Chapter Four, Spider's Thread

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CHAPTER FOUR, Spider's Thread

The act of deliberately killing oneself, suicide. A way out for many. Would a child with everything, a happy and healthy family, life, and money, really go out in such a terrifying way?

The kid hangs.

With the rope tightly tied around her neck, the death is ultimately ruled as a suicide. How would a child possibly hang themselves with such precision? No one could answer that. Nothing could answer this riddle.

A star. One who would go far in the football path. Life is taken away in a snap.

The sight of the suffocating girl is too much to bear. Not the sight in front, but the thought behind it.

What was she trying to escape from?

Samansa wakes up. She rubs her left eye and stares at her duvet as she bites down on her lip. It was 5:03... and her eyes got used to the darkness from outside. "Breakfast should be ready soon," she mutters to herself. She can't let herself think. Samansa gets up, and walks towards the bathroom, getting ready for another day of school. She packs her homework, which she barely completed, and walks down the stairs to eat. She takes a single bite before walking out of the house. Barely giving herself time to think.

She was praying for someone to step out. To talk to them. She can't allow herself to think. She continues walking through the street and makes her way into the school building. Both Yotsuba and Kenya seem to still be home. It was 5:20, though. So she couldn't expect much. She puts her shoes in her locker and sits down on the bench for a bit. She had... about an hour and a half before class would start. She stares at the floor, and eventually heads up the stairs to enter Classroom number 4.

She opens the sliding door, and walks over to the boxes that Mr Yashiro left next to the podium infront of the class. She looks around, and decides to sort the supplies inside. That'd get her mind off the dream, that's for sure. She gets on her knees, and looks through the items. Most of the stuff inside was either coloured pencils, or things like erasers, scissors, pens... etc.

Samansa grabs a handful, and walks to the cupboards at the back of the class. She spends a few minutes sorting, and eventually hears the door slide open - making her panic.

"Mirroa... You're finally back? You've been sick for weeks." Samansa chuckles, looking over at the blonde boy. He was wearing headphones... although, she knew he could hear her. "Earth to Mirroa."

"Shut up. I wasn't even sick half of the time."

"...Yeah, I can tell." She says with a frown.

Mirroa rolls his eyes with a slight chuckle. He takes a seat, and hangs his bag on the chair. They're the only two people in the classroom so far. It was only 6:45, afterall. Samansa leans back, and taps her finger on the table a little. She'd seen Mr Yashiro do it before, so it was pretty much embedded in her muscle memory now. Parroting people around her was pretty fun at times.

"Stop doing that. We're lucky Mr Yashiro isn't here to tap his damn finger yet." Mirroa hits her in the arm, making her sigh and rest her head on her palms. Samansa looks up at the whiteboard, focusing her sight on the chalk residue from the previous day. She gets up, and takes a sponge, wetting it slightly before cleaning the board itself. She gets on a chair and jumps off once finished.

Mirroa seems to be reading something as per usual.

Samansa puts the sponge back in its bucket and hears the door open.

"Good Morning you two." Mr Yashiro smiles, taking a step into the classroom. He sets his bag under his desk and looks at Mirroa. "We haven't seen you here in a while! Good to see you again." He nods.

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