Chapter Eight

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*Friday's update is here! Surprise! Double chapters!!!! Hope y'all enjoy this chapter, it's a bit shorter which is why another one is posted along with it =D*

I stared at Rain. His eyebrows rose curiously while he signaled to continue walking towards the bridge. I fell in step beside him.

"I'm surprised you feel it's any of your business. After all, it's my job to be friendly." I tilted my head slightly, half joking, half not. 

I knew I wasn't being fair by not answering him, but when was life ever fair? His eyes narrowed slightly before just nodding in response. 

I sighed, knowing this conversation wasn't over. He wouldn't drop the subject until he had the full story. I was glad he wouldn't do it in front of the others at the very least. He might be my older brother, but he knew there was a time and a place for such discussions between siblings where we could throw our titles aside. 

We arrived at the bridge and Rain wasted no time sitting and starting the sequence for departure.

"Yer being awfully quiet, ay?" Adam questioned, obviously wanting to know what had taken place down on the planet. 

Rain hadn't called the crew to the bridge yet. I assumed he would have a meeting with everyone later.

"Adam, after we depart keep us hovering the planet. There's something we need to inform the crew about."

As I suspected. It seemed he wanted to have the full discussion about the plan before we returned to the Realms.

"Oh? What'er might that be 'bout?" Adam asked with no little amount of attitude while gracefully managing the sequences to leave.

Rain flicked his wrist, dismissing him, "Not now, Adam."

"Ah, tis 'bout 'that' is it, ay?" Adam shook his head.

"Sequence set." Rain said, ignoring his statement. 

He opened the communication line to Rihaya. "Begin the countdown."

"Departure on 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15..."

The ship shook as it hovered above the ground and gradually traveled up into the atmosphere. I gripped the restaurants, my muscles tensing in response to the violent shaking. I tried to let myself relax, but it was difficult.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0...."

We breach the atmosphere with a jerk, forcing me forward, but finally the ship becomes steady. Adam sets the ship to hover in the planet's gravitational pull before glancing between me, Rain, and Erayame with curiosity. I'm sure the others were just as curious about why we were stopping as he was.

"We'er hovered." Adam said with a little wave of his hands through the air and arching an eyebrow at us.

"Everyone to the bridge." Rain commanded through the communication line before standing from his seat. 

Me and Erayame undid our restraints and stood with him. Once everyone arrived, Rain stepped in the middle of the group, gaining their attention. He quickly ran through what went down on the planet. Of course, it didn't take long for everyone to get the gist of what was happening. Adam's voice was rigid as he loudly disapproved of the opportunity.

"What?! Yer wish to discuss an... alliance?" Adam slammed his fists against his control panel. As expected, all the crew was apprehensive about the announcement, but Adam was always more vocal.

"Calm yourself, Adam. It has been decided. This is only the announcement." Rain said flatly.

"If there is to be an alliance, how do you plan for them to enter the Realms? The Union watches the border planets. They already know we travel here; they just need proof. If the proof is found, they will be interrogated until they speak the truth about who they were meeting. And they will talk." Rihaya voiced her concern. 

She wasn't rude about it, but with her arms crossed and her mouth tipped in a frown, it was obvious she wasn't convinced this was the best course of action.

"They will come in our ships that leave no detection along with the trading goods. These ships also have a self-destruct mechanism aboard which they will be informed about. If boarded by an unknown vessel, it will destroy itself." Rain said simply, which seemed to satisfy Rihaya for now.

"And how can we'be sure no spies are on that'a their planet? They'd find a'way to communicate with their ships. They've tried before and will a'gain." Adam questioned now slouched over in his chair.

"We can't be certain, but it will not be an exposed alliance. Only us aboard the Rectifier, perhaps some guards, and the Elders will know about it. They will not leave the Tower's residence." Rain reassured.

"And'a what if they'd find it in their best interest to join those against us?" Adam all but mumbled, but I still caught it. 

I narrowed my eyes on him. "That is not who they are, Adam." I said, leaving no room for argument. 

I turned my attention to address the others. "This discussion is over. It has already been decided, they will come to Eurkxo." 

Determined to make a point, I gripped my dress and twisted it harshly with me as I hurried out of the room. 

Adam grumbled behind me about his concerns being ignored, but strangely enough, he seemed to shrug it off as if he was never really that worried about it. 

"As so, it tis said, it'er done."

I frowned, knowing full well that he disagreed even though he was playing it off as if he didn't. I never liked having confrontations with him, but lately it seemed that we didn't agree about anything. I missed us being carefree and open with each other. Always laughing at some inside joke. 

I hoped he wouldn't keep this up over the next few days. It would take some time to finally reach the opening of the Realms even traveling at light speed. If we used our phantasm to jump through space, it wouldn't take as long, but of course that was out of the question considering we had strict orders not to do so by the Elders. It was simply too risky to attempt anything faster. 

I stopped walking through the hallway, amusing myself by imagining the faces of the Fehichen when they would enter our galaxy. It would be priceless.

*Continue scrolling for next chapter! Sorry this one was shorter, one more chapter and then you finally get to read about Eurkxo! Until then, how do you think the Elders will react to this supposed trade?*

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