Sunoo's birthday prank gone wrong !!!!

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Jake had always been the mastermind behind their pranks, and this time, he wanted to take things up a notch. With Sunoo's birthday coming up, Jake thought it'd be the perfect opportunity for a harmless prank that would end with a big surprise. He figured it'd be funny to make Sunoo think that they had all forgotten his birthday and take it further by making him believe they were angry with him for something trivial. Everyone agreed to join in; after all, Sunoo's reactions were always the best—dramatic, expressive, and sometimes even hilarious.

They started the prank a week before Sunoo's birthday. It began subtly. Jake had given everyone specific instructions on how to act—slightly distant, a little colder than usual, but not overly so. Just enough to make Sunoo feel like something was off. Sunghoon, who was usually one of Sunoo's closest friends, began to act annoyed over small things. If Sunoo accidentally bumped into him or asked a question, Sunghoon would give him a slight glare or a curt reply.

The others followed Jake's lead. Heeseung, who was known for his easygoing nature, suddenly seemed more aloof, keeping conversations short and to the point. Ni-ki, the youngest but often the most mischievous, kept his interactions minimal. Even Jungwon, who was always the peacekeeper, started to act like he was too busy to pay Sunoo any attention. The atmosphere in the dorm started to shift, becoming strangely tense whenever Sunoo was around.

At first, Sunoo brushed it off, thinking maybe they were just tired or stressed. But as the days passed, he started to notice the odd behavior. When he tried to joke around with Ni-ki, he got a lukewarm response. When he asked Heeseung if he wanted to grab some snacks together, Heeseung made an excuse about needing to practice more. The usually lively dorm felt colder, and Sunoo couldn't shake off the creeping feeling that something was wrong.

On the fourth day, Jake decided to escalate things. He concocted a story about how Sunoo had supposedly misplaced some important documents needed for their next schedule, which in reality didn't even exist. The members were all in on it, and they pretended to be stressed and frustrated. "Sunoo, how could you lose something so important?" Jake scolded, his tone harsher than usual.

Sunoo, who had no idea what Jake was talking about, stood there stunned. "I... I don't remember seeing any documents," he stuttered, looking around for support, but the others were all in on the act, shaking their heads in disappointment.

"We can't find them anywhere. This is going to cause so much trouble," Heeseung added, sighing heavily. Sunghoon, who was sitting nearby, clicked his tongue in irritation, and Ni-ki just mumbled, "Hyung, seriously?" under his breath.

Sunoo's face fell. He was known for being meticulous and responsible, always careful with anything work-related. "I'm really sorry, I don't remember seeing them... but I'll help look for them," he offered, his voice small. The others only nodded, their expressions still stern.

That night, Sunoo spent hours searching the dorm, looking for the documents that didn't exist. The others watched him from the living room, feeling a mix of guilt and amusement. Sunghoon, who usually wasn't one for pranks that went too far, started to feel uneasy. "Maybe we should tell him the truth, Jake," he whispered. "He looks really upset."

But Jake, always committed to his plans, shook his head. "Not yet. We'll make it up to him with a huge surprise later. Trust me, it'll be worth it."

The next day, Sunoo was visibly tired and disheartened. He didn't say much during breakfast and kept to himself. Even his usual spark, the one that always brightened the room, seemed dimmed. That's when Jake decided it was time for the next phase of his prank. He suggested they all go out for a group activity—something to take Sunoo's mind off things. They went to a nearby park for a walk, and when Sunoo went to use the restroom, Jake quickly gathered the members.

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