(Top moments:
December 5
December 7
December 12
December 14
December 17
December 18
December 19
December 20
December 21)~December 3rd, 2023~
Today was so much fun!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but i didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. We luckily had PE free so I tried to look for her in the auditorium and her classroom but she wasn't there. I went through the next 4 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, grabbed the note I made her, and ran to the auditorium. As I was going down the stairs, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She was so happy to see me and so was I! 💕💕 I gave her the note I made her during the weekend and she absolutely loved it!! 💗💗 I asked her if she had a class and she said yes so I asked if it was in her classroom or in the auditorium and surprisingly, she said in the auditorium! 🤍 I was so happy that I was able to watch her class just like the term exams week! 💕💕 When they came, they started pushing each other, moving out of their line etc etc. Obviously, she yelled at them and said that she could make them go back to the class, but they luckily behaved and started going down the stairs. Then, one of the girls smiled at me so I asked her what's her name and she also asked me for mine. After we exchanged names, she said that my name was nice and that I was so pretty 🤍 I thanked her and told her to go down the stairs so that she doesn't get in trouble. When she went down and as everyone else was sitting down, I went down the stairs as well and sat. They were being kind of rude to each other so she warned them that this was their only session and they shouldn't waste it. Luckily, they behaved and for the whole session, they practiced their song which was really nice and simple but different from the other classes I watched. When she gave them a break, I went up to her and told her that their show was amazing 😊🤍 She thanked me and said it was kind of basic so I hugged her 💕💕 She asked me if I was sick (I was kind of sick) and I said kind of so she told me to take Vitamin C when I go home so I said okay and hugged her 💕💕 She said love you and I said the same! 💖💖 When I sat down again, they kept practicing and each time, their performance was amazing 🤍 When they got dismissed, I hugged her and told her again that they were really good so she thanked me again and said it just needed to be fixed. As we were going up the stairs, she reminded me again to take Vitamin C and lots of hot drinks when I go home so I agreed, hugged her, and ran to my class. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. I worked on my project like usual to not lose grades and at 2:45 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she luckily agreed. I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom, used the toilet, fixed my hair, and ran to the stairs. Her classroom didn't have bags outside so I knew that she was having her class in the auditorium so I quickly ran back up the stairs, packed my bags, and went to the field. When I left my bags in the field, I quickly ran into the reception, down the stairs, and waited for her class to get dismissed. I waited for around 5 minutes before she dismissed her class and when she did, I immediately went down the auditorium stairs, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💕💕 I asked her how she was and she said great so I asked her if she needed help and she said no it was fine 🤍🤍 As we went up the stairs, I asked her if I could come with her in the elevator but she said no so that the head of school doesn't get mad at me so we hugged and she told me she loves me to the moon and back, she's seriously the sweetest! 💗💗 Afterwards, I quickly ran up the stairs, and went to bus. The whole ride home, I was so happy that I got to see her twice, spend lots of time with her and everything!! 💗💗 However, I felt a little bit upset since I was still sick and worried that I wouldn't be able to come tomorrow but I'll try my best to take her advice to feel better as fast as possible. Wish me the best of luck 💕
~December 4th, 2023~
Today was seriously so much fun!! 💕💕 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the stairs. She wasn't at the elevator so I quickly ran to the auditorium and luckily found her there with her class. When I went down the stairs, I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕💕 She hugged me back but didn't say anything since she was talking to her class so I went back to my seat and sat down. Their dance was really good and basic but it was still really fun to watch. When she gave them a break, I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗 I told her that their dance was amazing and she thanked me 💕 For the rest of the session, they kept rehearsing, adjusting the finale etc etc. When they got dismissed, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💖💖 I told her that their dance will be the best show after 3A so she thanked me lots for sharing my opinion 🤍 I asked her if she needed any help and she said no it was fine so I hugged her one last time and went to my class. I went through that session normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran as fast as I could to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, grabbed my studs, and ran to the auditorium. When I made it, her assistant was only there so I asked her where she was so she said she'll come soon. As some of the girls came, she came as well so I immediately ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗 She was so happy to see me and so was I! 💕 When everyone else came, some were working on the dance, some of them just started pushing and pulling each other etc etc. Luckily, we did alot today and we also received the hats for our show so that's a plus. During the session though, one of the boys grabbed my hat and chased his friends with it so I told her right away and she yelled at him and told him to give it back to me right away. Due to us being naughty, we gave the hats back but luckily, I was able to do my solo which was great 💕💕 When we got dismissed, I immediately took of my studs, put my shoes on, and ran up to her. I asked her if she liked the move and she said it was amazing 🤍 When we made it to the elevator, I hugged her and ran to my activity. The activity was surprisingly fun and all from the weird jokes and laughing but it obviously wasn't as fun as being with her. At 2:53 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and he luckily agreed so I ran as fast as possible to my locker, packed my bags, and ran to the stairs. I waited for around 5 minutes before she dismissed her class and when she did, I quickly went down the stairs, put my bags against the wall, and ran inside. I hugged her immediately and she was really happy to see me and so was I! 💗 She asked me to call her daughter to the reception so I quickly ran down the stairs as fast as I could to the field. I luckily found her daughter right away so I told her that her mom needed her in the reception. She asked me to let her pick her up so I told her that she was putting the grades and then, she asked me to take her to her class. I agreed so she grabbed her things and we went to her classroom. Her door wasn't open though so we ran back to the reception and we luckily found her so both of us ran up to her and hugged her 💗💗 As we were going down the stairs, I told her why we were late and everything and she luckily understood 💕💕 When we made it to her bus, I hugged her one last time and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I was really happy that I got to see her 4 times and everything!! 💕💕 However, I didn't feel as special as yesterday but I knew that deep down, she loved me more than all of her students so I promised myself to focus on being her best friend and showing her as much love and care as possible. Wish me the best of luck 💕
