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A/N heyyy so this is a pretty big chapterrrr
⚠️⚠️⚠️TW EMETEPHOBIA⚠️⚠️⚠️

A few weeks later

Marjorie 10:23am
Today at work was not what I expected. Autumn wasn't in because her and Winter had food poisoning. I was just typing away on my computer, when I suddenly had a wave of nausea pass over me.

I jumped out of my seat and ran to the bathroom. I kneeled on the floor and threw up in the toilet until I heard someone calling my name,"Marjorie? Is that you?"Char Called out."Yes my love but don't worry I'm fi-" before I could finish my sentence I was throwing up again.

After a few minutes of throwing up, I stand up an walk out of my stall. I was greeted with a concerned looking Char. '' Are you sure you're okay Marjorie?" She asked me. I knew something was wrong. I had been throwing up everyday for the last few weeks. I have a slight suspicion but I didn't want to jump to conclusions."Umm-" I say as my eyes fill up and tears roll down my face. Char pulls me in for a tight embrace and rubs my back ."Hey, it's okay, you can tell me Marjorie." She says in a gentle voice. Char is my best friend and I trust her with my life so I tell her," I think I'm pregnant but I don't know and it's too overwhelming to think about. Every time I try to think about it I just start crying and-" I say beging to break down again. "Marjorie, it's okay...
Have you taken a test?"
"Do you notice anything different about your body and things lately". Char has 2 kids of her own so she knows these things." Well I have been getting really bad stomach and leg cramps. I've also had loads of mood swings and dizzy spells. Oh and I've been going to the toilet like 10 times an hour."
(I searched them up bc idk what early signs of pregnancy are😜)
"Well they are all signs, are you late?"
I was hoping she wouldn't ask that because i was and it was a dead give away,
" yeah."
"How late?"
"3 weeks" I say sheepishly.
"Have you and Reece.. you know?"
I nodded avoiding eye contact
"Did you use protection?"
"How about on my lunch break, I will go to the pharmacy and get you a test?"
"Thank you so much char." I say throwing my arms around her again.
"Right, let's get you back to the office."
We leave the bathroom linking arms and make our way to the office. I sit down on my chair and look at the time'10:34.' Char was on the early lunch so she could leave at 11:30. The hour went pretty slow. I think it was because I was worrying so much. What if it's positive? What if Reece doesn't want children yet? I mean we don't really discuss these kind of things. What is I'm not a good mum? I mean I've always wanted kids, but will Reece? All these questions filled my thoughts, until I realised the time 11:32 Chars lunch time. Finally.

A few minutes later, she popped her head in the office and said ,"right Marjorie I'm leaving now." I just nodded because I couldn't get my words out.


I walked into the car park and approached my car. As I get in and pull out the car park, I remembered how I felt when I was pregnant with my first. I remembered the nervousness and worry I had that I wouldn't be able to good mum, and the worry my husband wouldn't want children. A few minutes later I arrived at the pharmacy and turn off my car. I walked to the entrance and straight to the isle with the pregnancy tests and buy 2, just in case something happened to the first. The cashier put them into a bag for me along with my receipt. I drove to the nearest Tesco to pick up myself and Marjorie a meal deal, because I know she won't go out and get her own food today. I also get her her Favorite chocolate and sweets because I know she loves her chocolate. I pay for everything and drive back to the nursery. Marjorie was waiting in the office, lost in her thoughts,"Marjorie, I'm back." She just sat there. I approached her and rest my hand on her shoulder, snapping her back to reality.

Char was back which just made me more nervous. I was just about to find out whether I was going to be a mother or not.
"Marjorie, no matter what this test says , positive or negative, you will be okay."
"But what if Reece doesn't want children?" I ask her tearing up again
"I'm sure Reece would be over the moon to be the father to your children. Just relax Marjorie. We can go take the test whenever you're ready."
Her voice relaxed me a little and I felt ready
"Right, let's go do this" I said, sounding confident, but definitely not feeling it.

