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I gently pushed Reece off of me and made my way downstairs. The light switch was by the front door so I had to walk down the hall in the dark. Once I reached the front door, I flicked the switch and scrambled for the key.

The person at the door knocked once more.
"I'm coming, I'm coming."

I slipped the key in the lock and turned it. When I opened the door, I was shocked to see who was on the other side.
"Marjorie, help, please."


I crept down the stairs, to find Marjorie, facing....
But Siobhan was crying, she had a coat on and mascara streaks down her face.
"Come in, don't stay out there." I Said from behind Marjorie.

Marjorie walked out beside Siobhan and wrapped one arm around her shoulder, walking her into the living room and onto the couch.

"What happened my darling?" Marjorie asked soothingly.

"R-Roger." She stuttered out.

"Oh great." I said sarcastically.
Marjorie glared at me and I put my hands in the air and stepped back.

Marjorie looked back over to Siobhan, her expression changing to a more sympathetic one.
"Do you want to take your coat off?" She asked lovingly.

Shibby winced and looked scared.

"you don't have to take it off, just a suggestion." Marj said smiling softly.

Siobhan slowly took off her coat, revealing all the cuts and bruises she had on her arms. Her clothes were torn and bloody. Marjorie gently took her coat off of her and hung it up.

She went to take Siobhan's hand, but she flinched away.
"Did he do that to you?" Marjorie asked softly.

Siobhan nodded.

"Can I see?" Marjorie asked, holding her hands out.

Siobhan placed her hands in Marjorie's and watched Marjorie inspect her arms.
I couldn't deal with it. He hurt another innocent woman. I felt sick. It was horrible. I walked into the kitchen and got myself a glass of water.

It wasn't enough. I couldn't deal with it. I went upstairs and threw up. How could he do that to Her. She was terrified to the point where you couldn't even touch her hands. And she was never like that. He did that to her.

I know he is bad, but not that bad. She was terrified. And she was manipulated.
No wonder she was so hard to be friends with. So hard to earn her trust. Because he made her like that.

I heard someone coming upstairs so I flushed the toilet and climbed off the bathroom floor. I didn't want to make this all about me. We should be worried about Siobhan not me.
"Reece, what's wrong?" Marjorie knocked on the door.
"Nothing I'm fine."
"No your not," she walked in and saw how pale I was.
"Don't try and say you weren't just being sick. What's wrong Reece?"
"Nothing, how's Siobhan."
"No Reece, what's wrong? Stop acting like you're not fine."
"It's what he used to do to me and Aut when we were younger. They are whip marks. He would take his belt and whip us when he got drunk" I said, my voice cracking and barely above a whisper.
"Oh Reece." She pulled me into a hug.

"Well how is she?" I asked.
"She won't open up about it. She's scared he will hurt her again. Maybe you could try. and before you object-"
Before she could finish I covered her mouth with my finger.
"I think it would be great. I've dealt with that wanker before." I said earning a giggle out of her.

"Right off I go." I said, walking out of the bathroom and down the stairs

I reached the living room and sat opposite the shaking woman. She looked at me. Honestly she looked terrified.
"Can I see? You don't have to show me, but I can't help you if you don't. I promise I'm nothing like him. I'm here to help."
I said, holding my hands out.

She hesitated at first, but then put her hands in mine. I smiled at her, letting her know it was okay.

I looked at her arms. They were bleeding and bruised. It made me feel sick.
"Shall we get you cleaned up?" I smiled at her.
She nodded at me, looking in my eyes.

I looked Reece in the eye. I saw how he was the complete opposite of Roger. How gentle and caring he was. I don't know how him and Roger were related.

He got up and walked into the kitchen.
He came back in with a first aid box and a glass of water.
"This might sting a little bit, but it will be over fast." He said gently, dabbing my arm with a warm, wet towel. I winced slightly as it stung, but Reece kept looking at me reassuringly.

Once he finished cleaning the blood. Be grabbed some bandages a carefully wrapped them around my arms.

"He did this too you too didn't he. You and autumn?" I asked.

He nodded," that's why I've come to talk to you. I know that Marjorie's parents weren't physically violent when she was young. And I have dealt with that bellend before."

I giggled and just looked him in the face. He was nothing like the man. He was gentle, kind caring. Roger was nice in the start of the relationship, but slowly, he just changed into a monster. I was honestly just in it for the money at the start, but when I saw how 'kind' he was, I wanted to stay. But then he changed. It was like a light switched off inside of him.

"Siobhan? Hello! Siobhan." Reece waved his hand infront of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Sorry Reece, just got a little lost."
"It's fine, now, can you tell me why he did this to you?"
I took a deep breath and started,

Another cliffy😜😜
Anyway, as per usual, not proof read, bc well
I'm a lazy shit. BUT ITS A CHAPTERR👹👹

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