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A/n: special thanks to BunnyBlossom5 for giving feedback on my previous chapter. She motivated me :)

Chapter 15: Team V vs Team Z.

"I'm Kuon Wataru from Team Z! We're gonna play you guys next. Would you be interested in some sort of deal?"

"Hmm? Deal?" Zantetsu asked, still chewing his food.

"Who the hell are you?" Reo asked blankly, even though the guy just introduced himself.

"It's a super great deal for Team V." Kuon added, ignoring Reo.

"Like a win-win?" Zantetsu asked.

"Yeah, it's a win-win type of deal!" Kuon replied, a smirk on his face.

"Simply put, I'll tell you all of our strategies and data," he continued yapping, "while Team V wins via a clean sheet! To be more specific... blah blah..."

At this point Ayumi was dozing of to this annoying guys voice. Even Nagi looked annoyed at him, if not ever so slightly.

"Blah blah blah, so?! How about it?! Let's Team up?!" He finally concluded.

Zantetsu: "I'll pass."
Nagi: "what a pain."
Reo: "sounds boring."
Ayumi: "You're so fucking desperate, it's pathetic..."

Everyone responded blankly.

"...eh..." was all Kuon responded.

"Come on Reo, I'm over this conversation, even chewing is a pain. Let's go, and carry me." Nagi told Reo.

"Nagi, we brought you here because you said you wanted to eat!" Reo told Nagi while carrying him.

"Sorry, but I'm over it now"

Zantetsu and Ayumi also got up.

"W-wait! Just hear me out!" Kuon shouted.

"Hey Reo, why's this guy so desperate?" Nagi asked Reo.

"Cause he wants to win." Reo responded.

"Hmmm...."Nagi started,"weak guys who have to try hard to win, are such a pain."

"I'd rather just give up." Nagi blankly stated, "Hey Reo, is football so interesting that you'd still want to play even if you lose?"

"Hey... wait." Someone else called out causing the four to turn around, Reo was the first to speak, "and you are?..."

The boy ignored him, "Don't underestimate football!!"

A/n: shortest chapter I've written so far since it's Friday morning and I have to go to school.

353 words

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