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Tw:Panic attack

I wake up next to my beautiful fiancé at 5:30 to my blaring alarm. This morning, I could tell it wasn't going to be a great day, but I don't want to bother Marj, so I didn't tell her. When I press the stop button, Marjorie rolls over so she is facing me," 5 more minutes." She groans. "Sorry gorgeous but we need to get ready for work. But today you can tell people about the proposal, considering you didn't post anything." I tell her. "Okayyyyy," she says reluctantly. "Im going to have a shower gorgeous, would you like to join?" I ask her.
"You and I both know if I joined you there wouldn't be much showering," she tells me."Fair enough," I reply, hopping out of bed and walking into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and jump inside

Reece got in the shower and walked to our wardrobe. I pick out my usual black and white top and some black pants. Once I am dressed, I head downstairs and poured me and Reece some cereal. As I am eating my breakfast, Reece comes downstairs in his usual black jumper and baggy jeans. " You look nice." He tells me," Thank you darling," I tell him. I get up and grab 2 glasses from the cupboard. As I do I drop one and it smashes, causing a loud crash.

I walk downstairs and Marjorie has made us some cereal. "You look nice" "thank you darling." She grabs 2 glasses from the cupboard and accidentally drops one. I don't know why but it triggered a flashback. Not the first time but it's still always scary.
In the flashback(Reece's pov)
I walk into the house and hear my dad shouting in the kitchen "A C IN SCIENCE, YOU ARE SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT!"
He's shouting at Aut
I walk into the kitchen and see Autumn pinned against the wall by my father. One hand on Autumns chest, the other holding a nearly empty bottle of whiskey. Great he was drunk.
"I'm sorry dad, I'll do better I promise," Aut cried, tears rolling down her face." YEAH YOU BETTER!" With that he drank the rest of his whiskey and raised his arm with the now empty bottle of whiskey in."STOP DAD SHES ONLY ELEVEN!" I yell, but it was too late, he had smashed the glass over her face and she dropped to the floor. After that he left the house, probably to go drink at the bar. I rushed to Auts side and rung an ambulance.

After I broke the glass, Reece covered his ears and stood back to the wall. He slides down and begins to mumble something. I walk over to him and gently rub his back."Reece your okay, your safe, your at home with me, okay your at our house. Your fiancé is right here," I told him. His mumbles became more clear,"stop, dad please stop. She's only eleven. NO!" He yelled the word no and snapped back to reality, his breathing heavy and his eyes bloodshot red. He threw his arms around me, sobbing into my chest," hey, hey, it's alright, what happened?" This won't be the first time something like this has happened, but it was usually big thing that triggered it. Autumn taught me how to deal with these types of panic attacks. I grabbed the glass that didn't break and filled it up with water for Reece. He drank a bit and seemed to relax whenever I touch him or rub his back." What happened baby?" I ask him. He didn't answer so I asked him," Would you like me to ring Autumn?" "Yes please" he replied in a shaky voice. I stood up and grabbed my phone scrolling to find Autumns number. I press the call button and within 3 rings she answers.
A- Hi Marjorie. Everything okay?
M-Not really, Reece has had another flash back panic attack thing
A- Okay, would you like me to come over?
M-If you don't mind please.
A-Of course I don't mind. do you know what triggered it?
M-I dropped a glass and it broke. It made a loud noise, but I didn't think it was too loud to trigger anything.
A-Okay, where is he?
M- He's on the kitchen floor. But he's not near the glass so he can't accidentally hurt himself.
A-Has he got something to drink?
M-yeah I gave him a glass of water.
A-Ok I'm on my way now, see you soon. Bye
M- Alright my love, bye bye.
And with that she hung up."Your sisters on her way over, do you need anything?" I ask him. He shook his head and took another sip of his water," Do you want to wait till Aut gets here to tell me what happened or do you want to tell me now?" I ask him."Well it was when autumn was about eleven. I walked into the house and my dad was screaming at her because she got a C in science. I walked in and she was pinned against the wall. He had a bottle of wiskey in his hands and he-" he stopped for a minute and began crying again. I hugged him and rubbed his back to try and comfort him" he smashed the bottle across her face. I had to call an ambulance and try to keep my baby sister alive. All because of my dad." He sobbed."I should have protected her, saved her, stopped him but it was too late. I let her get hurt." "Reece that was not your fault." I say sternly.
As I say that, Autumn walks through the door. She slowly makes her way over and crouches next to her brother."How are you?" She asks in a gentle voice,"alright," he replies. "What happened in the flashback?" "It was the time when you were about eleven and you got a C in science and he hit you with the Whiskey bottle, I should have protected you but I failed " he tells her, burying his head in his hands. "Reece that wasn't your fault, it was our fathers, you should know that. Well I've called you both in sick so you can spend the day together but I do have to dash as my shift starts in half an hour. Oh and Marjorie, you're bleeding a little, on your ankle"Autumn says. "Okay I'll sort it in a minute, Thank you" "Take care of him for me Marjorie," she replies." Will do" I say with a smile. As she is leaving I stand up and put my hand out to reece. He grabs it and pulls himself up."Right mister, what do you want to do?" "Can I take care of your ankle and then cuddle in bed?" He asks me "Of course we can. Do you want to watch mean girls?" I ask with a smirk,"Of course my gorgeous girl, also I'm suprised Autumn didn't notice the ring, she's got a really sharp eye." "Well she probably did, but didn't want to say anything." I tell him. I cup his face with my hands and softly kiss his lips." Right let's go" I say. He then scoops me up bridal style and takes me upstairs. I drop onto the bed and he runs to the bathroom. He returned with some wipes and a bandage." Really Reece, it's not that bad" "Just some precautions" and with that he takes out a wipe and wipes down my ankle. I flinch as it stings a little," sorry gorgeous" "It's alright, it just stings that's all." He wraps the bandage around my ankle and hops into bed with me. I cuddle close to him and rest my head on his chest. He plays with my hair and occasionally kisses my head." I love you" "I love you too" I say as my eyelids begin to feel heavy and I eventually drift off to sleep.

THESE TWO ARE SO CUTE AND I CANT GET OVER ITT.<3333 Also there is going to be some-
News soon, idk when but soon.
Also I need ideas for things bc yeah.👍🏻
Have a good day/night my loviess💗💗

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