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westwood, california
august 26, 2024

i woke up in my bed, trying to shake off my hangover from partying the night before with cailee, i let out a hack as i stumbled out of bed, my head still throbbing from the night before, i glanced over at cailee, peacefully asleep in the other side of the bed. a small smile tugged at the corner of my mouth as i headed into the bathroom.

the cool tiles beneath my feet were a pleasant relief against my bare skin as i flicked on the light switch, squinting my eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness. the mirror in front of me reflected my tired yet still somewhat glammed-up face from the night before.

i turned the faucet on and splashed some water onto my face, feeling the coolness of the liquid washing away some of the remnants of last night's partying. i let out a sigh, feeling a mix of exhaustion and lingering excitement from the night before.

a sudden knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, pulling me back to the present moment.

"kami? you awake?" a familiar voice called out from the bedroom.

"mhm," i hummed. "yeah, i just woke up." i responded, my voice slightly hoarse.

i grabbed a towel and patted my face dry, taking a moment to glance at my reflection in the mirror. my makeup from last night was smudged, my hair tousled and messy. i looked like a mess, but somehow, i still felt beautiful in a rough and sultry way.

i took a deep breath and stepped out of the bathroom, walking back into the bedroom. i noticed cailee stretching and sitting up in bed as i walked over and plopped down next to her.

"morning, sleepy head," i teased, playfully nudging her with my elbow.

cailee glanced over at me, a groggy smile on her face. "morning, party animal," she replied.

i chuckled, "hey, you're just as guilty as i am. we both know you had just as much to drink as i did last night."

she shrugged her shoulders, "what can i say, we know how to have a good time."

i smirked at her comment, knowing she was right. me and cailee had always been the life of the party, never hesitant to let loose and enjoy ourselves.

"you wanna go to another party tonight?" she asked.

i shook my head. "it's monday."

"yeah, and?" she retorted, raising an eyebrow.

i just chuckled at her response. cailee never cared about what day it was, as long as there was a party to go to. i, on the other hand, tried to maintain a little more balance in my life.

"i think i'm gonna chill at home tonight," i said, leaning back against the pillows.

"boring!" she exclaimed, feigning disappointment.

i rolled my eyes playful, used to her reaction. "yeah, yeah, i know. i'm boring. not everyone can party every day like you, cailee."

"well, you're pretty close," she teased back.

i couldn't argue with her there. i did love to party, but i also appreciated a quiet night in every now and then. it was all about maintaining a healthy balance.

"so what's on your agenda for the day?" she questioned.

"nothing too exciting," i replied, stretching lazily. "i might go shopping, maybe do some self care. just gonna take it easy today."

cailee nodded, understanding my need for a low-key day. the aftermath of last night's party was definitely making itself known in my tired body.

she looked me up and down, a grin spreading across her face. "not gonna lie, you look like shit," she said bluntly.

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