Chapter 4- Mr tall dark and annoying

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Brookes pov

After class I make my way to my locker to get a notebook for my next class. When I close it I see the guy waiting on the other side. I look him dead in the eye and say "what do you want?"

He looks at me and says "Brooke right?" 

The way he says my name sends a shiver down my spine but I don't let my weakness show "and how do you know my name?"

He smirks and says "you have a loud friend"

I smack my forehead in my mind and make a mental note to kill Raya the next time I see her. "so what's your name" I say trying to strike up a normal conversation and also I'm hoping to finally get his name

"Asher" he says 

"asshole?" I reply smiling to myself in my mind

He rolls his eyes and looks down at me "you're not funny you know that right?"

"you're not either"

"at least I know it"

"self aware king"

"oh so I'm royalty?"

"yeah king of retarded people"

Our pettienes gets interrupted by the bell which I swear has gotten louder and I watch as Asher walks away. I turn on my heels and walk in the opposite direction making my way to class


After school

I see Raya instantly when I walk out and run up to her

"oh you will not believe the day I had"

"spill gurl spill" *she says in her overly sassy tone which makes me roll my eyes a little

"You know the guy on the bus?"

"yeah tall, dark and handsome"

"yup him, hes in my class and not only that but I sit next to him. like, perminently."

"oooo yay!"

I look at her like shes mentally deranged " no Raya not "yay" I hate his guts"

"sure you do" she gives me a wink

Ignoring her, I continue my story "anyways, after I went to my locker and this stalker was there"

Raya looks at me intrigued waiting for me to continue

"I found out his name was Asher and he already knew my name"

"how?" Raya asks

"because someone  was way to loud on the bus which reminds me, ive got to kill you" I say and she immidiatley starts running away. I chase her around the school yard until I bump into something hard and muscular. 

I look up to see of all people. Asher. he looks back down at me and then steps back making me trip forward but I quickly regain my balance and try to look intimidating by standing up straight

"you know if you wanted to feel my abs you should've just said so" he winks

"too bad those are just stomach flaps" I snap back 

He scowls at me obviously offended and before he does something a hand props around his shoulder an I see another good looking guy.

"hey man" the stranger says to him, Asher looks at him and his face softens a little

"hey Sam" Asher says back to him. Sam huh? he seems interesting. In the middle of observing Sam I see Raya walk back up to me and hurriedly say 

"cmon lets go the bus is gonna leave without us!" Raya runs inside the bus and I run to the bus as well. 



On the bus Raya looks at me and says

"I'm gonna go sit next to Amelia for the next month. she needs some comforting, her dad just died" 

I look at Raya and say "oh okay, tell Amelia sorry for her loss for me okay?"

Raya nods and goes to sit next to Amelia. I sit down at the back of the bus and of all the people in the world. of all the seats on this bus, of all the rats to scurry this earth Asher sits next to me.

I give him the nastiest side eye I can muster and  I earn a chuckle from him which I'm deeply annoyed about 

"that side eye isn't doing anything for you" he says with that damn smirk 

"worth a try"

"or a waste of time"

"just like you" I smile a fake smile at him

"oh you are just a beam of sunshine arn't you?"

"so I've been told"

This back and forth thing goes on for a majority of the ride until the bus comes to a stop and he stands up to leave

"see you later brookie" And he winks and leaves

I scowl at the nickname angry that I wasn't able to get under his skin

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