Chapter Seventeen, Me and the Birds

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CHAPTER 17, Me and the Birds

Who the hell was that?!

Samansa's eyes widen in fear, and she backs away slightly. The man wore a dark trench coat, and the streetlamps thankfully reflected against the gloves - revealing their texture. Black leather gloves. She also notices those same black combat boots she saw in her dream. That really was him!

The man was also wearing a black fedora... but, before she could see any distinct features, he was gone. God damn it... That was the guy who went around killing children, so why the hell did he run off when she saw him? Maybe he was scared that the neighbourhood could hear her screams... Or maybe he knew she had these dreams? Were they important to him as well...?

Samansa looks away in fear. There was no way she just saw the killer...if she was an adult she'd be running after him, but right now she's fucking powerless. Samansa punches herself in the cheek, for no reason - regretting it pretty much immediately...

It was snowing by this point, and Samansa couldn't even call the cops... and, well, she was a little embarrassed to ask Yotsuba's parents to call them, without even knowing where the killer ran off to...

Headlights come into view, and Samansa turns her head around like a deer on the street. Looks like Mr Yashiro decided to check out what she wrote on the letter - bingo! She knew that if something went wrong, she needed someone to either witness it or report it later, so she picked the only person she told about the dreams - her homeroom teacher.

She runs towards the car, and knocks on the door. Mr Yashiro rolls down the window, and raises a brow.

"...Yikes, kid. Are you alright? You look really pale." He questions, his tone of voice changing to a concerned one once he sees the distressed look in her eyes. "What are you doing on Kanayama street anyway?"

"I saw the killer, I saw him!" Samansa yells, slapping her hands against the now open window. "Exactly how he appeared in my dreams!"

"The killer...?" Mr Yashiro's eyes widen slightly in surprise, and his face drops in sudden realization. The girl was for real... and not only did she see him, she recognised him. She had dreams about this guy - and it seemed to be the real deal.

He sighs, and opens the car door. "Get in, Samansa. Tell me everything..."

Samansa hops in, closing the door behind her. She leaves her bag under her feet, and stares out the window. The guy had to be out there somewhere... unless he was some crazy athlete who could outrun light itself.

Mr Yashiro starts to drive, and he glances back and forth between the road and the young girl. "So, you saw him... what did he look like? I'm assuming you couldn't see his face?"

Samansa nods, now facing him. "Yeah... you're right, unfortunately. I couldn't make out his features, since he was wearing a... fedora, I think. A black fedora, black trench coat, black combat boots... and obviously those gloves I mentioned seeing. I only realised they were leather because the streetlamps gave off a... very specific, well, reflection, on them... I guess..." She's talking way too fast - probably trying to get as much information out as possible.

"You... really were able to remember all that from a glimpse you got?" Mr Yashiro's eyebrows raise in surprise. Either he underestimated this girl's eyes, or she got a better look than she said she did. "...Could you maybe describe his body type? Anything you saw that was more distinctive?"

"Well, I think he was about your height...? Average build, like, an average adult man I guess..." Samansa scratches her cheek, and looks down in shame. God damn it... she should've focused on his structure and face instead of his clothes... but, she was in a state of shock so - Mr Yashiro couldn't really blame her. He begins tapping his index finger on the steering wheel as the two now continue watching out for the man.

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