Ni-ki wants to sleep with his Sunoo hyung!! 🐣🦊

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Ni-ki used to have a little habit—one that he thought he'd outgrown along with his height. Back when he was younger, when the world seemed just a bit too big and lonely in the middle of the night, he'd sneak into Sunoo's bed. It wasn't something they ever really talked about. Sunoo never questioned it, and Ni-ki never offered an explanation. It was just something that felt right, the quiet reassurance of Sunoo's soft breathing beside him enough to chase away whatever unease had settled in his chest.

But time passed, and things changed. Ni-ki grew older, taller, and somewhere along the way, he started to pull back, not just from sneaking into Sunoo's bed, but from the closeness they once shared. It wasn't intentional—just the natural drift that sometimes happens when you're busy growing up. So, for a long while, the habit faded away, slipping into the past like a forgotten memory.

But tonight was different. Ni-ki tossed and turned, staring at the ceiling of his dark room, feeling an unfamiliar restlessness gnawing at him. He couldn't quite place what was bothering him, but he knew that sleep wasn't going to come easily. The quiet of the dorm felt almost oppressive, and for reasons he couldn't explain, Ni-ki found himself slipping out of bed and padding down the hallway.

He hesitated outside Sunoo's door, his hand hovering just above the handle. It felt almost silly, the idea of crawling back into Sunoo's bed like he used to when he was younger. He wasn't a kid anymore, and things between them weren't the same. But the pull was strong, the need for that familiar comfort overwhelming any hesitations he had. Before he could talk himself out of it, he quietly opened the door and slipped inside.

Sunoo's room was dark, but the soft glow of the moon filtering through the curtains cast a faint light over the bed. Ni-ki's eyes adjusted quickly, and he could just make out Sunoo's form under the covers, his breathing slow and steady. Ni-ki moved cautiously, trying to be as quiet as possible as he approached the bed. He almost jumped when Sunoo shifted slightly, but the older boy didn't wake.

Carefully, Ni-ki lifted the edge of the blanket and slid in, trying to make as little movement as possible. But the bed wasn't as small as it used to be, and neither was he. Just as he settled in, thinking he might have gotten away with it, he heard a soft gasp.

Sunoo's eyes flew open, startled by the sudden presence beside him. For a moment, he was disoriented, but then he saw the familiar outline of Ni-ki's tall figure looming next to him. "Ni-ki?" Sunoo whispered, his voice laced with a mix of surprise and confusion.

Ni-ki froze, his plan of sneaking out in the morning already ruined. He thought about making an excuse, something about not being able to sleep, but the words stuck in his throat. Before he could say anything, though, Sunoo's initial surprise melted away, and a soft laugh escaped his lips.

Ni-ki turned his head slightly, watching as Sunoo tried to stifle his laughter, but failed miserably. "You're too big to be sneaking into my bed now, you know that?" Sunoo teased, his eyes crinkling at the corners in that way that Ni-ki always found annoyingly endearing.

Embarrassed, Ni-ki muttered, "I just couldn't sleep."

Sunoo, still chuckling, scooted over, making more room under the covers. "It's okay," he said, patting the space beside him. "Get in here properly before you fall off the edge."

Ni-ki hesitated for a second, but the warmth of Sunoo's voice and the inviting coziness of the bed was too much to resist. He finally gave in, shifting fully onto the bed and pulling the blanket up over his shoulders. The familiar scent of Sunoo's pillow and the warmth radiating from his body was comforting in a way that made Ni-ki's chest ache a little.

They lay there in silence for a few minutes, both staring up at the ceiling, the faint sound of their breathing filling the room. It wasn't awkward, but there was something unspoken between them, something that neither of them seemed willing to break just yet.

Finally, Sunoo spoke, his voice soft and warm, like the blankets surrounding them. "You know," he began, "you don't have to act so tough all the time. It's okay to need someone else."

Ni-ki didn't respond right away. He knew Sunoo was right, but admitting that out loud felt like too much. So instead, he just nodded, even though Sunoo couldn't see it in the dark. He wasn't ready to say it out loud, but maybe just being there, next to Sunoo, was enough for now.

Sunoo didn't push him. He just smiled to himself in the darkness, finding Ni-ki's stubbornness endearing. He shifted closer, resting his head on Ni-ki's shoulder in a gesture of quiet support. "Goodnight, Ni-ki," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

"Goodnight," Ni-ki replied, his voice equally soft.

And as they both drifted off to sleep, the warmth of their shared closeness returned, if only for tonight.

The next morning, the dorm was filled with the usual hustle and bustle as the members started their day. Ni-ki had planned to sneak out of Sunoo's bed early, but the comfort of the warm blankets and Sunoo's steady breathing had lulled him into a deep sleep. By the time he woke up, it was already too late—he was still tangled in Sunoo's sheets, and the sound of voices outside the door told him that the others were already up and about.

Before Ni-ki could make a quiet escape, the door creaked open, and Sunghoon poked his head in. His eyes widened as he took in the scene—Ni-ki, who was supposed to be in his own bed, curled up next to Sunoo. A slow grin spread across Sunghoon's face as he leaned back into the hallway, calling out, "Hey, guys, you have to see this!"

Panic flashed through Ni-ki as he scrambled to sit up, but it was too late. The other members crowded around the door, peeking inside and immediately bursting into laughter. "Ni-ki, did you have a nightmare or something?" Jay teased, his voice dripping with mock concern.

"Or did you just miss Sunoo's bed that much?" Jungwon added with a playful smirk.

Ni-ki groaned, pulling the blanket over his head in a futile attempt to hide his embarrassment. Sunoo, still half-asleep, blinked at the commotion and then let out a sleepy laugh. "He couldn't sleep, so he came to keep me company," Sunoo explained with a soft smile, his tone gentle despite the teasing.

Heeseung leaned against the doorframe, shaking his head in amusement. "Looks like our Ni-ki hasn't grown up as much as we thought," he chuckled.

Ni-ki peeked out from under the blanket, his face flushed but trying to play it off. "I just couldn't sleep, okay? It's not a big deal," he mumbled, though the heat in his cheeks betrayed his embarrassment.

Sunoo, sensing that Ni-ki was getting flustered, decided to jump to his defense—sort of. "It's cute, though," he said, ruffling Ni-ki's hair affectionately. "You can come sleep here whenever you want."

That only made Ni-ki blush even more, but he couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. The members teased him a bit more, but there was no real malice behind it—just the usual banter that came from being so close.

As they finally dispersed to continue with their morning routine, Sunoo nudged Ni-ki gently. "Thanks for last night," he said softly, his voice sincere.

Ni-ki glanced at him, the embarrassment fading as he nodded. "Yeah, thanks to you too," he replied, feeling a warmth in his chest that hadn't been there in a while. Even if the teasing was relentless, there was something reassuring about knowing that some things hadn't changed after all.

The rest of the day passed with the usual practice and schedules, but every now and then, one of the members would throw a teasing comment Ni-ki's way, reminding him of that morning. And while he pretended to be annoyed, deep down, he didn't really mind. It felt good to be close to Sunoo again, even if it came with a bit of playful teasing from the others.

 It felt good to be close to Sunoo again, even if it came with a bit of playful teasing from the others

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