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"Marjorie, its Mia," I knelt down in front of her and took her hands in mine.
"It's okay, me Reece and autumn are here. Your safe. I need you to try your best to answer me Okay? what's 5 thing you can see."
"You, th-the t-t-table, autumn, the tv and t-the rug."
"Well done. Now I want you to tell me 4 things you can feel."
"Y-y-your hands, m-m-my h-hoodie, the c-couch, my h-hair " She said shakily but her breathing slowing a little
"Okay you're doing amazing sweetheart what's 3 things you can hear."
"Th-the rain, your voice and m-my breathing."
Her voice sounded a lot calmer and less tears were pouring out of her eyes.
"Amazing sweetheart, what's 2 things you can smell?"
"Reece's hoodie and your perfume." She said, her breathing almost completely normal.
"Well done sweetheart, you did so well."
"Thank you Mia." She whispered, her voice breaking.
"Anytime sweetheart." I smiled.

She jumped forward and wrapped her arms around my neck to which I reincorporated.
"Do you want a glass of water or maybe wine?"
I mentioned wine and I felt her body flinch back a bit.
"If we have any non alcoholic, then yes if not, just water."
I said jumping up and walking into the kitchen. It was a bit strange than Marjorie was turning down wine, but I looked over it.

Something is going on with Marjorie. She would never turn down alcohol. Not even because she just had a panic attack. And she wouldn't normally have a panic attack over the thought of losing her job. She knows that me and Reece would slit Roger's throat if he even thought about it.

Just as I was about to figure it out, Mia returned with the drinks.
"Non alcoholic, I promise." She smiled handing Marjorie her drink.
"And for you," she turned around," Normal wine."
I let out a small chuckle and took a sip of my wine, thinking about all the possibilities of why Marjorie turned down the alcohol and had a panic attack. And how she went to the toilet about 30 times a day.

But then...
It clicked.
Holy shit.
She's pregnant.
It's the only rational explanation.
Going to the toilet loads, not drinking alcohol, Reece being extra protective, Carly always getting excited when she went in the office. I mean Carly is a skilled little detective and a snooper. Of course she would know. And Marjorie had annual leave booked every few weeks.

I wasn't going to question her now. Not in front of Mia. And not after she's just had a panic attack. But I did know how if I asked her a question when she was focused, she would answer without thinking. Meaning she would tell me the truth without realising.

"Everything alright autumn?" Marjorie questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Mhm" I hummed.
"Well I best be off, winter is waiting for me." I smirked.
"Me to, me and char need to finish where we left off." Mia smirked.

Marjorie pulled her face and I just simply said,
"Marjorie don't make that face when you two were fucking when we came here."
To which Marjorie went bright red.
" bye Marjorie, bye Reece. Love you both."
"Love you too autumn." Marjorie smiled.
"Bye marj, bye Reecey. Behave and use protection, don't want you to end up with a mini Reece."
Reece looked shocked which just backed my evidence up even more.

Once Mia and Autumn left, I turned to look at Reece,
"Where were we?" He smirked, leaning down to kiss me.
The kisses became more and more rough before I pulled away,
He scooped me up bridal style and carried me upstairs.

For once, he gently placed me on the bed and once again, removed his hoodie.
I bit my lip at the sight of the man infront of me. He walked over to me and kissed down my neck, only breaking away to pull my hoodie over my head. His gentle kisses on my neck soon became more rough enough to leave marks. My back arched at the feeling, giving him the perfect opportunity to remove my bra.

He bit my nipple, while massaging the other with his hand, before switching sides and doing the same. He kissed down my stomach until he reached the waistband of my pants.
I felt my pants and underwear slide down my legs and his warm breath on my dripping core.
"Reece for fucks sake." I yelled
"What is everything okay? Do you want me to stop?"
"No. Please. I need you to do the opposite of stop."
"Okay gorgeous."

He did one, slow lick through my folds, before feasting on me, causing me to yelp out.
He sucked and bit on my clit while also thrusting 2 fingers into me. I felt my legs shaking and pressure in my lower stomach building.

One last thrust of his fingers and the dam broke and I came. Reece kept his fingers inside while I rode down from my high, before pulling them out and licked them clean.
"You okay?"
"Reece I'm more than okay. My god that was amazing. And I think I can still move my legs." I breathed out.

Reece stood up and walked into the bathroom.
"Where do you think you're going?" I asked.

"To run us a bath? Unless you don't want to?"

"Will you come in with me?"

"If you want me to."

"Is that even a question Reece?"


"Of course I want you to. Now come help me up, I want to come into the bathroom while it runs."

"You said you could move your legs." He smirked.

"Think I said I think I could. And I'm with child. If I fall I could damage baby you little shit." I grinned.

Reece walked over to the bed and took my hand, while I tried my best to stand up, which I did. He slowly walked with me. I was limping and he was just staring at me smirking. When we finally got to the bathroom, I sat down on the toilet while Reece ran the bath.

Once it was done, he scooped me up and placed me in.
"I thought you were coming in too" I pouted.
"I am, however, unlike you, I  still have clothes."
"And they wouldn't be on if you didn't leave the second I released now would they?"
"Yes they would, you know what I'm like. If you're satisfied I am too."
He said pulling his pants down, along with his boxers and slipping in behind me.
"I think autumn knows something."

Two chapters in one day bc I'm nice but also two cliffhangers in one day. I get they weren't big ones but hey ho.
As promised fletchsketch another chapter😜😜

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