~December 5th, 2023~
Today was seriously the best day ever! 💗💗 I saw her at the elementary morning line but I couldn't go up to her because she was too far away unfortunately.. I went through the next 2 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my bag, put my stuff in it, grabbed my studs, and ran to the auditorium. Little did I know that things were about to take a wild turn. As I was going down the stairs, I saw her going down as well so I called her, ran up to her, and hugged tight 💕 She was so happy to see me and so was I! 💗 She told me to go to the auditorium and wait for her so I agreed, hugged her, and ran to the auditorium. A few minutes later, she came so we hugged and talked for a little bit. When the rest of my classmates came, I sat next to her on the edge of the stage and some of the girls were talking to her about the dance. All of a sudden, the power went out so everyone started screaming, hugging her (since they were scared), and one of the boys even closed the door. She yelled at him obviously and immediately told us to calm down and sit down in the 1st and 2nd rows. As everyone settled, she took us to the field since we couldn't do anything due to the power being out so when we made it to the field, I took off my studs and put on my shoes. I spent a few minutes with my friends but when I saw her, I quickly went up to her and hugged her 💗 I told her that I'd made a post for her on Facebook so I asked her if she could see it but she told me that phones weren't allowed right now. I said okay and kept walking with her. Later, we ran into one of my other teachers so she told him that our class had bad luck and they kept talking a little bit. She also put her arm around me talking about me in a really kind way and even calling me her daughter which made me so happy 💗 The other teacher also said something that I do which made us laugh etc etc. I kept moving back and forth between her and my friends since I got bored of my friends easily and even once, she asked me why I wasn't hanging out with them so I told her because I got bored quickly, but she insisted that I should, so I hugged her and sat with my friends. A few minutes later, I went back to her and talked to her about a few things and then asked her if she could see the post I made her so she happily agreed and when she saw it, she was so happy and immediately commented hearts and a GIF 💕 Then, I hugged her and ran to my class. Luckily, the power came back later so I knew that I'd be able to watch 3A like normally so when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. When 3A and her assistant were going down the auditorium stairs, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗 She was so happy to see me and so was I! 💕💕 They were a little bit naughty at first but luckily rehearsed amazingly each and every time. However during one of the performances, the power went out again and everyone started screaming, running around on the stage etc etc. She told them to stop screaming and took them to the gym so I came with them. They sat down on the stairs and started playing a game which was fun and also made some of us laugh. Luckily, the power came back around 5 minutes later so we all went back to the auditorium and they kept practicing. The rest of the session was really fun and everything from watching them dance to talking to her etc etc. When the class ended, I asked her some things about the dance and if she needed any help but she said no it was fine 💗 I said okay, hugged her, and ran to my class. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. When we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, packed my bags, and ran to her classroom. Her door was locked which I kind of expected since I heard her say today that she'll be taking 4D at the end of the day so I quickly ran to the auditorium and that's exactly what I found. When they started packing their bags, my friend from that class came so I hugged her, talked to her for a little bit, and ran inside. When I saw Myl, I quickly ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 As we were walking, I asked her if she could take us tomorrow from any lesson so she said she'll see and then told me 2 more minutes before I call her daughter to the reception. I agreed, hugged her, and ran to the field. When 2 minutes passed, I quickly ran to the playground and luckily found her daughter right away so I told her that her mom needed her in the reception so she told me to tell her if she could pick her up so I agreed and looked for her everywhere but couldn't find her. I went back to the playground and told her daughter that she should go so that her mom doesn't worry and finally, she went. I ran back to the reception and luckily saw her so she asked me where was her daughter so I told her everything. She luckily understood and told me to go to my bus since it was 3:10 P.M. so I hugged her one last time, and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I was so happy that I got to see her 4 times today and spend lots of time with her! 💗💗 I promised myself tomorrow to be as kind and loving to her as much as possible. Wish me the best of luck 💕
~December 6th, 2023~
Today was seriously so much fun! 💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. I unfortunately didn't find her in the reception or anywhere so I started searching everywhere, until I saw her assistant in the hallway. She told me that they had a session in the auditorium and Myl was there. I said okay and ran to the auditorium. I felt so happy that I was going to spend a long time with her instead of just the first 3 minutes of the break! 💕💕 As I was going down the stairs, she called me so I quickly ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗 I told her that I missed her so much and she said the same! 💕💕 I sat next to her and I asked her when she'll take us today so she said she won't be able too since she has 4 running sessions. She asked me what we had the 1st session tomorrow, so I told her math but she unfortunately said it wouldn't work out. Then, I got a brilliant idea. I asked her if she could take us from social studies since the teacher will be there anyways (he told us yesterday that he'll supervise us every session). We talked and laughed for a few more minutes and when her class came, some high schoolers were practicing their dance so we waited for around 15 minutes and when they left, everyone immediately ran on the stage and started practicing. It was really fun and super entertaining to watch. When they got dismissed, I immediately ran up to her and told her that their dance was amazing and asked if she could take us everyday of the week and she said she'll see, so I hugged her and ran to my class. I went through the next 2 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, packed my bags, and ran to her classroom. When I made it, I put my bags against the wall and entered. I quickly ran up to her, hugged her, and went to help someone plug the piano. The whole session was so fun from the laughter and small talks. She even had the pair of earrings I'd got her last week and cleaned its box which just shows how much she cares 💗💗 When we got dismissed and as everyone left, I asked her if I could come with her in the elevator so she happily agreed 💗 As we were walking, we ran into one of my other teachers so we stopped for a minute and then kept walking. When we made it to the reception, I talked to her a little bit as we were walking to the playground (since she had a duty today) so when we made it, I hugged her one last time and she hugged me tighter 💗💗 She told me love you and I said the same! 