Chapter 16- Another love

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hey guys I was listening to another love by Tom odell while writing this chapter so I added in a lyric from his song because it was like that lyric was made for this chapter. I recommend listening while reading this chapter, anyways enjoy!! xoxo

Brooke's pov

Oh shit I'm gonna tell Asher today.

Maybe I should wait he seemed kinda down today...

NO Brooke stop trying to make excuses. you will go up to Asher as soon as this bell rings and you will tell him you love him!

okay maybe don't say love that might freak him out.

you will tell him that you like him!

The bell rings and my brain is saying turn the other way but my legs ignore my pleads and walk up to Asher.

"hey we need to talk" I say trying to look into his eyes but he's avoiding my stare

"fuck off" he says cold and detatched. it hits me like a wreaking ball but I'm determined to get this out if its the last thing I do.

"seriously I have something to tell you" I say trying again to regain his attention

"I'm serious to, fuck off Brooke" he says still not looking at me.

I'm not taking this shit today.

"what the hell dude?" I say completely abandoning my original mission and sticking to a new plan: shout at asshole for being, well, an asshole

"I told you to fuck off and you're clearly not getting the message I don't want to talk to you" he says snapping back

"whats your fucking problem!?" I say now rasing my voice

"you Brooke. YOU are my fucking problem. you're like this leach attached to me and you cant seem to EVER take a hint.  You think that everybody should play by YOUR rules, like the world revolves around you. well guess what Brooke? some people have better things to do than talk  to you, so for the love of God can you please just FUCK. OFF" he says.

his words seep into me like poison. tears sting my eyes and bile rises up to my throat. 

no, I will not let him see me cry. he's already hurt me enough he doesn't get the satisfaction of seeing it. 

"what the hell!? wern't you completely fine with me a few weeks ago!? did what you said on the ferris wheel mean NOTHING to you?? was it all just fucked up game Asher huh, huh!?" I say, attracting attention now from passerby's in the hall.

"you know Asher" I continue

 "you're not any better than me because you walk around this school acting like you're better than everyone else, like you matter more when you don't! you fucking don't and if I'm being honest you probably matter less than everyone here because you are a pathetic little man. you're pathetic and it shows, you have no shame and I'm not going to let you live knowing that you still think you're all that. so just know no one cares about you or your stupid fucking life because you seem to think people do." 

and with that I turn around and run to the bathroom, not looking back, not wanting to see what I did.

I run into a stall and cry. I cry and cry and cry.

all my tears have been used up on another love.

I wanna cry and I wanna love but all my tears have been used up.


Ashers pov

She's gone. 

not dead but it feels like it.

it feels as though a huge chunk of my heart was taken away from me. Like my heart wont beat the Same without her in my life.

my Brooke.

I cant hold back the tears.

I want to run after her and explain, explain I had to push her away so I don't hurt her anymore, explain that I feel so many things for her that I cant explain. 

I want to fight for us.

but I cant and I shouldn't.

she deserves better. they all do. 

Sam, Brooke, mom, dad

life would be so much easier without me.

Sam can find another best friend

Mom can have another son. 

and Brooke

Brooke can find another love.

AND that was that. welp I hope you guys liked this chapter because like godamn. I didn't even know I could write stuff like this but we're all learning right??  don't forget to tell me what u thought and I really hoped you didn't find it too boring. also what is going on with Asher huh? he's really not okay and I wish I could just hug him like poor guy :( 

I hope Brooke doesn't hate the guy too much. if only she knew....

anyways I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter and have a good day

love you guys

stay happy <3


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