Chapter 13- Dandelions

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Hey guys  I was listening to dandelions by Ruth B while writing this chapter and I was thinking "why not add some of her lyrics to the book" so that's exactly what I did! hope you enjoy this chapter it's one of my favorites

Asher's Pov

We spend most of the day going on rides and having fun. 

Raya and Sam seem to really hit it off and Brooke seems...well she seems like brooke

We stop to find something to eat by the boardwalk. 

Sam and Raya get lost somewhere and its only me and Brooke left

We order 2 ice creams and sit down on a bench overlooking the water as the sun is starting to set a little though our fun is just beginning

"really? Vanilla?" she says looking at me like I'm a crazy person

"what's wrong with it?" I ask

"well it sucks like basic much?" She says 

"oh then what's the best flavour" I ask with a mocking tone

"Chocolate duh" she says like its the most obvious thing in the world

"what are you 5"

"if I'm 5 you're 70 like who still eats vanilla willingly"

"sane people like me"

"whatever gramps keep gnawing on your ice cream flakes" she says knowing she won

"vanilla is superior. that's just it" I say

"well then welcome to the dark side" she says and dips her finger in her ice cream and wipes it on my cheek

I gasp dramaticaly and dip my finger in mine and put it on her nose making her crinkle it.

She laughs and I laugh too, both of us just sitting there. laughing.

When we finish our ice cream she jumps up and down and shouts "last one to the water wants mr Brown!" and starts running

I catch up to her and she splashes water at me

I splash water back and then she pushes me into the water getting me completely soaked but I'm not going down without a fight.

I drag her down with me and we both end up soaking wet

She flips her hair and I can see her full face.

shes beautiful.

I pick her up and spin her around making her break into a fit of laughter.

Her laughter is infectious, making me laugh too

We end up going on a few more rides together with her laughing and screaming and pulling me in different directions.

I find myself laughing with her all the time.

she makes

the last ride we go on Is the ferris wheel and shes just in a fit of giggles at that point

"okay favourite color go" she says because she loves the whole back and forth thing. and to be honest I do too, its cute.



"not even a color" I scoff

"it is now" she says

"okay favourite flower go" I say back to her

"mines a Lilly"

"dandelion" She says

"what really?" I ask in a bit of shock "I'm sorry but they're not exacty the best of flowers"

"well yeah but they're beautiful. I love them" she says with a smile as she looks outside to the sunset that's almost finished with the sky erupting in beautiful arangments of deep colors

"Asher?" she says looking back at me

"yeah?" I say looking back into her eyes

"why do you hang out with me? I mean I'm kinda an ass and I honestly thought you hated me too" she asks

I pause for a second then speak 

"well I don't know. I guess I just see something in you"

"what do you mean by that" she says curiously

"I don't know how to say it." I say honestly

"just speak from the top of your head" she says scooting a little closer

"well,  maybe its the way you play your game. maybe its the way you say my name. I don't know, when I'm looking at you I've never felt so alive and free." I rest my head on the back of the seat and look up

"when I'm looking at you I've never felt so...happy. its kinda like I see forever in your eyes. I feel okay when I see you smile" I sit straight and look at her to find her brown eyes already staring at me.

I give her a half smile and she opens her mouth to speak but then the doors open and we get out to find Sam and Raya running towards us

"there you are! where the hell have you two been??? I've missed you pookie" Sam says turning to brooke

"oh how I've missed you too. my heart aches when you're not around" she puts the back of her hand on her forehead and falls into his arms making them both laugh loudly

"weirdos" me and Raya mutter under our breath at the same time.

"I'll take mine you take yours" I say to Raya approaching the two

"deal" she says taking Brookes arm and saying goodbyes

Me and Sam start walking to my car and he stops me before we get in

"hey man youve been acting weird" He says 

"what do you mean?"

"you're....I dunno happier?"

I smile at myself at this

"man you're insane"

he shrugs and puts some California girls on the radio at full blasts and sings along to it

I don't get paid enough for this

I sit back and think to myself about what Sam said.

he's right.

it feels like the sun is brighter and everyone's happier.

it feels like the world stops spinning and everything freezes when she looks at me.

it feels like I'm in a field of dandelions, wishing on every one that she'll be....mine

AHHH I love this chapter so much its so cute and I hope you guys liked the lyric thing. I wanted to try it out and it seemed fun and I'll DEFINATLEY be doing it again. maybe next time I'll do sweater weather because I LIVE for that song.  don't mind the typos guys I mentioned I cant spell to save my life.

anyways bye guys

stay happy


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