💕💕 I reminded her to call our social studies teacher so that she could take us tomorrow so she said okay and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I was so happy that I got to see her twice and spend lots of time with her! 💗💗 I promised myself tomorrow that if we got taken, I'll be extremely loving and caring to her but if we don't, I will during the break and the last session. I'll also try to make up some moves for our class to do in the dance to save more time. Wish me the best luck 💕
~December 7th, 2023~
Today was seriously the best day ever! 💗💗 I saw her at the elementary morning line so when they got dismissed, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She was so happy to see me and so was I! 💕💕 I reminded her if she asked our social studies teacher if she could take us from his session and she said he told her that he'll see! 💕💕 I was so happy and hugged her one more time before going to my class. I went through the next 3 sessions normally and during the 4th, someone told us that we'll be having the next session in the auditorium and obviously, everyone was extremely happy and so was I 🤍 I already expected that so I wasn't as shocked as my classmates but anyways, when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, grabbed my studs, and ran to the auditorium. As I was going down the stairs, I saw her so I quickly ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗 She told me that she kept my promise and I told her my class and I were so happy 🤍 I felt so happy that she kept my promise and it actually happened! 💕💕 When the rest of my classmates came, most of the girls started talking to her about the dance and the boys started sliding on the stage like expected. We luckily did alot today but almost everyone were non-serious. When we got dismissed, I quickly put on my shoes, ran up to her and hugged her 💗 My friends started talking to her about the dance and some ideas for it and she told us that we had to copy moves since there's no time to make up new ones. Later, she was going up the stairs so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her 💕💕 She told me to practice with my friends so I said okay and ran back to the stage. We unfortunately didn't do that much and we got kicked out later anyways since there wasn't a teacher supervising us. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. I worked on my project for a little bit so that I wouldn't lose grades and at 2:48 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she luckily agreed. I ran as fast as I possibly could to the bathroom and when I made it, I went to the bathroom, check my phone, grabbed my bags, and ran to the auditorium. I put my bags in the field before going to the auditorium and when I did, she had 4D so I waited for a few minutes but later, one of my classmates told me to come so I went to her and she asked me if I was waiting for someone. I truthfully said that I needed to ask Myl something. Either way, she needed to get something that she lost so we both ran inside and she found what she needed and left. I grabbed my jacket that I had forgot before going to the field and hugged her 💗 I sat down and started watching them. Their dance aas surprisingly amazing and she even smiled at me which made me so happy 💕💕 Then, she asked one of her students what was the time and he said 3:03 P.M. so she immediately dismissed them and then I hugged her 💕 She asked me to get her phone and charger from the stage so I quickly ran on the stage and unplugged her phone. As I was walking back to the stairs, I saw my friend from that class so I told her that she was amazing and hugged her 💕 She asked me to help gather the hats so I grabbed all of the hats that I found and also gave her jacket which I found on one of the chairs. As we were going up the stairs, I asked her when was her birthday. (because I was already planning to get her a birthday present after the winter break so I wanted to make sure it was after it or before it) She told me it was January 12th so I told her it was close and happy early birthday 💕💕 As she counted the rest of the hats with one of her other students, I grabbed all of them and we ran to the elevator. I started talking to her for a little bit but however, 2 of her students were still outside of the auditorium so she told them that they needed to leave the building so they luckily left. When we got in the elevator, I hugged her and told her that she was my best friend and she said the same! 💗💗 She was telling me that she was exhausted so I told her atleast Sunday was off and she said that they had work to do (sunday was off due to the parents meeting) so I said atleast she doesn't have sessions and she said that was what she needed though 😂🤍 When we got out of the elevator, we kept talking and at her classroom door, I noticed that it now had christmas decorations so I told her and she said that she loves it 💕💕 When she opened the door, I put the hats on her desk and she asked me if I was hungry and she had a sandwich but I said it was okay and I wasn't hungry. Then, I hugged her and ran to the field. As I was going to open the door to the field to grab my bags, both doors were locked so I started freaking out but luckily had another idea. I quickly ran back upstairs since there was another way to the field and as I was going up one of the stairs, I saw her going back to her classroom since she had forgotten something so I surprised her and hugged her 💗💗 She told me that she wasn't going by bus today so I said okay, hugged her, and ran up the stairs. I luckily made it in the field and grabbed my bags. However, I realized that I wouldn't be able to go to the reception but instead would have to take the long way but luckily, I remembered that I could go to the reception through the 1st and 2nd grader hallway so I immediately ran through the hallway to the reception. As I was going to the door, I saw her so I surprised her again and hugged her 💗 She hugged me tighter so then I said bye and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I was so happy that I got to see her 6 times just like during the trimester exams week but obviously, it wasn't the same since I didn't have the entire day free and watch all of her classes. I promised myself to make her a nice note or card this weekend 💕💕
~December 11th, 2023~
