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audrey didn't expect to spend the party crammed up in a corner while alyssa stared at her ex—girlfriend dancing with another girl

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audrey didn't expect to spend the party crammed up in a corner while alyssa stared at her ex—girlfriend dancing with another girl. all she wanted to do was find some boy, maybe make out with him and have a fucking good time.

"what is nicole doing dancing with that big headed freak?" alyssa glared at the couple, anyone that was next to them could practically feel the jealousy radiating off her.

audrey looked around at the place, the house was big but it was full right now. there were kids everywhere— either dancing, smoking, making out, fucking and what not.

"okay you're being kind of scary." bailey responded, nudging audrey's shoulder for support.

"what her head is like huge, okay?" alyssa grumbled out, pointing out the obvious. "it's just a fact. not that it matters you know i'm all about body positivity. beauty's mostly male construct anyway— maybe it is actually a medical issue. what if there's something wrong and she's not just ugly?"

bailey listened carefully to their best friend meanwhile audrey's eyes wandered over to the stair case, more importantly who was walking down the stairs.

there he was in his stupid outfit, with a smile on his face as he held two cups of whatever— audrey guessed that one of the cups were for bailey because he didn't know anyone else at this party except for them and he definitely didn't grab drinks for her or his sister.

benj looked up and immediately locked eyes with audrey, giving her a small smile and hoping that she wouldn't scowl at him. she looked good, she had on a light pink tank top with a white skirt and a pair of light pink sneakers, to be fair she never ever had looked bad a day in her life.

weirdly enough the boy had been too busy staring at her as he walked over to the girls to even notice that bailey was there.

as he began approaching them someone had walked into him, punching him in the gut and stealing the red solo cups he had in his hand. "give me that." ruby laughed as he took them off the boy and began walking off again, benj groaned as he clutched his stomach.

"you okay?" audrey asked, furrowing her eyebrows at the interaction. she felt kinda bad for him.

"ah, just ruby being... funny." benj waved it off like it was no big deal, his eyes scanning audrey's outfit— now that he was closer she looked even better. "you know carpool stuff— you look great by the way." his eyes went huge when he said that, he wasn't actually meant to say it out loud.

audrey raised an eyebrow while bailey stood next to her with a smirk on her face, she knew this was bound to happen sooner or later, both of them were in deep denial. she knew that whatever feelings audrey told her that benj had for her had been totally fake, she could tell that benj had been utterly in love with audrey since they were kids— even after she kept teasing him and getting on his nerves. she knew it before any of them knew it, all bailey needed was to give them a moment alone.

"did you hit your head or something?" audrey crossed her arms before gasping slightly. "did someone drug your drink?"

"what no!"


"so how's your first party? everything you always dreamed of?" bailey asked, trying to steer away from that awkward little interaction— this was her night and she was going to get them to realize one way or another.

"so far so good i don't know a lot of people, so it's a little awkward." he answered, shrugging slightly— he was not about to tell them that he spent the entire time with koosh in the security room just waiting for them to arrive.

"well it's about to get more awkward because you have no one to talk to." alyssa sneered as she pulled both of her friends away but before they could move somebody else came over.

"well isn't this a nice surprise," benj looked over to see a tall, curly haired brunette boy with brown eyes walk over to them. "audrey how you been?"

"hey adrien," she waved at the boy, a small smile on her face. adrien had been her so called fling last year, he was one year older than her and she had fallen completely head over heels in love with him then. "you guys go, i'll catch up." she whispered to bailey and alyssa who nodded and walked away.

but in front of her benj stood with a dumbfounded expression on his face. who was this guy? did audrey have a boyfriend? she never told him that she had a boyfriend. why would he be her boyfriend? she could do better.

those thoughts were running through his head as he felt a weird feeling that he couldn't exactly pinpoint. anger? sadness? no it definitely wasn't any of those. so what the fuck was he feeling right now.

audrey gave the boy a casual hug, sure they had been a thing in the past and after that made out a couple of times but still, there was nothing going on between them now. "it's good to see you again."

"yeah i didn't see you at school all day," adrien wrapped an arm around her waist as he took her away from the freshman boy and led her over to his own friend group. "i was actually waiting to see the whole day but—"

as they walked away audrey turned around to look back at benj one more time, his brows were furrowed and his fists were tightened into a ball and for the first time in her life she had felt small under his glare.

she frowned as she glanced back at adrien, normally she was excited when she saw him because she knew that it would be a great time but right now it wasn't exactly that.

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐋, 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐣 𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now