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Monday 4th of June.

"Diana, you better get on your knees and apologize to your fiancée this instance"

"Good afternoon your majesty, her royal Highness" I placed my knee on the floor my hands also as I bent down to great my parents.

"Good afternoon, you may rise up" dad said as I slowly got up from the floor.

"Darling how was your journey?" Fred remarked from the side, what was he doing here? Don't he understand the words it's over?

"Diana" he yelled after me as I proceeded to take my seat next to my dad as the next ruler of ofuland, nothing was going to stop me from becoming the next queen not even my mother!

"Guards escort him out, before he causes a scene here" I instructed the royal guard, it was about time.

"What's going on? Are you going to allow this?" Mom said to the king furiously.

"She would make her own decision, we can't force her to accept everything" the king responded.

"Inform the royal chef's, we would have a mini celebration for the princess is back!" My dad instructed his secretary and they all began to obey his command.

"Diana please talk to me, what's going on? I don't understand?" A message from Fred popped up on my phone, he won't catch a break would he? Well how was I expecting him to react he was supposed to become the next king and now he is becoming nothing, nothing at all.

What a turn of events, this was the same man that I begged to treat me like a human being when we were both in Bayan city.

"Your majesty, if that's all I would like your rest" I said tiredly.

"It was nice seeing you, you are permitted" sad said.

"Mom sounded unhappy. 'No wonder she's so spoiled,' she said, 'you're always indulging her.' I knew she'd get her way again, just like always."

Marrying Fred was her idea since he was her nephew, she wanted to add another member of her family into the royal family and now that I refused it was as if I was depriving her family from royalty.

"Be ready to go out by 6:00 p.m" mom instructed as I walked out of the throne room.

"Diana we need to talk" Idar said as we stepped into my room.

"Grace, excuse us for a minute" I instructed.

"What's going on your majesty?" Lina asked, although she was my royal fashion designer now she has always been a dear friend to me all my life.

"It's nothing important" I scuffed as I layed down on my bed with my puffy gown pressed around my body, it was really uncomfortable.

"I just want you to know that I am fully in support of any decision you make, I would excuse you two now" Lina said as she walked out of my room.

"Stay strong, the battle just began" Idar pressed on my hands as she uttered those words.

"You are doing the right thing" idar remarked, I knew I was doing the right thing but that doesn't mean I was still not hurt but leaving is always better than staying I know, he was never nice to me he treated me like I was not human, I was getting verbally abused and cheated on everyday so yes I made the right decision.

(6:00 p.m)

"Take us to Fred's place" mom instructed the royal driver as she entered the car.

"We would take only one car, I don't want a crowd" she said as the car began to move.

"So Diana, what is it you want from me?" She began the conversation.

"Why are you trying so hard to embarrass me?" She said again amidst my silence.

"You know Fred is a really nice guy and I would love for you to fix any issues you have with him"

"This is not good, what would the kingdom think about you? What would everyone say?" She started to rant again, and it was always about her, what she wants, how she feels it was never about the pain she inflicted on me.

"You are such an ungrateful child, it is obvious" she kept on going.

"Keep quiet when we arrive, just like you did now," she instructed. "Don't say a word." Her constant belittling was exhausting, and it was no surprise her family followed her lead in mistreating me.

"As a child, I'd heard whispers about my parents' marriage being a power play. People said she only wanted the title of Queen. I never believed it then, but now I'm not so sure. The more I thought about it, the more it seemed true."

"Her royal Highness, princess" Fred's dad greeted as we walked into their house.

"Her majesty" hajara, Fred's mom rushed to come hug her elder sister.

"Call Fred" my mom instructed.

"Fred, Ojaiz, Deeja your aunt is here to see you" hajara yelled calling her children out.

I looked around their house, they were still living in the 2 bedroom apartment my dad loaned then some years back, they haven't paid for it neither are they planning on moving from it, the ceiling looked like it was going to fall down any minute and the walls looked cracked and the paint looks like it was falling off.

"Her majesty, princess welcome" Fred, Ojaiz and Deeja greeted.

"Diana, I would not ask again, get on your kneels and apologies to your fiancée and his family for the embarrassment and the stress you but then through" mom said again.

"Yes she should do that if she wants my forgiveness" hajara said in support of mom.

"Aunty, I tried to buy a purse today, but they declined me," Deeja said, her voice laced with frustration. "It's all because of the rumors spreading around town."

"No!" I responded in a low but clear tone, it all made sense to me now, none of them love me, they don't even care about me, they are just here for what they can get from this relationship.

"What did you say? I am sure I heard wrong" Mom asked furiously.

"No! You are not getting anything from me, if there was anyone that needed an apology it was me for the way I am being treated" I said as I got up from my seat and began walking to the car, it was clear I was brought here to be humiliated.

"Get me out of here" I instructed the royal driver as I heard mom and Fred's family raining all type of curses on me.

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