500 10 5

Me and Marjorie were going on a date tonight. Nothing special, just a walk around our Favorite path at around 8 so we could see the sunset and have a little chat about our lives. Recently, I had becoming more open about my life to Marjorie. About my mum and dad. About everything really. Char has been a big help and I can't thank her enough. Well I could just give her some more chocolate but that wouldn't be as special. Anyway I'm on my way to pick Marjorie up from her nursery and we are going to get changed at home.

I arrived at her nursery and she ran outside, throwing her arms around me.
"Hey you." I say
"Hiya darlin" she replies, pulling away and bringing me into a bruising kiss.
"What's this for gorgeous?"
"I just missed you today. The parents were pissing me off and the only thing that would keep me sane was thinking about was our date tonight.
"Well we can talk all about the parents I need to beat up for pissing you off today." I say, smirking at her.
"REECE!" She said, playdully smacking me on my chest.
"Right let's get going. It's already 6:45 now so we have a little over an hour to get ready." I reach out for her and and she gracefully grabs it, beginning to walk alongside me. We hop in the car and do our seatbelts. As I am driving, the song Barbie girl starts playing and I have to sing along. As the song finishes, we pull up outside our house and head inside. Marjorie runs straight upstairs to our bedroom while I head to the kitchen to pack a small back of snacks and drinks. I pack some of Marjorie's Favorite crisps and 2 cans of 7-up, thinking back to our first date.

About 10 minutes late Marjorie comes down and wraps her arms around my waist.
"What you doing?" She asks
"Packing us some snacks, I know you can get peckish."
"God I love you."
"I love you too Marjie." I say teasingly, earning myself another playful smack.
"Oi you that was a typo and it was annoying." She said chuckling to herself.
"Anywayyy are you ready to go, it's a 45 minute drive?" I ask her.
"Yep, all set." She replies with a gorgeous smile on her face."

We head out to the car and Marjorie puts our playlist on. On the playlist is
Barbie girl(Ofc Reece's fav song)
Rolling in the deep
Shake it off
Set fire to the rain
Cruel summer
Stranger (my fav song by Queen Olivia Rodrigo)
Easy on me
And sweater weather.
(Yes I did  just make a whole playlist off the top of my head. I also think marj is a proper Adele fan so Yarrr)

After a 50 minute car dive- because apparently I have no sense of direction- we arrived at our Favorite trail, just as the sun looked like it was going to set. We started our walk and the sky became a soft orange colour. Marjorie snapped a few pictures because that's what she did everytime she saw something pretty like this. We were just walking and taking when I noticed Marjorie's shoe lace was untied.
"Gorgeous, your shoe is untied."
"I know I'll do it in a minute, but I wasn't finished venting mister." She said, playfully grinning at me.

Reece had pointed out that my shoelace was untied but I told him I would do it in a minute. I shouldn't have though because I had completely forgotten about it and with my clumsiness, I tripped over it. I put one of my hands out to stop myself from going  face first into the floor, but it snapped. I didn't know what happened but it really really hurt. I yelled out in pain and Reece rushed to my side.
"What happened gorgeous? Are you okay?" Oh my god your wrist. We need to get you to hospital."
Before I could even argue with him he scooped me up, bridal style and carried me back to the car. My wrist really hurt and a few tears trickled down my cheek. He wasn't wrong though, Reece was right, I did need the hospital. It was already swelling and bruising. About 10 minutes later we were at St hopes hospital and Reece was helping me out the car. We rushed inside because Reece was obviously worried. Reece told the receptionist what had happened and she told us there would be a doctor there any minutes. In the mean time we sat there with some ice on my arm. Luckily the place was nearly empty so it didn't take that long for the doctor to come. He came over to us and led us to an examination room. I was told to lie down on the bed and Reece sat down on a chair next to me.
"Tell me if you feel any pain or discomfort." The doctor told me
I nodded in response and he started to feel around my wrist. Everytime it hurt I told him and he said they would do an X-ray on it. They knew it was broke, they just needed to know where.

Marjorie had the X-ray and we were in a hospital room, waiting for the results. I squeezed her left hand tightly and was constantly checking on her.
"Reece, don't worry, I'm fine." She would tell me.
"Reece did you bring the bag in?" She asked me.
"Yeah why?"
"Because I want some of the snacks." I laughed and handed her a packet of Doritos.
About 5 minutes later the doctor came in with the results and told her
"You have broken your wrist and 3 fingers. We will need to put you in a cast for 8 weeks and if the condition does not improve you will have to have surgery."
I don't know why but that didn't make me feel any better.
The doctor left the room and marjorie finished her crisps.

30 minutes later
The doctors had finished putting Marjorie's cast on her arm and fingers, so we were discharged from the hospital.
"Do you want to go to work tommorow or stay home?"
"Reece you know how much I hate it when I have to stay home."
"But Marjorie, you work in an office, you need your fingers to type and shit." I don't want her to be in pain at work.
"Oi language and I'm going to work, even if I can't type, I can do paperwork."
"Fine." I couldn't be bothered arguing with her.
I started driving home and was constantly peeking
over at her, to see if she was okay.

We arrived at home and I basically sprinted out the car to Marjorie's side and opened her door for her.
"Reece I can open a car door."
"No you can't. I'm not having you go into surgery."
Hand in hand, we walked to the house and Marjorie immediately flopped onto the couch. I followed close behind and she snuggled into my chest.
"Careful. Don't hurt your arm."
"Reece, I don't care if I hurt my arm, I want to be close to you." God this woman has me wrapped around her little finger. I felt Marjorie's breathing slowing down and her body relaxing.
"Marjorie?" I whispered, trying to see if she was still awake.
No response.
I picked her up and carried her to our bedroom. I didn't put her in pyjamas because I didn't want to hurt her and she was already in comfy clothes. I stripped down to my boxers and climbed into bed with her, careful not to wake her or move her arm. My head was ontop of Marjorie's and my eyes began to feel heavy as I fell asleep.

Idk why I made this chapter, I just did and ya. I'm probably not going to be as active bc I'm starting school tommorow but I will try🎀🎀LOVE U ALL🩷🩷

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