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A/n: scheduled short chapter. 11/10/24.
The artists for blue lock are so talented, they're not even being paid.

Chapter 17: training and second selection.

Ayumi's eyes fluttered open as she slowly sat up, the unfamiliar environment and bright overhead lights welcoming her.

A woman in a light pink dress and nurse's uniform was organizing medicine on the shelf in front of her.

Ayumi blinked at the woman she didn't recognize, her eyes furrowing slightly.

'did I die? Or maybe... Go in a coma... Then that whole blue shit thing was just a dream, right?-' "oh you're awake..." the nurse spoke up and Ayumi snapped out of her thoughts.

"obviously-" "great, then get out." the nurse said firmly, not even facing Ayumi.

Ayumi just stared at the nurse, her eyes squinting as she stared before making a 'tch'
Sound and standing up, "... rude but ok..." she simply said before approaching the door, just before she left the nurse spoke up, "you're friends are in the training room. Your team and team Z's match ended and you lost." she stated blankly and Ayumi couldn't help but deadpan at her before rolling her eyes and leaving.

'...you lost...You pathetic fuck.'

Ayumi shook her head, 'It's not my fault we lost... Team Z was just...'


The door to team V's training/gym room opened and Ayumi, everyone stopped what they were doing to look at her, "Ayumi?..." they all asked in unison, "sup." was the lazy response she gave before Zantetsu and Reo ran up to her, bombarding her with questions to which she just deadpanned to.

Nagi simply stared at her from the training bench he was on, a small smile tugging at his lips.
(I'm skipping training details cause there is really not much to say on it)

10 days of training later

Everyone was sleeping peacefully, until suddenly the TV screen in team V's room cracked to life, startling everyone, "at this time, blue locks first selection round has been completed for all wings. All players who cleared the first selection round, please put on your training suits and proceed to the underground central area for your respective wings."

'It's time for the second selection...' Ayumi made a mental(quite obvious) note to herself as she, and Team V walked down the long corridors she's grown to be familiar of.

As the automatic doors opened, Ayumi was greeted with blinding lights and giant screens on every wall in the enormous room, "ego sure likes being extra..." Ayumi heard Nagi mutter and she just nearly giggled, just nearly.

Once Ayumi was fully in the room, she spotted team Z, Y, X, and W, and... 'other people?'

Ayumi looked around confused when she noticed people she didn't recognize or remember playing with, 'maybe they're from the higher stratums?' she reasoned with herself before looking at their rankings, which said otherwise, 'all teams were repeated? What-'

Ego then appeared on the screens before Ayumi could overthink stuff, "hey there you lumps of talent. Good job on your physical training. Gathered here are 25 players from all 5 wings, all 125 of you cleared the first selection round. I'm sure the clever ones in here have already noticed, that only wing 5 exists in blue lock." Ayumi then knew her suspicions were correct.

"by Making you think you were in teams v-z at the bottom... You all fought like madmen in the first selection round." complaints began flying around.

"so all of us were told we were in wing 5?!?!"

"yeah that's right. I'm trying to kill your half-assed confidence, I created this scheme to produce the hungry mindset you need to become best in the world. Now then..."

"Let's start the second selection round."

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⏰ Last updated: 3 hours ago ⏰

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