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"Well honestly, he's always drunk. But today, it was really bad. He smelt like weed when he came home. So I tried to offer him some water, you know, sober him up, because honestly, you'd think he was dying if you saw him hungover."
I hummed in response, sounded like what he used to do when I was younger.
"And he was being a little, touchy. By a little I mean a lot. It got to the point where he was trying to force me to," she paused, wiped a tear that was gliding down her cheek, and took a deep shaky breath,"sorry, I'm being dramatic."

"No you're not, it's okay to be upset about these things. And no matter how long it takes, I'll be here when you are ready to talk." I held her hands again.

"He was basically forcing me to get-
Undressed, even though I told him on multiple occasions, he was too drunk and needed to sober up a little. That's when he lost it. 'IVE ASKED YOU TO DO SOMETHING YOU BITCH!' He would yell. But when I didn't respond, he undid his belt and hit me, over and over. I'm surprised I didn't pass out." She then began sobbing.

I didn't know what to do. I mean it was Siobhan. The woman who was always cold. Had a tough shell. But that she'll was cracking because of that man I have to call my father. I pulled her into a hug and she gripped onto my hoodie, just allowing her to sob, let it all out.

It made me remember times I would sob to Mia like this. How I would always go to her for any of my problems. Yeah I still love that woman. But I'm a grown man now. I have my own little family growing. But sometimes, I think about running into her arms. Hugging the one person that understood me when I was such a small, fragile person.

By then, shibs had calmed down," shall we get you into some nice warm clothes and get you settled in the spare room?"

She nodded slightly.
I stood up slowly, leading her up the stairs and into the spare room. "I'll be right back, I promise." I smiled softly at her.

I wandered back into the room and saw Marjorie, pacing back and forth, not even noticing I was there.
"What's the matter baby?" I questioned.
She spun around and our eyes met.
"Nothing, but what if he finds her, what if he hurts you for taking her in. I'm not complaining, I mean, she's a broken woman, but what if he finds her and hurts her or you more?"

"Then I'll kick his ass. But can we please talk about this in a minute, I promised shibby I'd be back soon and I don't want her thoughts to get the better of her." I kissed her on the head.

"I love how caring you are." She smiled.

I picked out a pair of joggers and a hoodie for Siobhan to wear. Nothing fancy. I walked back into the room and handed Siobhan the clothes.

"Thank you Reece." She said, her voice cracking and barely above a whisper.

"It's nothing, now get changed and get in bed, it's half 2 in the morning." I laughed, making my way back to Marjorie, who was lay comfortably in the bed.

I climbed in beside her, hoping I'd finally get a good sleep, when there was another knock at the door.

"Oh for fucks sake it's half two. Who actually gets out of the house at half two?"

I once again, made my way downstairs and opened the door.

"Hello Reece." The dark haired woman said.

"I'm here because I'm going to let bon live at my house for a while. I know you and Marjorie will want your privacy and I want to keep her safe." She said.

"How did you-"

"You do know your wife knows about our little relationship. We aren't dating but we are quite close." She said with a smirk.

"Okay well, I'll go wake her now...." I said still slightly confused.

"Oh don't wake her up, if you're okay with it, I'll just come in and get her." She said.

"What like carry her?" I asked, still confused.

"Yes Reece, I will carry her."

"Okay well, in you come." I spoke.

"Thank you." She smiled and walked inside.


"Who was it?" Marjorie mumbled as I came back into bed.

"Viv. She's just taken shibby home."

"Hmm." She hummed, obviously tired.

"Right now you go to sleep, please. I'm not having you tired and then going to work."

I didn't have to say another word before she was cuddled closer to me and already asleep. I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms around her, soon falling asleep myself.


I was just making breakfast for me and Marjorie, when there was another knock at the door.
"Well we are a popular house aren't we?" I said to myself.

I walked to the front door and unlocked it for like the millionth time in the past 8 hours. When I opened the door, my stomach dropped.

"Well well son, nice to see you."

Wanted the dream to be real soooo ratty Roger had to make and appearance. But Marjorie will not be the one getting hurt😜😜

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