Today was seriously so much fun!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. When we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, grabbed the note I made her during the weekend, and ran to the auditorium. She had already taken a class so as they were leaving, I quickly went down the stairs, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗 She hugged me back and kissed me as well which made me feel so happy 💕💕 I gave her the note I made her during the long weekend and she absolutely loved it!! 💗💗 When her class came, pre-k was having rehearsals so when they finished, her class quickly ran on the stage but obviously started sliding and doing splits. She obviously yelled at them and luckily, they got to work. 2 of my classmates were also there but I didn't mind. When they got dismissed, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her 💕 My classmates that were there started talking to her so I did the same. We laughed a lot and also talked about the dance a little. As we were going upstairs, I saw her so I hugged her one more time and ran to my class. I went through the next session normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, grabbed my studs, and ran to the auditorium. As I was going down the stairs, I quickly ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 As the rest of my classmates came, some high school girls were having rehearsals so when they finished, all of us got on the stage and started rehearsing. Everyone was sliding and talking like normally but luckily, we learned 3 new moves today since 3 of the girls stayed and helped her. When we got dismissed, I quickly took off my studs, put my shoes back on, and walked up to her. I hugged her which she also did but she was also thanking the high school girls for helping her. I felt a little bit jealous but I knew that this was all for school purposes, not a best friend relationship like I had with her. When everyone including her left, my activity was in the auditorium so I stayed with everyone else however, it took me a few seconds to realize that she left the note on the edge of the stage so I quickly grabbed it before anyone could throw it and ran to her classroom. Luckily, the kids were still entering so I quickly ran up to her and gave it to her. She thanked me alot so I hugged her and ran to the auditorium. I went through the session normally and at 2:52 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and he luckily agreed. I quickly ran back up the stairs to my locker, packed my bags, and ran to the stairs. I luckily only had to wait for 2 minutes before she dismissed them and when she did, as they were leaving, I ran with my stuff down the stairs and ran inside. I quickly went up to her and hugged her while saying surprise 💕 I talked to her for a little bit about the dance and how the 3 high school girls saved our show and then asked if we could go to our buses together. She happily agreed, but said she needed to finish some work and I should call her daughter to the reception now. I agreed, hugged her, and ran to the field. I luckily found her daughter right away so I told her that her mom needed her in the reception and she luckily went right away without resisting. I quickly ran back up the stairs to her classroom and told her. I helped her with closing up her classroom and talked to her a little bit about how I wanted my mom to meet her. When we were done, I asked her if I could come with her in the elevator but she said I couldn't which I understood 💕 I hugged her again and ran down the stairs. I waited until 3:06 P.M. and then grabbed my bags and ran in the reception. I saw her come out of a room a minute later so I told her that I was looking for her and we hugged 💗💗 As she was signing out, her daughter ran up to her crying so she asked her what's wrong and she told her that one of her classmates didn't want to play with her and did something with her hand. I felt really bad for her and later, one of the high school girls that was with us walked by and she started talking to Myl. When she left, we both said bye and when we left the reception, I started talking to her about the outing that my mom wanted to arrange with her during the winter break etc etc. She was really happy and interested and when we made it to her bus, I hugged her one last time and told her she's my best friend and she said the same! 💗💗 I quickly ran to my bus and the whole ride home, I felt so happy that I got to spend lots of time with her and everything!! 💗💗 However, I still felt a little bit jealous of the girls but I didn't mind and promised myself tomorrow to show as much love and care to her no matter how awful my classmates are. Wish me the best of luck 💕
~December 12th, 2023~
Today was seriously the best day ever!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. I went through the next 2 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I quickly ran to my locker, put my stuff in it, grabbed my studs, and ran to the auditorium. When I made it to the auditorium, as I was going down the stairs, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗 She was so happy to see me and so was I! 💗💗 Pre-K was on stage again and their teacher asked me to help her with the dance so I grabbed a pair of pom-poms and did the dance with them. It was really fun and when we were done, I put the pom-poms back, ran up to her and hugged her. I talked to her a little bit and then she asked me what sessions weren't important tomorrow. I told her PE but she said the boys will kill her if she takes us from it so I asked her what was more important, our show or PE and she was really happy to hear that. We hugged and she even kissed me! 💗💗💗 When she told us to get on the stage, I quickly took off my boots, wore my studs, and ran on the stage. Everyone as normally started sliding and talking but we luckily did alot today and I even got to do my solo 😊🤍 When we got dismissed, I immediately ran off the stage, put my boots back on, ran up to her, and hugged her 💕💕 She told me that I did amazing today and even told the activity manager that I made up my solo all by myself (which was true) and she was really proud as well 😊 I hugged her again and ran to my class. Luckily, we got told later that the last session was in the auditorium and I was extremely happy! 💕💕 Anyways, I went through the next 2 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. The door was closed so I expected something was happening so I ran to the field hoping that I'd find her there and luckily, she was there! 💕 I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗 She hugged me back and told me that everyone was clapping for me when I did my solo 💕💕 I told her how happy I was and everything and when we went to the auditorium, there were parents inside so we quickly ran back to her classroom so that she could tell her class that they'll be staying inside the class. When we made it to the last staircase, her class was standing there so she told them everything and they went back upstairs feeling upset. When everyone got in, they started talking and playing on the instruments as I stood there watching them. Some of them asked me if they could go to the bathroom and who I was etc etc. I told them they should ask Myl (for the bathroom) and my name. One of them showed me a fidget spinner and a trick he wanted me to try. I tried it and then, she asked me to see if the parents had left but as I was about to go down the stairs, her assistant came back and told her that the parents had luckily left. When they lined up, they started asking me even more questions and why I watched their classes. I answered them all truthfully and some of them even wanted hugs so I did that 💕💕 As we were going to the auditorium, she asked me if I could check the back of the line and luckily, they were behaving but only talking a little bit. When we made it to the auditorium, high