January 2022: The Continue

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At first, nothing much happened. I mainly was just excited for the day of her classes and I'd be so HAPPY whenever that day came. Her classes were only once a week, so I made sure to make every class count. We were practicing the Cup Song for our Winter Show, rehearsals, blah blah blah, all your typical stuff before Winter Break. Little did I know that after Winter Break was when the real attachment would start.

After the 3 week break, I finally go to see her! January 9th, 2022, was the exact date of back to school. When I saw her that day, Myl told me that I was the person she loved most in the whole world! Wow... this really was what I was looking for all my life. I was over the moon when she said that and grew more and more attached to her each day. However, the attachment got to a point where I could barely focus on anything except her. Back then, I didn't even know the word attachment so I considered this love as an "obsession" and even searched on YouTube signs if you're obsessed with someone. Some of the signs were apart of my attachment which made me believe that I really was obsessed. It was hard at first, but over the course of a couple months, my attachment became normal like to how it used to be in the beginning.

Over time, I was aiming to become her best student just to impress her and did everything I could such as joining the talent show (I didn't force myself) and paying attention in her classes without dozing off. I was dead serious in her classes. I still remember this one time she was teaching us Old MacDonald on the piano and one of my classmates laughed and said "Like McDonalds?" I told her this wasn't the time for jokes, and she just looked at me pissed off. This went on until March 2022

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