walked back to her corner and lay down, closing her eyes. *I really need more of a challenge...*

"...She's... asleep?" Purple Hair asked, his voice breaking the stunned silence.

"YOU'RE IT AGAIN, IDIOT!" Nameoka yelled, breaking Ayumi's brief respite.

Zantetsu groaned, dragging himself to his feet. "I see... then if I win... all you guys are the idiots!" He charged forward, the ball in hand, but Ayumi didn't bother to watch.

Her eyes fluttered open when she heard the ball slam into something hard-a wall, maybe. She sat up just in time to see it flying across the room, only to be intercepted by Nagi with ease.

"Ah... that's not good..." Nagi muttered, handling the ball like it was second nature as he aimed another shot at Zantetsu.

*Please hit. Please hit. Please hit...* Ayumi thought, almost hopeful. But Zantetsu dodged at the last second.

*Goddammit...* Ayumi sighed inwardly.

Nameoka's shout barely registered before the ball found its mark-his groin. He let out a strangled yelp, flying across the room as the timer hit zero.

The monitor flashed, displaying Nameoka's name one final time before the word 'LOSE' appeared in big, bold letters.

*Damn,* Ayumi thought, barely interested.

She glanced over as Purple Hair grabbed Nagi, shouting something before Nagi responded saying 'Reo.' *So that's his name,* she noted absently.

*I'm going to go insane without Oreos...* she thought, already drifting back into half-consciousness as the chaos around her became nothing more than background noise.

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