𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 - 23

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No one's POV:

Taehyung's body was utterly spent, he lay on the bed next to her, his eyes were closed, a satisfied smile on his face. His hand reached out, gently caressing her cheek as he spoke,

"Doll.... that was.. incredible...." He said in a raspy, satisfied whisper

"Yes but..what we just did.."

"What're you worried about, doll? We both wanted this, didn't we?" his eyes still closed as he spoke,

"We did but it was.. forbidden I guess? Having sex with my.. kidnapper who kidnapped me some months ago..?"

"Forbidden... or destiny?" He asked as he opened his eyes, turning onto his side to face her. He reached out, his hand gently caressing her cheek

"Maybe... there's a reason why we were drawn to each other like this, doll.. Maybe it was always supposed to be this way, it was meant to be this way, no matter how messy or complicated it might seem to outsiders..." He said softly

"Coincidence or.. destiny ?" She asked

"Destiny... I prefer destiny."

"I don't believe in coincidences, doll. Especially not when it comes to us"

"But destiny is like a rollercoaster right..?" She asked

"You're right, doll. Destiny is a lot like a rollercoaster. It's wild, unexpected, and sometimes it can be a bit scary." He spoke again, "But isn't that the beauty of it? The uncertainty, the thrill of the ride?"

"God knows how long destiny will keep us together but.." she paused for a moment, "You'll be my most favorite chapter of my life.."

His smile turned bittersweet as she said it, her words hitting him right in the heart. He knew she were right, that whatever this was between them, it could be fleeting and ephemeral. But that didn't matter to him.

"And you... will be my most favorite chapter of MY life. No matter what happens, I'm gonna cherish every moment we have together.."

"I'm scared, what if everything disappears?" She asked, there was a hint of vulnerability in her voice

"I can't promise you that everything will be perfect. I can't promise you that things will stay the same. But I CAN promise you this: I will do everything in my power to protect what we have. And no matter what happens, I will never give up on us.. as long as im alive.."

He said those words and she showed him a bittersweet smile, he returned her bittersweet smile, his heart aching at the mix of hope and uncertainty in her expression. He knew the road ahead might be tough, but he was willing to face it if it meant being with her

"We'll get through it, doll.. Together."


"Yes doll?"

"Um..nope nothing"

"No, no, don't try to brush it off. You were about to ask me something. Out with it, doll."

"Why are you.. caring that much about me? I'm basically no one to you.. then why? Aren't we just the kidnapper and his victim?"

"Who are you to me? You're... everything."

"You're not just the victim to me, doll. You're not just a victim. You're way more than that. You're... my destiny."

"Yeah, I abducted you, held you prisoner. But you... you got under my skin. You took over my thoughts. You changed me. For better or for worse, I don't know." He exclaimed as He looked into her eyes,

"But I do know this: I don't want to be apart from you. I don't want to imagine a life without you in it"

He waited silently as she lost herself in her thoughts after listening those words, his eyes studying her intently. He could see the conflict in her face, the mixture of fear and uncertainty. He wanted to know what was going on in her mind, but he also didn't want to push her to talk before she were ready

"Okay .." she finally said while nodding slightly

"Okay? Is that you accepting... us?" He asked

"As.. friends?"

His smile faltered a bit at her last word. "Friends". The thought of being "just friends" with her felt like a punch to the gut. But he hid his disappointment well, masking it with a slight nod

He forced a smile, trying not to let his true feelings show. He was silently praying that she didn't truly mean it, that she were just playing coy, that she felt more for him than mere friendship. But he couldn't force her feelings. He had to accept whatever she were willing to give him, even if it was just friendship

Who'll tell her that the man beside her already fell for her? A long time ago..

He himself couldn't figure out that he finally fell in "love" after a long time, he realized it when he was in aboard for a few weeks

"Alright then, doll.. From now on, friends."

The word tasted bitter in his mouth, but he didn't let on. He was determined to be a good "friend" to her, even if it killed him inside.


There was something she didn't tell him

She was dying to tell why she asked them to be "just friends"

She didn't want to hurt his feelings but..

Only if he knew..

She just gave him a bittersweet smile, Seeing her bittersweet smile was like a dagger through Taehyung's heart. He knew there was something she weren't saying, something she were keeping from him. He wanted to ask, wanted to coax the truth out of her. But he held himself back, not wanting to push her too far. Instead, he just looked at her, his eyes a whirlpool of emotions, his heart aching with the desire to know everything that was going on in her mind.

"You'll find someone better.. cause you deserve nothing but the best ...." She whispered

"Someone better" The words echoed in his mind like a cruel taunt. He didn't want anyone better. He didn't want anyone but her. But he just swallowed down his pain, putting on a half-smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. He forced out a quiet laugh, trying to sound casual, even though he felt like he was dying inside.

"Sure... I'll find 'someone better'. Whatever you say, doll.."

"Sleep now.. you're tired I'm guessing"

"Yeah, I am a bit tired. I guess I'll get some rest. You should too, doll." I tried to sound nonchalant

He watched as she closed her eyes, a pang of longing shooting through him. He wanted nothing more than to hold her close, to feel her body against his, to watch over her as she slept. But he had to resist, reminding himself that he was just a "friend" now

He lay back on the bed, his eyes fixed on her face, watching the steady rise and fall of her chest. He mentally counted each breath, silently wishing he could fall asleep with his arms around her

"Taehyung?" She whispered lowly

"Yes doll?.."

"Give me your arm"

He raised an eyebrow at her request but didn't question it. He lifted his arm, offering it to her. She hugged it, as if he was a teddy bear. It was so damn cute, but it hurt him inside.

He didn't pull away, his arm wrapped around her, holding her close to him, his heart swelling with a mixture of pain and affection as he spoke,

"You sure are clingy for a 'friend' doll.."

"Cant friends be close to each other?"

His smile faltered a bit at her question. He knew she were right, friends could be close to each other. But somehow, this felt different. This felt intimate, almost... As if they were lovers. He swallowed hard,

"Yeah, friends can be close. I guess."

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