A/n 1

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A/n: Just a little something from me to you:

I might finish 3 chapters of the book later on but I just wanted to genuinely ask, HOW DID THIS BOOK GET NEARLY 100 VIEWS IN A DAY?!?!

I honestly made this for myself, but I hope yall enjoy this book too, I want to write as much as I can before the holiday ends, and so far, I'm doing pretty good.

Please. Please. PLEASE vote, I get unmotivated to post a chapter every 4 hours, I might even start once a month 😭. I beg of you 🛐

While you're here, just press the lil' star, it'll do you no harm and motivate me... :)

Anyway, thank yall for reading my book. (((o(*゚∀゚*)o)))

132 words

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