6 (her story)

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Chapter 6: Ayumi's story.

Ayumi Aya was born into a world that had no place for her. Abandoned as an infant, she spent her earliest years in the cold, unforgiving streets of Tokyo. She was a child with no name, no family, and no home-a ghost drifting through alleyways, surviving on scraps, and the occasional kindness of strangers who barely noticed her Life was a relentless struggle, each day a battle just to stay alive.

But even amidst the harshness of the streets, Ayumi discovered something that gave her a fleeting sense of purpose: a tattered soccer ball she found discarded in a dumpster. It was deflated, worn out, but it became her only companion. Kicking that ball around the empty lots and abandoned buildings became her escape from the bleak reality of her life. Her natural talent was undeniable, even at such a young age. The ball seemed to move as if it were an extension of her, responding to her every thought and emotion. But in those moments of play, there was no joy, only a hollow distraction from the loneliness that consumed her.

One night, as she played alone under a streetlamp, an elderly couple happened to pass by. The man, a wealthy businessman, and his wife, a woman who had long yearned for a child, were struck by the sight of the tiny girl, her face pale and gaunt, her eyes filled with a sadness far beyond her years. They approached her, and in that moment, their hearts broke for the child who had known nothing but abandonment and hardship. They took her in, giving her a name, Ayumi Aya, and a life that most could only dream of.

The couple showered Ayumi with everything she had never known: warmth, comfort, security, and love-at least, the kind of love they knew how to give. Their mansion became her home, filled with every luxury she could imagine. Private tutors, the best coaches, designer clothes, and gourmet meals-all were hers for the taking. But Ayumi felt nothing. The opulence that surrounded her only served to deepen the void inside her. The comfort of her new life was a stark contrast to the struggles she had known, yet the emptiness remained.

Her new parents enrolled her in the finest soccer academies, where her talent quickly set her apart. Coaches marvelled at her skills, and soon enough, she was winning trophies, breaking records, and becoming the star her parents had always dreamed of having. But every victory felt like a hollow echo, every cheer from the crowd a distant noise that barely reached her heart. She played not because she loved the game but because it was the only thing she knew how to do.

As she grew older, the loneliness that had followed her from the streets never left her. She moved through her luxurious life like a shadow, always distant, always detached. Her parents, though well-meaning, could never understand the depth of her despair. They saw only the success, the accolades, and the bright future ahead of her. They never saw the nights Ayumi spent staring out the window of her lavish bedroom, wondering why she felt so empty in a life that was supposed to be full.

Even in the midst of wealth and privilege, Ayumi was still that lost child, abandoned on the streets with no one to hold her. The soccer field, once her only escape, had become just another place where she felt alone. The more she achieved, the more isolated she became. Her teammates envied her, her coaches pushed her, and her parents praised her, but none of them could reach the broken girl inside.

By the time she reached 16, Ayumi had everything she could ever need-except the one thing she had always longed for: a connection, a sense of belonging. She was surrounded by people, yet utterly alone. The luxury of her life had become a gilded cage, trapping her in a world where nothing truly mattered.

In the end, Ayumi Aya was a girl of two worlds: one of unimaginable wealth and success, and one of unending loneliness and despair. She had risen from the streets to the heights of luxury, but in her heart, she was still that little girl, cold, hungry, and forgotten, searching for something she could never find. And no amount of money, fame, or success could ever fill the emptiness inside her.
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Full Name: Ayumi Aya.

Birthday: 27th March 2007

Current Age: 17 years old

Likes: her phone, Oreos, non-talkative people, sleep, "did I already say oreos?"

Dislikes: talkative people, physical contact, people who cry a lot, crowds, soccer *for now ;)*

Appearance: waist-length white hair( bro is NOT Gojo), pale skin, golden eyes, shaped body, light rose lips, short bangs.

A/n: my favourite oc, fr :)
It's not really a necessary chapter. it's just so you know why she acts the way she does.

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