school was having rehearsals so she told everyone to sit down. One of the girls asked me if she could sit next to me so I told her to ask Myl. Then, she asked her if she could sit next to me and she happily agreed 💕 When everyone including me sat down, they started asking me what grade I was in and what was I doing for the Winter Show. I answered them all truthfully and KG (I think) also had rehearsals so we had to wait another 10 minutes. When they were done, she told them to get on the stage and they immediately did. They only did their dance once which made them feel upset, but I still clapped for them and told them that their dance was amazing. One of the girls asked me how much do I rate it out off 10 so I told her 100/10. They were happy to hear that and when she dismissed them, I quickly ran up to her and hugged her 💗 As we were going up the stairs, I talked to her about how they'll be the best show in the school and she said that they were the only polite class. We kept talking for a little bit and when we made it tot he reception. She was talking to someone on whatsapp so I waited for her and when she was done, I talked to her a little bit more. We laughed a little bit and when the break was over, I hugged her and ran to my class. I went through the next 2 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, packed my bags, grabbed my studs, and ran to the auditorium. When I arrived, I took off my jacket, put my bags on the floor, and ran inside. We had to sit until high school finished rehearsals and when she came, I quickly ran up to her and hugged her 💕💕 When they finished, she told us to get on the stage so I took off my boots, wore my studs, and got on the stage. We luckily learned a new move and didn't fool around as much. When we got dismissed, I put my shoes back on, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She told me that everyone was clapping for me and even 1 of the high schoolers said that I was amazing 💕💕 I hugged them and then sat down again. She smiled at me so I did the same and hugged her again 💕💕 She hugged me tighter and then I asked her if we could go to our buses together. She happily agreed and asked me to call her daughter to the reception so I quickly ran to the field and told her. She was a bit resistant at first, but she went. I waited for Myl for 6 minutes so I ran back to the auditorium and saw her with some of my classmates so I ran down the stairs and told her that her daughter was waiting for her. My classmates were complaining to her about the people who didn't want to do the dance etc etc. When we got out of the auditorium, they kept talking so I ran back, grabbed my bags, and put them in the reception. Her daughter asked me where was her mom and I told her in the auditorium, so she quickly ran down the stairs and ran up to her. She told my classmates that she had to go and they'll talk about this tomorrow so all 3 of us ran up the stairs and she quickly signed out before we ran to our buses. When they were on the street, (their bus was on the other side of the road) I hugged her one last time and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy that I got to see her 4 times and everything! 💗💗 I also felt really special because she praised me after our dance to the way she hugged me! 💕💕 I promised myself to be as loving and caring to her tomorrow just like today! 💕💕
~December 13th, 2023~
Today was seriously so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the next 3 sessions normally and during the 4th, we got told that the last session was in the auditorium and I was so happy! 💕💕 Anyways, I went through the next session normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. When I made it, I quickly went down the stairs and when I saw her, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗 She was so happy to see me and she even screamed my name which made me so happy! 💕💕 Her class was being really noisy when the others were performing and she obviously yelled at them. I hugged her lots during the session and told her thst one of my classmates sprained her leg and left early so that she could adjust the dance. She thanked me for telling her, so we hugged and I ran back to my seat. Her class did amazing and when they got dismissed, I quickly ran up to her and told her that they were amazing. She thanked me and we hugged 💗 I talked to her for a little bit, hugged her one more time, and ran to my class. I went through the next 2 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, packed my bags, and ran to the auditorium. As I was going down the stairs, I saw her class with her so I put my bags against the wall, ran inside, and hugged her 💗💗 She was so happy to see me and so was I! 💕💕 I asked her when we'll go to the auditorium so she told me in a few minutes. One of the kids wanted me to lift her up and I kept telling her I couldn't and in the end, we fell on the floor but all of us laughed 😂💕 I hugged her and quickly ran to the auditorium. When everyone else came, we had to wait for 10 minutes until she came and the parents left so when they did, all of us ran inside and took our seats. I quickly grabbed my studs since I left them in my bag and ran back inside. I hugged her again and sat down. We waited for a few more minutes until the high schoolers were done. Luckily, half of the class was serious today but not 100% but serious enough to get things done. We luckily learned new moves and did that dance a couple of times and when we got dismissed, I immediately out my shoes back on, ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕💕 She hugged me tighter and kissed me as well! 💗💗 She told me I did a great job today and I thanked her lots 💕💕 Then, I asked her when will she take us tomorrow so she said the 3rd session. I was really happy and hugged her tighter than I usually did 💗💗 As we were going to the playground, I talked to her a little bit and she laughed which made me feel so happy 💖 She realized that my shoes were untied so she told me she'll tie them when we make it. When we did, I tried to tie them but they were a little bit loose so I asked her to help me and after she did, I hugged her one last time, and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I was so happy that I got to spend alot of time with her and everything! 💗💗 I promised myself to be as kind and loving to her tomorrow just like today💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💕💕
~December 14th, 2023~
