Chapter 13

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𝖤𝖯 𝟣𝟥



"Luna , please stop crying , sweetie , it's not good for your eyes" Vic patted my back comforting me as I was laying on my bed crying my eyes out for 3 days straight because of a jerk called Pedri González .

"I-it hurts hurts so much...why would I do such a thing? Why did I put my full trust on him? Why did I? I didn't even know him , it looks like I didn't at all" I sniffed "I only saw his mask and fell for it , not for his real self . His pretty words , his gental gestures towards me , it made me feel so was all my fault , only 3 months it took him to make me fall for him...I hate myself for being such a rookie in love"

"Luna , please calm down , I know you are hurt right now" she said "But I felt that Pedri also had a thing for you...but maybe he is afraid to tell you-"

I cutted her off "Are you kidding? You're kidding , right? Maybe he wanted you guys to think that . I met him in a wrong way and we went on our ways in the worst way possible...I'm not suprised by him...What do I expect by someone who just tries to escape from his father? A rebel . I won't care if I saw him dead on the sewers"

"You don't mean that , bae" Vic said .

"Of course I do! Why would you think that?" I asked her almost a little annoyed .

"Because I know you better than anyone love him through all his problems and his shitty behaviour...your heart beats for him" she said making me chuckle in disbelieve .

Do I? Does my heart accept him even though he is like that?

Then she continued "Believe me , when I say that...he loves you . He has a good heart Luna . Pedri didn't want to hurt you more , that is why he left..." She stopped...she looks like she is trying to not go further with this , what does she mean by not wanting to hurt me more? she then spoke again "Your mouth says the opposite of what your heart wants to say"

"N-no...I don't" I cover my face with my hands in frustration "Stop saying that!"

"Stop denying your feelings , let them flow , girl!" Luna shook my body .

"Look where I am because of them!" I yelled her "Why can't you understand , are you stupid? What would you know? Have you ever spend a night with someone you thought loved you but then tomorrow he said he doesn't give a fuck about you? He is a bastard!"

After saying those words I felt regret fill my body as I look at her face . I shouldn't have yelled at her like this...why did I shout at her? it's not even her fault! I'm such an idiot!

Then Victoria got up from the bed .

"Vic I-"

"Before you curse someone and accuse them of lying...try to look at their eyes to see the truth...eyes are the mirror of the soul" she said and I just kept staring at her "I have to go now , I'll see you later"

After she gave me a weak smile , with that she left my house .

What does she mean by those words?...Try and look into his eyes? But it seemed to me he was completely fine with it...

How can you be so reckless with my heart Pedri González?


I was in my balcony , puffing the smoke of my cigar out . Remembering the past was a regular thing to me , an everyday basis , it haunts me , every little second I lived . Fuck my life...I dont even have an idea what I'm doing with it . Everything is upside-down . I'm running away from my own family , I've lost her , I lost Luna forever now , I'm a fucked up person...

I don't want to continue this hell of a life anymore . I don't want to continue my criminal life anymore . I'm becoming insane .


Yes , I am one .


Because I'm hopeless . It all started 6 years ago...everything in my life had no meaning...I was so careless about myself...drug deals? Nah , that was nothing...taking them made me go even more insane...I fucked my life up since I was 16 years old , I had the worst friends...friends?...I wouldn't call them that , they were just...addicted people , degraded me . I guess we all wanted the same thing from each other . We didnt care about friendship , not really , we only wanted one thing from each other and that was...marijuana . It's just making me go even crazier continuing it , still . Why am I? I already have the answer , why do I even ask?

Me and Ferran...went through it together...he was my best brother , every moment I shared with him .

Gavi , Fermin , Pablo , Lamine , Araújo and Ansu...We were childhood friends , but as stupid as I was I never payed attention to them , I thought they were weird and goody two shoes to be hanging out with me , we were too different from eachother , more as I was too different from them , I didn't deserve to be their friend , so that is why I stayed away from them...I didnt know what the heck friendship was...

But they found me when I was at the worst of myself...I was so alone , darkness was killing me , but these guys helped me , they brought light into my darkness , I was never so happy in my entire life until I met them...

As I though my life couldnt get any better , I met the love of my life at 18 . She was the prettiest girl I ever saw in my life . She was perfect . Everything about her was perfect...her body , her shiny eyes , her pink lips . Every time she whole world lit up . She made me feel things I never felt before . I was so suprised how could I get so lucky to have her in my life , she did everything for me , she turned me into the best of me . I felt complete after so many years . I never loved anyone in my life as much as I loved her . But can my life just crush down in a blink of an eye? Yes , yes it can .

That night...haunting me until this day...the last time I saw her beautiful eyes...

It was all my fault...I'm at fault , for her passing...


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