Chapter Five

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          Thankfully the next few days flew by quickly. It took shorter than we previously thought to travel to the planet Vaymos. We could've made it there within a few hours if we'd used the ship's phantasm jump system, but we didn't want to risk being questioned about it. These people had no idea who we really were, and we planned for it to stay that way. 

I filled my time by studying old scrolls about this galaxy that the little people apparently gave Erayame while we were there. He said he had no use for them and let me look through them when I told him I wanted to. 

I'd never felt such soft paper before. The thought of using paper was strange to me. Especially since they were an agricultural planet. Most planets in the Realms were against such a waste of valuable resources. Plus, digital texts were much more efficient and preferred amongst our people. There were a few planets who still used paper for important books and important documents. Like on Rihaya's home world, Ardiamus, for example, but it wasn't common.

The scrolls were interesting but had the strangest ideologies. Most of them were about nature and something about the sentience of different creatures. Before I could even process the words though, I had to get past the fact that they were... well, scrolls. 

I knew my people were advanced, but how could people who had space travel technology still use scrolls? Did they have no technological advancements on their home world at all? It worried me. 

If the little people had no technological advances, not even to store the great details of the galaxy they lived in, I could only imagine what Vaymos would be like when we finally reached it. Perhaps the space travel technology wasn't even there's, maybe they borrowed it from neighboring planets?

We reached the planet Vaymos after two cycles, roughly the equivalent to four days according to this planet's rotation. It was a beautiful planet, full of colors. The sky of the planet appeared to be a light shade of purple, with deep yellows, grays, and light green mixed into the swirls. 

It truly was a beautiful world from the outside looking in, but I knew looks could be deceiving. However, they seemed like honest beings. I hoped my instincts were right and we wouldn't encounter any... issues while we visited their world.

Rain started the landing sequence and breathed out loudly. He seemed anxious about landing, everyone did.

"Why'd it seems that'er our coming here t'was but a huge mistake..." Adam said, exhaling into his chair. 

Rain gives him a friendly slap on the shoulder. "Ease yourself, brother. What is life without a few little risks?" His mouth twitched in a smirk.

"A few little'r risks, ay?" Adam shook his head.

"This trade agreement we... might make, would be good for us. That is final." Erayame said, flicking his wrist. 

Clearly, he was annoyed that Adam continued to voice his opinions about the matter. I caught Adam rolling his eyes at Erayame, and smiled even if I disapproved of his disrespect.

"We're an unfamiliar race, and our knowledge is obviously superior to theirs. They're asking for this trade only to quench their curiosity. They wouldn't dare threaten us." I added to Erayame's comment. I straightened my posture to make myself seem more qualified to make such a bold statement. 

We all had our suspicions about them, Adam just voiced his concerns louder than the others.

"I knows dis, Keeper" He sighed, "I just... argh" He began typing furiously on his panel as if to distract himself.

"Adam..." I started to say, but was cut off by Rain.

"Breaching the planet's atmosphere." Rain said, not even looking up from his panel.

Me and Erayame quickly attached the safety restraints, clamping them in place. The ship started to hum and rumble as it falls through the atmosphere. After a few minutes, it began to shake violently, and I knew we reached the platform.

"Landing in 4, 3, 2, 1, 0,"

Once again, my body was thrusted forward, making me flinch in surprise.

"Good?" Rain asked while spinning his chair around. We nodded. 

"Let's go to the disembark room."

We detached the restraints and followed him as he hurried out of the room. When we arrived at the room, Rain wasted no time making his decision about who would attend this diplomatic mission.

"Our two delegates of course, and Tehayo and Morak." Rain glanced at everyone else. "As for the rest of you, stay with the ship until further notice." Adam raised his hand and gave my brother an annoyed look, but still nodded his head, giving Adam permission to speak freely.

"Request to be on dis'er mission." Adam asked while crossing his arms. He tapped his foot impatiently, further adding to the tension. I bit my lip. If he was trying to irritate Rain, he was doing a great job at it.

"Request denied." Rain said simply, much to my surprise. Adam opened his mouth to argue back, but Rain pulled him aside to speak to him privately. Even though I wasn't keen on eavesdropping, I heard bits and pieces of their hushed whispers.

"I cannot risk... they will see so many different... a clear suspicion for them to..." Adam threw his hands up defensively at Rain's explanation.

"They'er intentions be clear...'ought not be trusted"

"It is not about trust, Adam."' Rain shook his head, his voice rising. "I need you here anyways... Morak, and Tehayo both.... we cannot reveal how many different beings are aboard."

"Remove yer hoods ye plan?" Adam widened his eyes in shock.

"I'm not planning... it is a precaution..." Rain sighed and placed his arm on his friend's chest. Adam finally yielded, placing his arm on Rain's chest. 

He leaned in and whispered something to Rain that I couldn't hear. Whatever was said brought a smile to Rain's face.

"Right, put your hoods on everyone!" Rain places his hand over the lock which responds by opening the exit door.

"Let us...ske...ske-dad..." Tehayo started to say, but Adam cut him off with a grunt.

"Skedaddle's the word yer looking for, friend."

I smiled. Adam could be frustrated one minute, but quick to understand. The next thing you knew, he would be joking. I liked that about him. It made him an easy person to be around.

"Give 'em hell!" He said, giving me a wink. 

I felt my cheeks redden, but quickly turn away so he wouldn't see. Inwardly, I cursed at my stupid cheeks. Thankfully my skin was well tanned. It would take a bit more than slightly heated cheeks for anyone to notice.

"They might not believe in our definition of hell." Morak commented thoughtfully. Erayame gave a huff of annoyance while pressing his hand to his forehead. 

Adam let out a loud laugh. "Just'er expression m'eh friend!"

He turned around and left the chamber, closing it behind him before the exit door started to open.

We stood frozen, watching as their door opened at an agonizingly slow pace. When it finally did open fully, I saw Aeis and two others who I don't recognize right outside our ship, ready to greet us. Behind them, I noticed Xorion with his confident smile that shined through silver sunlit rays.

Dear Natarah... Was Adam, right? Would we survive this?

*What will happen on Vaymos? Is something bigger going on or are Xorion's people just 'curious'? Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter will be posted tomorrow!*

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