Today was seriously the best day ever!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I had the 3rd session with her. During the 1st session, we got told that the 3rd session was in the auditorium which I expected and the 9th will be arabic instead of art which was a relief since I wouldn't need to ask to go to the bathroom. Anyways, I went through the next session normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to the auditorium as fast as I could. (since I didn't have anything to put in my bag) When I arrived, I saw her so I quickly ran down the stairs and hugged her tight 💗💗 She was so happy to see me and so was I! 💕💕 When everyone else came, we had to watch high school and the 1st graders do their dances before it was our turn. When high school was performing, I saw her sitting in the second row so I quickly ran up to her and hugged her 💕💕 I sat next to her and talked to her a little bit. She was coughing a little so I asked her if she was okay and she just told me that she was a bit sick. I told her get well soon and she blew a kiss at me 💕💕 I hugged her again and she told me to not stay too close since the Winter Show was soon. I said okay and hugged her again because I just loved her too much 💗💗 I also wished her a happy early birthday since her birthday was soon so she thanked me and we hugged 💗💗 When everyone was done, she told us to get on stage and as usual, everyone started pulling and pushing each other etc etc. Luckily, we did alot today such as a new move and adjusting the positions. When we got dismissed, I immediately put my shoes back on, ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗 She told me I did a great job today and told us to go since we had a quiz so I hugged her and ran to my class. I went through the next 2 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. I unfortunately didn't find her so I went to my break normally and when there were only 10 minutes left, I immediately ran to her classroom and since her assistant was outside, I asked her if she was inside, so she said no and she was in the auditorium, I said okay and ran to the auditorium. When I made it, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 We were so happy to see each other and I asked her when she'll take us next week so she said on sunday the 7th, monday and tuesday the 9th, and wednesday was general rehearsals. I was so happy and we continued talking. We laughed a little bit in between and she even sprayed some of her perfume on me 💕 Then, 2 of my classmates came and asked her about the dance and extra practice etc etc. When break was over, they left and I hugged her again and told her she is the best person I know and she said the same! 💗💗 I hugged her again and ran to my class. I went through the next 3 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately grabbed my bags and ran to the auditorium. When I was going down the stairs, I saw her so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕 2 of my classmates were there and they asked me why I was here so I told them we got dismissed etc etc. However, my classmates told her something and it was something urgent so we had to go and when I left, I was feeling confused and unable to understand what was happening. A few minutes later, I went back to the auditorium and watched. When they got dismissed, I hugged her and then she asked me to take the bag of presents (it was for their show) to the elevator so I grabbed it and ran to the elevator. When I opened it, I put the bag inside and when she and another student came, all of us went inside the elevator and when we made it to her classroom, she opened it and the other student put her laptop and cables on her desk. I put the bag against the wall and we all ran back to the elevator. When we made it to the reception, one of my classmates told me that our english teacher was leaving the school and another girl was even crying. Her and I were shocked and I hugged that girl to make her feel better 🤍 When Myl signed out, her daughter came and we talked a little bit as we were going down the stairs and when we made it to her bus, we hugged and she told me she'll miss me and kissed me! 💗💗 I said the same, hugged her one last time, and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I was so happy that I got to spend alot of time with her and everything! 💗💗 I promised myself to make her a nice note or card during the weekend and be as loving and kind to her just like this week 💕 Wish me the best of luck 💗💗
~December 17th, 2023~
Today was seriously the best day ever!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her in the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways 💕💕 We had an exam for the first 2 sessions so I went through it normally and during the 2nd session, we got told that the 7th session was music and the last one was free. I was over the moon that I wouldn't have to ask for the bathroom during the last week before winter break and everything 💕 Anyways, I went through the next 3 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. When I was going down the stairs, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She told me that I couldn't stay since she got an order that nobody from middle school should be watching elementary classes. I said okay, hugged her, and ran to the field. I went through the rest of the session normally and at 12:39 P.M., I immediately ran to the auditorium a ndqa hugged her 💕 She was so happy to see me and so was I! 💕💕 Some of my classmates came and started talking to her about the dance. We talked a little bit and when the rest of my classmates came, there were KGs performing so when they finished, she told everyone to get on the stage. Luckily, we did alot today and my class was a little bit more serious, but not 100%. When we got dismissed, I immediately put my shoes on, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back so I told her love you and ran to my class. I went through the next session normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, packed my bags, and ran down the stairs. I left my bags in the field and ran to the auditorium. As I was going down the stairs, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗 She was so happy to see me and so was I! 💕💕 I sat next to her and asked her what was she doing. She told me she was playing a game so I guessed it was Find the Difference since it was obvious. She told me I was right and asked me if I wanted to find the last difference. I obviously agreed and starting searching. We also talked a little bit and hugged alot 💗💗💗 When her class came, some of the girls hugged her but everyone else started talking and running. She told them to stop obviously and most of them luckily were serious but some of the boys weren't. I wanted to say something but I stayed quiet to not cause any problems. Almost everyone wasn't standing in their positions at all, so she asked me to help them stand. I told them that it wasn't that hard to stand in a half circle and got on the stage. I moved each one of them one by one and as expected, some of the boys made fun of me and she yelled at them for it. When I was done, she thanked me and asked me to turn on the music so I did. Luckily, they were great but still non-serious and when they got dismissed, I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 As we were going up the stairs, we started talking a little and I told her that they were even worse than our class. She said that she was used to it and all, so we hugged and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy that I got to spend lots of time with her and everything! 💗💗 I forgot to mention that I left the note I made her at home so I'll give it to her tomorrow as a surprise! 💖 Anyways, I promised myself to be as loving and kind to her as possible like today! 💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💕💕
~December 18th, 2023~
