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Chapter 5: "I really want my phone."

*Mild(?) swearing, from here on out :)*

Ayumi sat criss-cross in her usual corner, lazily skimming the rules of Blue Lock and the goal bonus offers flashing on the large monitor.

"Those rules...!" someone started.
"Blue Lock first selection..." another continued.

"I see... that means-" Zantetsu began.
"The objective of the first selection is to score 10 goals, trade those points with this bonus thingy, get that one-day pass, and escape the hell out of here," he concluded, earning a tired sigh from Ayumi. Just how dumb can he get, Ayumi thought with disinterest.

"Totally wrong, you moron," Reo stated flatly from his futon.

"Reo, I'm bored," Nagi said, staring at the ceiling. "Are there any board games lying around? I'd even take a deck of cards at this point."

"Stop complaining, Nagi. If this is the first selection, there's bound to be more later. If they're serious about creating the world's best striker, eventually, we're all gonna be rivals... but first, we need to survive and advance with everyone in Team V. Let's do this, guys!" Reo tried to rally the team, causing Ayumi to stifle a yawn as she slumped further into her corner.

"I want a team that centers around my playmaking ability," Reo continued, "But what are your thoughts?" *Like he's actually gonna listen, Ayumi mused, feeling more bored by the second. He probably thinks he's the main character.

"Wait, if we're Team V," some guy with shoulder-length hair started, "that means there are a lot of seriously strong guys ahead of us."

"That suits me just fine~ This is gonna be fun." Reo answered, making Ayumi roll her eyes in disbelief. Is this guy mentaly okay?

"What..." Nagi said, his voice trailing off into thought.

"Looks like our opponents will..." Zantetsu began.

"Here it comes," Ayumi muttered under her breath.

"...be worth the adversity," Zantetsu finished, causing Ayumi to smirk slightly at his predictability.

"Called it." She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

"Did I get that right?" Zantetsu asked, genuinely seeking validation.

"No, dumbass," Ayumi responded without even looking up.

"Not even close," someone else muttered, sharing her disinterest.

"...Idiot," Reo added, unimpressed.

The screen flickered before the familiar face of Ego appeared. Great way to start my day, Ayumi groaned inwardly.

"Well, hello there, you unpolished gems," Ego began, his voice dripping with condescension. "Just now, Team X and Team Z kicked off their match. In just a few moments... Team V versus Team Y will begin. 'My own goals' or 'the team's victory'? The first selection will determine your fate as strikers. This is a battle about... rebuilding your soccer from zero!"

Who gives a damn? Ayumi thought, already half-tuned out.


'TEAM V VS TEAM Y,' the monitor displayed as Ayumi reluctantly took her position at left wing-back, a role Reo had forced her into as his so-called 'wingman.' It annoyed her, but interacting with people was more tiring, so she simply nodded along.

At kickoff, Nagi passed the ball to Reo, who sped ahead. Ayumi stayed planted in her spot, eyes half-lidded as she watched the chaos unfold.

What the hell? she thought as she noticed all of Team Y charging at Reo, even the goalkeeper looking ready to sprint. Reo seemed just as baffled as she was, though her level of concern was minimal. As expected, a defender quickly stole the ball from him.

"Wha-" Reo stammered, clearly taken aback. "What are you... AREN'T WE ON THE SAME TEAM!?"

"The top scorer survives regardless, so I don't give a rat's ass about the team winning!!" the defender shot back. *This is all so dumb,* Ayumi thought, barely stifling another yawn.

"I'm the strongest striker!" someone shouted.
"Dream on, it's me!" another added.
"Shut up, it's me!" yet another disagreed.

Ayumi sighed, her thoughts drifting back to her phone. *I wish I had my phone...* she thought before recalling the goal bonuses she had skimmed over earlier.

**1pt.** 300g of sirloin steak.
**3pt.** Get cell phone back.
**5pt.** Deluxe bed.
**10pt.** One day pass.

Those offers are really tempting, Ayumi mused, her interest mildly piqued. As the ball was kicked out from a scramble of strikers, one player with bangs covering his eyes intercepted it. "Thanks... for the ball," he muttered, "I hate getting myself into vulgar hand-to-hand combat."

Not too long after, Reo slid in and took possession. "HAH!" He laughed, echoing the previous player's words. "Thanks for the ball!"

Seconds later, Zantetsu was at Reo's side, gripping his left arm. "Right back at you!"

"Goddammit, stupid Zantetsu!" Reo shouted.

"You still gonna call me that, Mikage Reo?" Zantetsu spat back before sprinting at full speed toward the opposing goal.

"Shit... this guy... is ridiculously fast..." Reo muttered, watching him. "I am not an idiot!!" Zantetsu shouted before launching the ball toward the goal with a speed that was almost absurd. It slammed into the net with a satisfying smack.


"UGH... WHAT ARE YOU DOING, GOALKEEPER!?" someone from Team Y yelled angrily.


"Alright," Zantetsu began, "time to strike the 'I am a genius' pose."

"Goddammit," Reo said in an annoyed tone, though he was smirking. "You'll regret that, stupid Zantetsu. Who the hell do you think you are messing with?!"

"Hmm... you're the smarty pants, right?" Zantetsu asked.

"Keep talking. I'll score the next one!" Reo shot back.

"You're like a moth flying through the air," Zantetsu quoted, incorrectly.

"It's 'into the flame,' you friggin' stupid insect!" Reo spat.

During the restart, Number 9 (Okawa) passed to Number 11 (?), but it wasn't long before they began bickering again. Ayumi, still leaning in her position, watched in silence, her face betraying nothing but boredom. I want my fucking phone, she thought for the hundredth time.

Reo was about to gain control of the loose ball, but, before anyone could register what happened, Ayumi had the ball and sprinted forward, her speed astonishing despite the lack of effort on her part. My fucking phone is on the line, she reasoned with herself as she tore through the field.

"S-SOMEONE STOP HER!!" someone from Team Y finally shouted, still in shock.

"FALL BACK!!" another screamed as Ayumi gracefully dodged defenders, moving with the ball as if it were second nature.

A defender managed to get in front of her, but Ayumi simply muttered, "Child's play," before kicking the ball between his legs and spinning around him with ease. It all happened so fast that the goalkeeper didn't even have time to react as she sent a perfect volley into the net.


"Two more..." Ayumi muttered under her breath, walking back to her position as if nothing had happened. Both her teammates and rivals stared at her in stunned silence, but Ayumi remained completely unfazed, returning to her post at left wing-back, as bored as ever. Everyone was still in the positions she left them in, staring at her in awe.

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