Chapter 5- I swear to God!

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Ashers pov

This Brooke girl is really starting to get on my nerves. Like, I just might strangle her if given the chance too. Okay rewind, let me explain.

So it was mid day at lunchtime in school and I was sitting with Sam, My best friend in the cafateria. We're talking until Sam drops his fork and I go to pick it up but since the universe hates me for some god forsaken reason the one and only Brooke comes and trips on literal air and spills her entire lunch on me. 

So here I am, In the boys bathroom trying to get chicken soup out of my hair. Suddenly Brooke walks in


I scowl at her "what are you doing"

"I just wanted to say sorry. that was a complete accident"

"yeah moving on, why are you in the boys washroom" I say eager to change the subject before I actually do strangle her

"apologizing. also sightseeing"

I open my mouth at this and laugh. an actually genuine laugh. Jesus man what am I doing!? I don't laugh that's not what I do its just not!

A smile breaks on Brookes face





"creative for a mutated squirrel"


"what" I laugh again at her random remark. shit. no. bad Asher bad bad

"I panicked" she shrugs her shoulders

we both laugh and I feel something I haven't felt in a long time with her. I smile at her and she opens her mouth to speak

"you know I forgot to give you something" she says and I notice shes been holding one hand behind her back this entire time

I raise an eyebrow interested to see what she has and next thing I now she dumps a bowl of noodles on my head and runs away. Im still trying to proccess what happened and when I do I shout "Brooke!". new plan, screw the game I'm gonna fucking kill her

This chapters a bit short because I'm tired and i've already written 5 chapters in one day. I'm making this up as I go so don't judge me if its not a creative as you hoped. like I said, boring book I'm still wondering why you're reading this <3

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