We walked to the bathroom, char holding the test in her sleeve so nobody would see it. As we made it to the bathroom, char handed me the box so I could take the test. I went into a stall and I took it, following the instructions on the box. I stepped out of the stall and set a 2 minute timer. I hugged char tightly for the whole two minutes. The timer went off but I just stayed hugging char, I feel safe and happy in her arms. Eventually the timer stopped ringing.
"I can't char, can you do it for me?" I asked pulling away. Char walked over to the sink where the test was and flipped it over.
"It's positive!" She exclaimed
"Really?" I smiled, feeling the tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Yeah- Marjorie you're going to be a mum."
I was speechless.
"Char, can you call Reece for me, please." I asked, picking up the test and looking at the two red lines.
"Of course, come here." She said opening her arms. I practically jumped into them and squeezed her tight.
"I'll be right back." She said, exiting the room.

A few minutes later she came back into the bathroom.
"Reece will be here in 5 minutes, but be prepared, he sounded really worried."
I giggled and continued looking at the test in disbelief. The tears wouldn't stop and I had soaked my jumper. I looked up from the test, my eyes meeting chars.
"Thank you so so much char."
"It's nothing Marjorie, you, Reece and baby knight will always have me and Carly and Sorscha and Autumn and Winter and Mia, supporting you. Yes Mia isnt your best friend, but she's trying."
"I know," I said smiling and going to hug her again. I picked up the test and put it in my pocket.

Seconds later, Reece bursts through the door, looking panicked.
"Marjorie! What happened? Are you okay." He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. He searched my face for any clue of what happened but I gave nothing.
"I'm going to give you some privacy." Char said , leaving the bathroom once more.
"Why did char tell me to come over if your fine?"
"Reece close your eyes and hold out your hands." I said calmly
"Why Marjorie what's happened. You have obviously been crying but you look happy?"
"Reece, do you trust me?" I ask him
"Of course I do Marjorie." He said sounding a little less panicked.
"Then close your eyes and hold out your hands"
He does as I ask and I place the test I his hands.
"Open your eyes."
He opens his eyes and looks down at the test i his hands
"Wait- Marjorie- are you- I'm gonna- I'm going to be a dad?" He asks, his eyes filling up with tears.
"Yes!" I exclaim, jumping into his arms. Luckily he catches me and I stare into his teary eyes.
"Oh my god- is this what you want?"
"Of course it is you bone head." I say slammig out lips together. He puts me down and kisses me again, each second becoming more and more aggressive until char came in and cleared her throat to make herself known.
"As much as I hate to break-
This up, you shouldn't be getting too- spicy in the word bathroom." She says waking out
"Charlotte!" I squealed
"I don't want to tell anyone about it just yet, I mean char obviously knows but I just mean everyone else."
"Okay baby, look as much as I want to stay here with you, I have to get back to my nursery. I'm really short staffed and I had to leave Eric in charge." God he must have been desperate.
"Okay darling, we can talk about it after work. Love you"
"I love you more"
He places his hand on my stomach and say
"And you."
I giggle and give him a kiss on the cheek.
" bye bye"
Bye marj, I love you so muchhh"
He says leaving the bathroom.

I walk back to the office, to see char sat on Autums chair.
"I got you a meal deal and some snacks. I threw my arms around her for like the 5th time today.
"I honestly can't thank you enough char. What would I do without you?"
"I don't know, anyway it's nothing, now eat, I know you didn't exactly keep your breakfast in this morning."
I giggle at her comment and sit down, grabbing my sandwich and taking a large bite out of it. We talked for a little bit and char gave me some pregnancy tips and advice. Before I know it 12:30 rolls around and char has to go back to work. I spent most of the afternoon thinking about having a mini me or a mini Reece running around the house
God I love that man

A/n This is a long one. Umm idk when this is gonna be published but hello from the 19th of august And it took like 2 days to write because I have a horrible attention span and I can't stay focused for 2 minutes 😭😭

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