Chapter 8- And so it begins

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Asher's Pov

I think I went  a little far on Brooke's revenge but its fine, she'll live. Why am I even thinking about her anyways. The deed was done and I don't need to talk to her unless necessary. 

My alarm abruptly rings and I turn it off. I sigh and get ready for the day. I slide into some grey oversized jeans and a black t-shirt as I take my bag and go downstairs. Once again its empty. cold. the silence louder than my jumbled thoughts trying to settle. I take my daily apple and leave for the bus

I take a seat at the back of the bus knowing that i'll find Brooke there and there she is. her hair in another messy bun that looks good with her crop top and sweatpants. 

I smirk at her "looking less...colorful I see"

I can see her anger bubbling up but she masks it with a smile "you know your hair looks much better without noodles in it"

I glare at her and she just smiles wider. I swear this girl will be the death of me.

"don't forget about the project" she says taking out her note book

"I was thinking we could do-" and I continue to list some people we could base our project off of and we have a mini argument until  we decide on Coco Chanel after a bunch of convincing from her. 

I honestly don't know why I agreed. 

When the bus stops we all get off and I see Brooke go arm in arm with her friend and enter the building.


Just then Sam puts his arm around my shoulder which he always does, I honestly find it so weird. 

"hey bud" Sam says with a smile as he leads me into the building

"what did you do?"

He gasps dramaticaly and holds his chest like its wounded. "you think so little of me" he says

"what did you do Sam"

"okay hear me out-" but before he can finish his ramble I bump into someone small. Smells like vanilla and cookies. oh shit.

"watch it" Brooke says moving back

I scowl at her and Sam removes his arm from my shoulder

"oh and who is this?" he says in a flirtatious tone

"not a chance buddy" Brooke says and for some reason it makes me laugh

Sam clutches his chest again "everyone's so mean to me today"

"well your friends with asshole so I would think so" Brooke says and when Sam thinks this he cant help but laugh

I shoot him a dirty look and walk past Brooke and Sam so I can get to class.


In class the Teacher gives us time to work on our projects so me and Brooke go to the library to work on it. We work in silence for a while until Brooke announces shes going to go get some papers from the printer for the project.

she leaves and when she comes back she trips on her shoelace and falls into my lap, dropping all the papers and holding onto my neck for support. my hands wrap around her waist to catch her and she takes a breath.

We sit there looking into each other's eyes for a moment until I break eye contact and let my eyes trail down to her lips.

her breath hitches in her throat and my heart beats faster which I'm sure she can feel from how close we are. 

Slowly our faces pull together like there's a gravitational pull moving us closer to each other. just when we're so close our noses are touching the librarian walks back in and she jumps off my lap and gathers up the papers

My cheeks are flushed and my heart is still racing from that moment. if the librarian hadn't walked in, what would've happened? I shake away the thought from my head and pull myself together.

The rest of the project me and Brooke work in silence not wanting to look at each other out of sheer embarrassment. When the teacher tells us to come back in we both rush back to the classroom avoiding each other as much as we can and leave the class. 

My mind is still jumbled after what just happened. better question, what did just happen?

A mix of emotions settles in my gut, those I can name and something else. 

okay so this chapter was a bit different and I tried to add more detail I guess. stay tuned for the next one bc its just gonna be a whole lot after this. Im really trying here guys and I have no writing experience so like help. anyways love you guys and hope you liked this chapter of another boring book xx <3

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