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Chapter 12: "screw you, 'king'"

Ayumi found herself standing (again-third time, fourth? Who's counting) on the field, positioned as always at right center back.

The person from their last failed Team V meeting was there, stiff as a statue. 'What was his name again? Barrel? Bowels?' Ayumi wondered before shrugging internally. 'Who tf cares anyway...'

Reo: "Now... let's make this quick," he said, stretching casually.

Zantetsu: "Unbeatable," he added, adjusting his glasses with a confident air.

Nagi: "Yep yep," came Nagi's laid-back response.

Ayumi: "the fuck am I doing with my life...?" she muttered to herself.


The whistle blew, and Barou charged forward like a tank. Zantetsu moved in to challenge him, struggling a bit but managing to slow him down.

"Nice job, Zantetsu," Reo seemed to appear out of nowhere, swiftly kicking the ball out of Barou's control. "Hey, constantly pissed-off spiky hair guy. Did you really think you could beat us alone?" he taunted.

"Nice, Reo," Zantetsu complimented. The ball rolled into Ayumi's range. *Oh... didn't expect that...* she thought, blankly one-touching it over to Nagi.

"Counter!" Reo shouted.

"Understood," Nagi responded, sending the ball back to Reo, who trapped it smoothly with his chest.

"Like I said, this'll be quick and easy."

What happened next? You know the routine...


Reo jumped up, pulling Ayumi and Nagi into a celebratory huddle, high-fiving Zantetsu with enthusiasm. Ayumi glanced over her shoulder, noticing Barou's teammates surrounding him, their voices loud with frustration. Barou's response was sharp: "Like I give a shit, you retards."

'Okay, but like, calling someone a retard is actually crazy though,' Ayumi thought, her attention snapping back to the moment.

Barou continued, his voice dripping with disdain. "What kind of king gives a shit about his dead servants? I've already lent you my strength once. Will it be my fault if we lose? You lot don't even have the resolve of a human being."

Even Reo and Nagi paused to listen to the rant. Ayumi felt a shiver run down her spine before she started snickering. Reo and Nagi turned to her, bewildered, as she tried and failed to hold back her laughter, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. She shrugged off Reo's hand, which was still draped over her shoulder, and casually walked back to her position.

"Let's finish this guy off," she said with a smirk, glancing over her shoulder at the trio, a familiar golden aura radiating from her.

"...he might be a worthy opponent," Ayumi mused with a mischievous grin.


A/N: I'd fold for Nagi.
Short chapter again, but it's a Monday night (Eastern time), so spare me.
Peace out.

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