Canvas & Crumbs

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Canvas & Crumbs
A novel by icauniclst



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher.

Readers' discretion is advised. This story is not suitable for ages seventeen and below.

Do respect the author by not bringing any other authors' novels or works into my pieces. If this story is not your cup of tea, you may quit instead of lashing out hatred through the readers' section. This world is already full of hatred, let's try not to contribute any negative acts to it. Instead, let's infect the world with our compassion and kindness.

All my love,




In a serene, sunlit corner of a small, picturesque town, there stood a bakery that had once been filled with bliss and light. The bakery's name was Crumbs & Crust. Unfortunately, the delighted bakery that had once permeated the place seemed to have faded, much like the paint on the old and rusty wooden sign.

Aurelia Chrysanthe Diaz had poured her heart into this bakery. It was more than just a business to her; it was a haven, a place where she could channel her love into every loaf of bread and every delicate pastry; but in the months leading up to this moment, her heart had been crumbled to pieces, leaving her adrift in a sea of emotions she could no longer contain.

The man she had once loved, the one she had imagined and pictured sharing her life with, had fooled her genuine heart, leaving her with only the memories of what could have been. The bakery had become a reflection of her inner agitation and agony—still functioning, still serving its purpose, but deficiency of the spark that had once made it so special. Aurelia's smiles were now embraced with sadness and the once-bright future she had envisioned seemed dim and uncertain.

Each day, Aurelia went through the motions, her hands moving automatically as she kneaded dough, funneled frosting, and arranged her pastries with a precision that belied the turmoil inside her. The customers who came and went sensed the change but said nothing, respecting the quiet courage she conveyed in continuing her work despite the grievance she carried.

It was during this time, as the leaves began to turn golden and the air grew crisp with the onset of autumn, that a stranger roamed into her bakery. His clothes were splattered with paint, his hair tousled by the wind, and his light-blue almond eyes held a depth of emotion that mirrored her own. He introduced himself as North, a painter who had recently moved to the town, seeking solace and inspiration in its serene beauty.

North had felt the weight of his own present life, the burdens that had not gone as he had planned. He had come to this town to escape, to free himself, from the cage he has been for the last two years, in his passion being an artist, but what he hinged in Aurelia's bakery was something unexpected—a kindred-gentle spirit, a woman whose sorrow called to his own.

Their first meeting was brief, a polite exchange as he purchased a loaf of bread, a cup of coffees, and some pastries.

But there was a moment, a f l i c k e r of understanding that passed between them, as though each recognized the other's unspoken pain.

Aurelia gazed him leave, her heart stirring in a way it hadn't since it had been broken. In confusion, she just thought that it might have just been a weird feeling since both of them barely met.

In the days that followed, North returned again and again, not just for the delicate pastries she'd make, but for the quiet comfort he found in the bakery's warmth. He would always sit by the window, sketching scenes of the town or capturing the dazzling sunlight as it filtered through the window glass, all while sneaking glances at Aurelia as she worked.

At a slow pace, their conversations grew longer, the silences between them stuffed with a sense of shared understanding.

Aurelia didn't know what to make of the feelings that began to b l o o m within her, fragile, and hesitant like the first sprouts of spring flowers after an abrasive winter. She was afraid to hope, afraid to open her heart again. But there was something about North—his gentleness, his patience, the way he perceives beauty even in the most monotonous things—that began to thaw the ice around her heart.

And so, in that little bakery, where the scent of fresh bread coalesce with the keen tang of paint, will two shattered souls begin to mend?


For those whose heart has been shattered, fooled, and betrayed. You are always w o r t h y of a love that you have been praying for.




Canvas & Crumbs
Skies & Florets

Thank you for reading my pieces! I always appreciate your well spent reading these with all your heart.


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Twitter: icauniclst


Started: 08-24-24
Ended: 08-31-24

© icauniclst 2024
All Rights Reserved

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