Today was seriously the best day ever!! 💗💗 I luckily saw her at the morning line today so when we got dismissed, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗 She was so happy to see me and so was I! 💕💕 I told her I missed her so much and she said the same! 💕💕 I hugged her one more time and ran to my class. We had another test today and luckily, we got told that the second session was music and the fifth for the French (I'm french) was free. I was so happy that I didn't have to wait until the break and I'd have a chance to see her during the 5th 💕💕 Anyways, when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my things inside, and ran to the auditorium since I already had the note and studs in my pocket. When I arrived, she still didn't come so in the mean time, I took off my shoes and wore my studs. As the some of my classmates came, they started talking and overreacting about some insect and when she came, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕💕 I gave her the note and she loved it!! 💗💗 When everyone else came, some of the girls talked to her about the dance and most of the boys began sliding and she yelled at them obviously. Luckily, we finished the dance and fixed the positions which was a huge relief 🤍🤍 When we got dismissed, I immediately put my shoes back on, ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and then I ran to my class. I went through the next 2 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately put my stuff in my bag and ran to the auditorium. When I was going down the stairs, I saw her sitting so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 I sat next to her and asked her if she loved the note. She told me she'll read it again and when she did, she said that she loves me wayyy more! 💗💗 I hugged her and asked her about what activities will she teach after winter break and luckily, she said dancing and band with the head of music 💕💕💕 I told her I chose dancing and both of us were so happy! 💗💗 We kept talking for a little bit and when Grade 8 and Pre-K finished their shows, her class immediately got on the stage and performed. They were absolutely amazing and when they got dismissed, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her 💗💗 I asked her if I could come with her, but she said no and I should stay with my friends 🤍 I said okay and danced a little bit. However, I got bored quickly and ran up the stairs. I said surprise and hugged her 💕💕 We talked for a little bit and when we made it up the stairs, we hugged and I ran to my class. I went through the next session normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. I luckily saw her right away so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She offered me a piece of her brownie and I told her she didn't have too but she insisted 💕 When I finished it, I threw the wrapper away and sat next to her. We talked a little bit and when it was our turn, we did the dance a few times and everyone luckily was serious. When we got dismissed, I immediately put on my shoes, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and since I had my activity in the auditorium, I sat down with my friend from 4D since she took them and she told me I was amazing! 🤍🤍 I thanked her and since it was their turn, they did the dance once or twice and when they took a break, I told her it was amazing and asked what was the song called. I unfortunately don't remember what she said but I didn't mind. I spent the whole session with her and 4D and then, I asked her if we could take a picture together and she happily agreed 💕💕 We looked absolutely amazing and we even took a photo with some of 4D. When they got dismissed, she told me to call her daughter to the reception so I hugged her and ran to the field. I told her daughter that her mom needed her now and she went right away. I ran upstairs, grabbed my bags, and ran to the reception. I luckily saw her coming up the auditorium stairs so I hugged her and she needed to go to the bathroom quickly so she ran. Her daughter and I talked a little bit and when she came back, all of us ran to our buses and when we made it, I hugged her and she hugged me tighter and kissed me! 💗💗💗 We hugged one last time and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy that I got to spend half of the day with her and everything!! 💗💗 I promised myself to be as loving and caring to her just like today and also tell her how much I'll miss her during the winter break. Wish me the best of luck 💕💕
~December 19th, 2023~
Today was seriously the best day ever!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. I went through the first session normally and luckily, we got told that the second session was in the auditorium and the third in the field. I was so relieved that I wouldn't have to wait an extra session to see her and I'd get to stay with her longer! 💗💗 Anyways, when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. When I arrived, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She screamed my name a little as she hugged me back 💕💕💕 I told her that she looked amazing and she thanked me lots 💕💕 I sat down and watched Grade 8 and when it was our turn, I took off my shoes, wore my studs, and went backstage. Luckily, everyone was serious and we did absolutely amazing! 🤍🤍 When we were done, I put my shoes back on, ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 During the session, I went back and forth talking to my friends and when she came back, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕💕 I talked to her a little bit and hugged her again before running back to my seat. When we got dismissed, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her again before leaving. I went through the next 3 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. She I saw her, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and then one of the kids in the class she had talked to me a little bit and then we watches one of the shows. It was amazing but then, she and her class went upstairs which I thought was just because she needed to tell them something but when she didn't come back, after 1B's (her daughter's class) show, I immediately ran up the stairs and luckily saw her praising her daughter which I didn't mind 💕 I hugged her and asked her where her class was and she told me they were waiting for their turn. I said okay, hugged her, and ran back inside. However, when all of the teachers (including her) were going to take a break, we unfortunately got kicked out since it wasn't allowed to be downstairs and me and the other girls were furious. When I was back in the field, I felt so devastated and upset but I kept my hopes up since I was going to her the last session anyways. I went through the next 3 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, packed my bags, and ran to the auditorium. I unfortunately didn't find her there so I ran back to the field and she wss nowhere to be found. I even checked her classroom but it was locked like I expected. Luckily, I saw her in the reception so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕💕 She was so happy to see me and hugged me tighter! 💗💗💗 I left for a second to get my bags and came back and hugged her again 💕💕 She was talking to someone so I waited until she was done but later, 2 fifth graders came up to her and hugged her 🤍🤍 I hugged her as well and she hugged me tighter and kissed me! 💗💗 When the girls left and she finished with the other person, I told her that I didn't want this week to end since I'll miss her sooo much during the winter break and she said the same! 💕💕 Then, she asked me to call her daughter to the reception so I ran as fast as I could to the field and told her daughter. She told me to let her mom pick her up and I even tried telling her but she refused. In the end, I gave up and ran back to the reception and told her. She got a little bit mad at her daughter but it was all light hearted 💕 She was talking to someone else and as I was waiting for her, she told me to go to my bus so that I wasn't late and told me I love you! 💗💗 I said the same so we hugged and she kissed me! 💕💕 I gave her one last hug and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special because of how sweet she was today!! 💗💗 I promised myself to be as loving and caring to her as much as possible just like today!! 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💕💕
