01 | Love

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"oh Lord Ganesha.. No girl from my street.. hmm no no .. no girl from my entire area.. pcch.. entire village , my friends, relatives, whomever I know, whomever my parents knew should never ever fall in love. If at all any one falls in love, they should break up. If at all they surpass all the fights, they should not get married till I complete my studies. My strong petition to you. oh.. forgot , include me as well in to the list. I also should not fall in love with anyone. If there is a guy approaching me shoo him away immediately from me, until I complete my studies"

I sincerely prayed to Lord Vinayak and did thopukarnam (like squat holding your ears) 50 times. It is my usual prayer and procedure daily to Lord Vinayak.

I strolled to the kitchen to help my mom with kitchen works.

"Hari.. cut those vegetables for the sambhar" my mom gave me the order.

"maa. call me Harini. You call me as Hari , you call my elder brother Hariharan as Hari, what is this haan? won't we get confused?"

"since when you started to talk back your parents? If you talk like this with your in laws and husband in future, they would scold us for not raising you properly"

"right uh vidu.. first give me a coffee" (ok leave it..)

Taking the third decoction filter coffee mixed with instant powder, I came to the living room and sat on the floor with my coffee. If I ask for First decoction, I would get scolding's. And this one is little light as well. Still I adjusted even though I don't like it. Ours is a very middle class family. The filter coffee powder rate is so high, hence we have coffee only once in the morning. Rest of the time it is tea.

But at least morning coffee, should be thick and strong la. pcch.. I got used to this.

"Hari today we need to go to the ration shop , get the things ready " said my Father.

"haan. ok pa. " I replied taking a sip of the coffee.

"Why do you want to go out unnecessarily? Myself and your brother would go. You stay at home. I did not ask you" came the reply from my Father.

"ok paa"

God.. They always address me and my bro with the same name. How will we know to whom they are conversing with? And if I ask them to change , they scold me for talking back. At least to my mom, I can raise my voice a little but not to my Dad.

I relished my cup of coffee.

"Harini.. chop those vegetables for sambhar"

"hann" I replied.

"Once done, sweep the floor. Do the mop as well, the floor is getting dirty" again I got the orders.

" I have already washed the clothes, hung it up on the clothes hanger soon"

ssss... oru coffee nimadhiya kudika vidrangala?

(I can't even drink a coffee peacefully)

"How long will you be sitting and drinking a coffee? start doing the work. Always getting up late as if you are a Queen. Who would do all the work if you get up late? Get used to do all the household work and don't live like a princess. You won't get in laws who would do all the work for you. Not everyone will be like me. Go see the outer world how cruel the in laws are" my mom shouted at high pitch.

I looked at the main door to see my sister in law, coming inside. She and my brother stay in the room that is built upstairs, while me and my parents in the ground floor.

Now I understood why my mom was shouting. It is not for me, it is for her.

It is an arranged marriage for my brother Hari. No one in our family asked him his opinion on if he likes her or not.

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