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15th of August.

And ever since he made the rule, male children have been birthed into the royal family untill you were born, your birth caused a lot of discourse as they had never been a female ruler of ofuland..." I was on my bed and suddenly everything gran gran said to me began to play back in my mind, now I know why my mother never seemed to like me but it was never an excuse for all the hatred I received for just existing.

"What's going on? And who was that girl at the gate?" I thought to myself as I got a glimpse of the alarm clock, it was past 2am and I bearly had any sleep, I need to rest.

"Hmm" I closed my eyes as I began to count sheep's at my desperate attempt to fall asleep.

"Good morning your..."

"Shhh, come back in an hour she bearly had any sleep" I could hear winter whispering in a distance.

"Oh you are wide awake I guess" he said as he looked at me, I was now seated on my bed staring into space.

"Go and freshen up, whenever you are ready we would go to the hospital" Winter said as I sluggishly dragged myself out of bed.

"By the way I didn't know you had a birthmark" it was no birthmark, it is a royal seal I have three of those one on my back, my neck and on my pinky finger.

"It's a sign of identification, incase I get lost or something in ofuland I can easily be traced" although it was for idenfication of royalty to others only the pinky one that is not easily spotted is used to identify a royal child by the palace.

"Id" I was about calling my friend for help as I walked into the bathroom but I was on vacation and she was miles away from me.

"Dingggg (phone ringing)" I quicky picked it up as I got out of the shower, it was gran gran calling.

"Hello, Good morning ma" I greeted as I placed the phone on my ear.

"Diana are you there?" Gran gran asked.

"Yes it is me"

"There was something I forgot to tell you about, the rulers book" she whispered "hope no one else can hear me?" Gran gran asked.

"Yes I am the only one around" it seems winter had gone out to go do something or maybe he is just having breakfast.

"The rulers book contains a lot of secrets about the palace and the world, it is at the fifth floor of the palace" third floor? I never knew the palace had a 5th floor.

"Not many people know about this floor,  your grandfather said i should tell you that also" No wonder she knew so much, it was my granddad that gave her all of the information.

"Thank you, how is your health by the way?" I changed the conversation, I was tired of getting snippets of the main thing, what does reading those books have anything to do with me? And the Kingdom?

"Oh darling I was just discharged yesterday, everything is going great" she assured me about her health.

"Darling I am waiting for you downstairs" Winter said through the door as he walked back out.

"Gran gran, can we talk later about everything?" I asked.

"Well truth is, since you won't be coming back to ofuland anytime soon I thought I should pass all your grandfather's messages to you" why didn't she just tell me when I was in ofuland, she made me travel back just to give me hints?

"Okay I have somewhere to be" I said as I hungrd up the phone, it wasn't easy getting dressed on my own especially after having helps for the most part of my life, but nothing is impossible.

"Let's go" I said as I walked past Winter who was sitting down at the living room, he was so caring and loving he is truly a gift from heaven.

"Would you like to see the city?" Winter asked as we drove around to the hospital, I have been staring outside my window the entire time.

"Yes" I answered quickly, Tamaje was the go to tourist spot but for some reason I have never been here before.

"Good" winter said in response to me.

"Let's go" Winter opened the car door for me, I was focused on sight seeing I did not realise the car had stopped, I guess I was lost in my thoughts again.

"Good morning sir, Good morning ma" the help from yesterday greeted as we walked into the hospital bedroom.

"Morning" I responded quickly as it was the patient we came to see.

"She is doing fine ma" the help came towards me as she removed my hands from the bedrail and placed it on my lap "we don't want to take germs home" she said to me as if she was talking to a little child.

"Diana this is Daniella, she is our head house help here in Tamaje" he said.

"Oh nice to meet you ma" I have heard a lot about her, according to winters stories she was one of the people who took care of him when he was a child and he does respects her a lot.

"Yes ma the pleasure is all mine" she looked grounded and strict, she wasn't one to play with and i could tell by the way she moved.

"Beep" the pulse oximeter began to beep, was she about to go into a cardiac arrest?

"Princess Diana!" She said as her eyes were now wide open.

"Your majesty" she said again as she was now starting at me directly, she knows me? What's going on?

"Yes" my voice shaking as I answered nervously and rightfully so, who was she and how did she know me?

"Relax I am sure she just knew you from your hometown" Winter whispered into my ears.

Yeah besides what are the odds she would know me personally, I need to relax my nerves I always seem to get worked up by irrelevant things.

"Your majesty, I have finally found you" her statement completely shattered my entire defense, was she looking for me here? How does she know I would be there? Am I still overthinking things?

"Come let's go get some fresh air" winter gently placed his hands on my waist as he pulled me closer and we began to walk out of the room.

"Calm down, okay" he whispered as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

This must be a joke, can't I have any rest? It's from one drama to the next I'm really am tired honestly.

"Don't worry my love, this has nothing to do with you" he continued to reassure me.

Who is she? I'm really curious and why does she sound like she knows me personally?

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