Sunoo has a panic attack (;へ:)

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The moment ENHYPEN stepped off the plane, the weight of the world seemed to press down on them. The airport buzzed with the usual frenzy, but this time, it felt different. The air was thick with anticipation, the kind that made your skin prickle and your heart race. As they made their way through the terminal, the noise hit them like a wave—shouts, screams, and the relentless clicking of camera shutters.

Sunoo kept his head down, hoping the brim of his cap would shield him from the intensity. The airport was always chaotic, but he'd never felt this sense of dread before. Maybe it was the long flight, or the lack of sleep, or the way the fans seemed more desperate today, but something was gnawing at him.

The crowd surged forward as soon as they came into view. The security team did their best to hold them back, but there were too many people, too many hands reaching out, too many flashes of light that made it hard to see. Sunoo tried to steady his breathing, focusing on the rhythm of his steps, but his chest felt tight, each breath more labored than the last.

"Stay close," Heeseung murmured, his voice barely audible over the noise. He positioned himself slightly in front of Sunoo, instinctively shielding him from the crowd. Sunghoon moved to Sunoo's other side, his gaze sharp as he scanned the faces around them. The rest of the members formed a protective circle, trying to carve a path through the sea of fans.

But the crowd was relentless, pushing against the barriers, trying to get closer. The noise was deafening, a cacophony of screams and camera clicks that made it hard to think, hard to breathe. Sunoo's head was spinning, and he could feel the familiar, creeping sensation of panic rising in his chest.

His vision started to blur, the edges of his sight darkening as his breaths became shorter and shallower. He felt his heart pounding in his chest, the panic clawing its way up his throat. The noise around him seemed to fade, replaced by a high-pitched ringing that made his head throb.

"Sunoo?" Jake's voice cut through the haze, tinged with concern. He noticed the way Sunoo's steps faltered, how his shoulders tensed as if he were trying to hold himself together. "Are you okay?"

Sunoo opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. The panic was overwhelming, a suffocating weight on his chest. He tried to take a deep breath, but it felt like he was breathing through a straw, the air not quite reaching his lungs.

"He's not okay," Jay muttered, quickly picking up on the distress in Sunoo's eyes. He glanced at Jungwon, who was already moving to stand directly in front of Sunoo, blocking the view of the fans.

The fans, oblivious to the turmoil happening within the circle of idols, continued to push forward. The flashing lights, the reaching hands, the shouts—it was all too much. Sunoo's vision swam, and he felt his knees buckle.

"I got him," Ni-ki said firmly, wrapping an arm around Sunoo's shoulders to keep him upright. The youngest member, though usually the one being looked after, stepped up without hesitation, his face set with determination.

"Get him to the van," Heeseung instructed, his voice steady despite the chaos. They needed to get out of there, away from the crowd, away from the noise.

The security team, noticing the distress, began to push the crowd back more aggressively, creating a narrow path for the group to move through. Sunoo's breaths came in quick, shallow gasps, his heart racing as he leaned heavily against Ni-ki.

"It's okay, Sunoo, we're almost there," Sunghoon reassured him, his voice calm as he placed a hand on Sunoo's back, guiding him forward. But even as he spoke, he shot a glare at the nearest fan who was trying to push past the barrier, a silent warning not to get too close.

The van was in sight now, just a few more steps. The members tightened their formation around Sunoo, blocking out as much of the crowd as they could. Jake moved ahead to open the door, ready to help Sunoo inside as soon as they reached it.

But the crowd wasn't letting up. A particularly aggressive fan managed to slip past the security, lunging forward with a phone in hand, trying to get closer to Sunoo. The phone was shoved right in front of Sunoo's face, the bright light from the screen blinding him momentarily.

"Back off!" Jay snapped, stepping in front of Sunoo and pushing the fan back, his usual easygoing demeanor replaced by a fierce protectiveness. The fan stumbled, momentarily taken aback by the sudden resistance.

Finally, they reached the van. Jake and Ni-ki quickly helped Sunoo inside, the cool, quiet interior a stark contrast to the chaos outside. Sunoo collapsed into the seat, his hands shaking as he tried to steady his breathing. He could still feel the panic clinging to him, a dark cloud that wouldn't quite dissipate.

The door slammed shut behind them, cutting off the noise. The rest of the members piled in, the tension in the air palpable. Heeseung immediately reached for Sunoo, taking his hand and squeezing it gently.

"Hey, it's okay. You're okay," he said softly, his voice soothing as he tried to calm Sunoo down. Sunoo nodded weakly, his breaths still shaky, but the presence of his members helped to ground him.

Sunghoon handed him a bottle of water, his expression filled with concern. "Drink this, slowly," he instructed, his voice soft. Sunoo took the bottle, his hands still trembling, and took a small sip, trying to focus on the cool water sliding down his throat.

The van started moving, leaving the airport behind. The noise faded into the distance, replaced by the quiet hum of the engine. Sunoo leaned back against the seat, closing his eyes as he tried to calm his racing heart.

"You're safe now," Jungwon said, sitting beside him. He kept his voice low, his hand resting on Sunoo's shoulder, offering comfort.

Sunoo opened his eyes, looking at his members, who were all watching him with concern. He felt a surge of warmth, knowing they were there for him, protecting him even in the midst of chaos.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible. He felt guilty for causing them worry, for breaking down in the middle of everything.

"Don't apologize," Heeseung said firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. "We're here for you, Sunoo. You don't have to handle everything on your own."

Sunoo nodded, feeling the weight on his chest slowly lifting. The panic was still there, lingering at the edges, but it was no longer suffocating him. He knew it would take time to fully recover, but with his members by his side, he felt like he could breathe again.

As the van drove further away from the airport, the city lights flashing by, Sunoo let himself relax, leaning into the comfort of his friends. The world outside was chaotic, but inside the van, surrounded by the people who cared about him, he felt safe.

 The world outside was chaotic, but inside the van, surrounded by the people who cared about him, he felt safe

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