Chapter 10- Saturday's parties, Sunday's hangover's

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Asher's pov

I wake up on Saturday to some annoying bird singing. I shoo it away but its too late, I'm already awake. Since I have nothing else to do today I get back in bed and open my phone. only one notification. 

from Sam

I can always count on Sam to check in on me. 

I open it to find him asking how I am and if my parents came back yet

I tell him they're still on their trip and they not coming back in a month. 

a few minutes pass and he finally sees the message and calls me. 

I awnser and I see him getting out of bed and changing

"so your parents aren't home?"

"wow hello to you too"

"yeah sorry hi. but your parents aren't home right?"

"you can read yay!" 

He rolls his eyes and puts on a black t shirt and some sweatpants "you, me half the school and a party"

My eyes widen in shock  "no way man my parents would never"

"already asked them. they said they don't care"

That one hurts a little to hear and I guess Sam hears it too because then he says "hey, think of this as an opportunity"

"for what?"

"getting laid" He says without hesetation

"Sam you really are something"

"you couldn't live without me"

I smile at that and hang up. I put my phone down and stare at the ceiling

Well. I'm throwing a party.


That night the guests start pouring in bringing their own alcohol. lots of it. like filled my kitchen counter. 

I pour myself some diet coke and sit down on the couch seeing everyone having fun and dancing. Sam tries to make me dance but I told him if he does that again I'll chop his fingers off and that seemed to do the trick.

A few hours into the party I see Brooke walk in wearing a short denim skirt with a black tube top and well.....damn.

Her friend, who's name Sam told me is Raya, walks beside her and they make their way to the drinks table and pour some alcohol I don't know in a red cup.

Raya says something to her and walks away and she stands around for a little until she spots me

"I didn't know you want to parties" she says as she sits next to me

"but then again I didn't know you had a life" she says  again drinking out of her cup

"ouch these are starting to hurt Brookie" I say with a smirk knowing she hates that nickname

"then my life goals are filled I can die happy now"

"I can arrange that" I say

she rolls her eyes but then smiles after and takes another sip out of her cup

The night goes on and more people drink and play and get drunk, including Brooke. 

I'm keeping it very pg with the diet coke but when things start to get rowdy I send everyone out to go home and when I'm saying bye to the last person I notice Brooke on the couch sleeping

I look at her sleeping peacefully and decide I cant send her home like this so I pick her up and take her upstairs to the guest room.

I place her in the bed and as I'm about to leave I feel a hand wrap around my wrist. 

I turn around and see Brooke with her eyes half open

"dont leave me, stay" she says in a soft whisper

my breath hitches in my throat at this and then I climb into the bed with her, leaving just enough space between us. 

But then Brooke closes that distance and nuzzles her head in my chest.

my heart beat races as I listen to her soft snores and peacfully apearance

I'll just stay until she sleeps. i'll leave when in 30 minutes.


Brooke's pov

I wake up in someone elses bed, my head resting on their chest. my hand is on their stomach and I can feel their rock hard abs through their shirt. 

I can hear their slow deep breaths and look up to see who I'm with. oh you've gotta be kidding me. the universe must really hate me at this point because they put me next to this Greek god of a man and make him the one person I hate the most. okay maybe not the most. and maybe I don't hate him. NO! Brooke stay on topic. 

I squirm away and sit up which makes him wake up as well. 

just then the most horrific thought comes to mind,

"we didn't....did we?" I say in a panic

"what? no" he says faster than I can finish my sentence

I sigh a breath of relief and say "good." 

a hint of disapointment is in my voice when I say that and I guess he didn't realize it because he stands up and says "how are you feeling?" 

"terrible. my head feels like its about to split open" then I wince in pain and clutch my forehead

"correction, if my head was split open it would hurt less than this" I say groaning in pain

"well I have the perfect remedy" he says getting up and leaving the room

A few minutes later he comes back with a bagel and some weird smoothie "here eat these"

I look at him then back at the smoothie and do a quick mental prayer before taking a sip

My nose crinkles and I frown "eugh what is this? poisin?"

"nah just rat testicles, pig eyeballs, moldy cheese and expired spinach why?" he says as a joke but that doesn't make it any better to drink it

I roll my eyes and eat the rest of my food while he's on his phone texting

when I finish I put my tray down and snatch his phone, plopping down next to him

"who ya texting?"

"the president"

"do you ever make funny jokes"

"you're funny enough for the both of us"

"wow watch it de Luca that almost sounds like a compliment"

"oh my apologies, you're the most unfunny boring person I've ever met" he says with a smile and we both laugh at his cringy joke

"anyways have you seen my phone?" I say when the laughter dies down

"this?" He pulls out a an iphone with a lavender phone case

"oh yeah thanks" I say as I open it to see a bunch of messages

He looks down at my phone as I scroll through the notifications.


I open one from my mom and I can see I have 17 missed calls from her and 9 angry text messages.

"oh shit gotta go" I say standing up with my phone

"oh okay. see you later Brookie" He says with a smirk 

I pick up a pillow and throw it at his face before I leave.

When I finally leave for home, i find myself still smiling and i walk home with that smile still plastered on my face.

Okay this was a longer chapter but like it was kinda cute. im still tryna figure out the next chapter so bare with me. Maybe one of these days i'll do a full chapter on the side characters like Sam and Raya but only later in the book. well thats everything hope its not boring you too much hagd luv u guys <3

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