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Wednesday 6th June.

"Gran gran this is so nice" again she never misses with her tea, it has the perfect concentration of spice, milk and honey.

"Welcome his majesty" dad's royal announcer announced his presences before they began to walk into the dinning room.

"The king is here? Why is he here?" I overheard the kitchen maid whispering, what do they mean? His mother lives here, a d currently his daughter is here, not to talk about the fact that we are his only blood relatives.

"Mother" dad gave his greetings to his mom as a sign of respect.

"Your majesty" I also did same.

"Princess" dad answered me.

"What a lovely suprise to have the king visit me, I don't get that often" gran gran remarked, it was true I have never seen dad at gran gran's maybe its because he is always busy with rulling of great ofuland.

"Well I have been carried away by my duties" dad said.

"Join us then" gran gran said with a smile on her face, she was grinning from ear to ear and I know it was really hard for her to hide how excited she was, even with her wrinkled skin folds on her face she looked like a child that was gifted candy.

"Shall we" I said prayers as we all dug into the delicacies on the table, gran gran insisted she made her flat bread herself and honestly with how crunchy and savoury it tasted I could understand why.

"A little birdy told me you were on the verge of contracting a foreign company for the construction of the dams" gran gran said.

"You seemed to be well informed mom, you are always ahead" dad complimented gran gran.

"What were you thinking? Bringing forginers into the country when you know damm well of every economic crisis" gran gran said in a serious tone, more like she was yelling.

"I have everything under control" dad said as we all continued to eat.

"Well..." The conversation was getting boring, that's it wherever dad goes to he is always talking about business and how to do better for his people, I think the old man needs a break once in a while.

The hall feels silence at least no one was talking but the room was still filled with noise, I could finally breathe although it was filled with cutleries clanking on eachother, cups moving and the sound of people chewing.

"To what do we owe this lovely suprise to?" Gran gran asked.

"I came to talk to the princess" he said, that was weird, first time in history my dad has made effort to come see me after I leaving the palace.

"That's strange" gran gran remarked, it was very usual for me and mom to get into an argument and for me to come spends some days with gran gran before I return to the palace, that is how it has always been.

"Hahaha" I laughed awkwardly as I looked around the table, no one else found it funny?

*Clink* gran gran clinked her glass with a spoon to get the kitchen staff's attention that we are done with our meal.

"Thanks for the meal" I greeted gran gran as I got up to leave the dinning hall in a hurry, I did not want to have a conversation with my dad, I am sure whatever he wants to tell me would do more harm than good.

"Diana may I have a word with you" oh dang it* I was already half way to my bedroom, i guess things can never go my way.

"I would be in my room" I said as I continued walking.

"Haaa" I let out a huge sound of relief as I walked into my room and hopped on my bed.

"I'm coming in" dad announced himself before he entered, give me a break would you? I have been jumping from one drama to the other.

"Hey, what a lovely room you have here" dad said as he walked into my room to seat on my bed.

"Thanks" I forced my skin to stretch to give a fake smile, I wonder if he is here to talk to me about Fred just like mom tired to, besides he always do whatever she wants.

"I would like you to return to the palace and fix things with your mom" I knew it, this was never about me, it was just another silly game if theirs.

Ever since I began living together with my parents it has been nothing but a nightmare, I cannot believe this is what I am getting after my mom tried to take advantage of me and forcefully get me married, this is all I get? To apologise to her?

"Okay dad, I will" there was no use arguing about it with him, he would never see mom's fault, he was always enabling all her toxic behaviours and that's why she continues to give the people of ofuland problems.

"That's great" he said as he robbed my head as he proceeded to leave my room, well what did I expect from a man that abandoned his child for 12 years? What would you expect from someone like that?

There was no use talking to him or mom about how I feel or felt jnt the past, they would never understand me, they always acted like the King and Queen all the time, even when all I needed was my mom and dad.

"Princess" Idar called as she walked into my room.

I lay there, frozen, staring blankly at the ceiling. My hands clenched the blanket tightly, my lips pressed into a thin line, and my eyes wide with unshed tears. I was desperate to appear strong, to hold on for just one more second, hoping the scorching tears welling up inside me would somehow evaporate. But the pain was suffocating, and I could feel my resolve slipping away...

"Don't worry, you would be fine" she said as she embraced me in a warm hug, I have always wanted to be understood, to be seen and idar does just that, she understands and sees me for the person I am and not who everyone else thinks I am.

After my coronation as the crowned princess and heir to the throne, Idar has been the best thing that has ever happened to me.

"Get some rest, and I would get out things ready" how can I get any rest? I wonder why I thought I could have my way with this breakup, but now I feel like the one who is deeply broken inside.

"Okay" I guess the fun time with gran gran is over, it is time to go back to that cursed palace.

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