Chapter 11-Dance the night away

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Brookes pov

It's been a week since the party and I haven't talked to Asher since. 

I don't know what to do anymore, I cant even look at the guy without feeling this weird thing inside my gut, like a knot.

when I look at him the knot tightens and I feel....sunshine?

That's not even an emotion and I'm feeling that towards ASHER of all people!!!

"Brooke hurry up! we gotta go to class and I am NOT covering for you if you're late" Raya says in a hurried tone as she drags me outside for gym class.

I pick up the pace and follow her, the cold morning air hitting my face as I walk out and the rays of sun beaming on me.

I sit down next to Raya and continue talking to her about God knows what.

our conversation is inturrupted by a deep annoying voice I know all to well.

"heyyy brookie" Asher says putting an arm around me making me jump at the sudden contact

"stop calling me brookie" I say as I remove his arm from me

"nope" he says with an awfully cheerful smile that makes me want to punch his face :)

"and why are you in a good mood" I say raising an eyebrow

"haven't you heard? theres gonna be a dance!!" he says acting like a little child

"and you're excited why?" 

"because I asked out Jamie hall and she said yes" he exclaims

Jamie was one of the prettiest girls in school and she never date anyone because she had an overprotective dad. Her life kind of revolved around him and she would never go against his wishes so I was a bit confused when I heard this but I shrugged it off because I dont really care much about this.

or maybe I do.

"and if you're done braiding each others hair Asher and Brooke you can join us for the laps" Coach whitman says making everyone whip their heads at us and me sink into my seat.

I get down from the bleachers and get ready for laps.

When the coach blows his whistle I start running, already in front of everyone else.

Here's the thing, I'm like fast. really fast and I'm on the track team so I always finish first. I know I know its bragging but whatever I get the right to brag sometimes! 

I'm on my third lap already when someone catches up to me 

"hey brookie" 

I roll my eyes and run faster trying to avoid him but he catches up to me.

I start running faster and faster as I try to outrun him but we're both just as fast so we're neck and neck.  

just before we finish I trip on something and collapse to the floor. 

I bring my hand to my face and touch my cheekbone. I remove my hand to see blood on my fingers and I try to stand up but sit back down because my ankle hurts way to much to stand.

"fuck" I whisper to myself and try to stand up on my good leg but before I can fully stand up someone quite literally sweeps me off my feet

"you okay" Asher says with a concerned look on his face

"yeah I just need to go to the nurses" I say still looking up at him

He shouts something to the coach about taking me to the nurses and brings me there.

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