~December 20th, 2023~
Today was literally the best day ever!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I knew we'd have rehearsals today anyways. I went through the first session normally and when I came to the second session, our teacher took us backstage since we had rehearsals and as we were walking towards our chairs, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me tighter than usual and it was a bit of a long hug but I didn't mind since I just loved her too much 💕💕 I sat down next to her and talked to her a little bit before we got told that it was our turn. It took a while before they fixed the speakers and adjusted the lights but luckily, we performed amazingly and after I put on my shoes, I hugged her and then she told all of us that she almost cried while watching us! 💕💕 As everyone else was leaving, I hugged her one more and ran to my class. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. Keep in mind that I didn't watch any of her classes since it wasn't allowed for anyone to be in the auditorium. Anyways, when the session was over, I immediately ran to the auditorium since I knew she'd be there and when I saw her, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her 💕💕 She was talking to 2 others about something in the Winter Show and I hugged her again and she kissed me!! 💗💗 When she was done, she took us to the field since she had no energy to do anything and when we made it, she talked to the activity manager about something so I waited for her, but she told me to go play so I said okay, hugged her, and ran to my friends. As usual, I got bored quickly so I started searching for her everywhere and I couldn't find her at all. Luckily, I found her sitting on one of the benches so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 I sat down next to her and talked to her a little bit, but I noticed she seemed... off so I asked her what was wrong and she just told me that she was only tired after all of the effort that she did all day. I understood and then, she gave me one of her sandwiches and I told her she didn't have too, but she insisted. After I finished eating, I threw the plastic bag away and sat next to her again. She gave me a treat that was in her bag and I told her she really didn't have too, but she told me that she got it for me 💗💗 I put it in my bag and sat back down and after I did, I talked to her and we laughed a little bit. I noticed that she really did feel off so I asked her again what was wrong and she told me that she really was just tired after all the effort and she wanted to go home. I told her the same and I loved school because she was in it and she smiled 💕💕 I spent the rest of the session with her and when she dismissed us, I hugged her and ran to my friends. However, as I was about to go to my bus, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 I don't remember what happened next, but I hugged her one last time and blew a kiss at her (which she also did 💗💗) before going to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy that I got to spend lots of time with her and everything despite not being able to watch all of her classes! 💗💗 I promised myself tomorrow to perform the best I can to impress her and also be the kindest and most loving to her that I could be since it was the last day before winter break 💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💗💗
~December 21st, 2023~
Today was seriously the best day ever!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her in the elementary morning line which I expected since today was the winter show. Anyways, I spent the whole day with my friends normally but something felt missing.. However, when it was our class's turn, I saw her telling us good luck and all so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and then everyone immediately got in their positions. Luckily, we did absolutely amazing and when our show was over and the curtains closed, she immediately ran backstage and told us we were the best show in the school!! 💕💕 I was so happy and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and told me that I did absolutely amazing!! 💗💗💗 I thanked her, hugged her, and ran to the bathroom. I changed back into my other clothes since the weather was a bit cold and when I made it to the auditorium, I saw my mom so she told me some stuff and I told her about meeting Myl. We talked a bit about arranging and all and then, she went with another mom to the field. I spent some time with my friends but got bored so I ran to the auditorium to watch some of the shows. Luckily, I saw her sitting so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and asked me what did my mom think, so I told her she loved it and I wanted them to meet. She told me after the winter show was over so I agreed, hugged her, and sat on the stage (since there was no where else to sit). I kept moving back and forth to my other friends as well and she also did some stuff but when I saw her again, I quickly ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me tighter and then I sat down on the stage again. All of the shows were absolutely amazing and everything and when it was time for Grade 12 to perform, I quickly ran up to her and hugged her since I wanted too 💕💕 She hugged me back and her daughter was with her so I tickled her a bit 😂🤍 Then, she held both of us in her arms and we watched their show. It felt like a dream that I never wanted to end, but I enjoyed it while it lasted. Anyways, when the show was over, the teachers (including her) had to take a few photos quickly and when they were done, I told her that my mom wanted to meet her in the field and all, so she told me to go to the field and she'll come. I agreed, hugged her, and ran to the field. My mom and I waited for a while and she also met another teacher of mine and when they were done, I took my mom to the reception and luckily found her and when they saw each other, they started talking and she started telling my mom that I was her daughter which made me so happy!! 💗💗 Then, they shook hands, I hugged her, and we left. The whole ride home, I felt so happy that I made the best of today and I got to spend alot of time with her and everything!! 💗💗 I promised myself during winter break to work on a few things such as losing weight. I also will wish her a sweet happy birthday and write her a really long paragraph about my love for her and get her an amazing birthday gift when we go back to school. Wish me the best of luck 💗
okay so this winter break could really use it's own chapter, but yall are probably bored of me rn, so i'll just summarize it and only write details of the keypoints:
The day right after the show, I made her birthday edit and I was really proud of it 💖💖 I worked on the paragraph all throughout the break and almost 3 weeks later, I started preparing her gift and the day right before her birthday (January 11), I was up really early to make up a day I didn't fast in last year's ramadan and I knew this would be the perfect chance to finish up her gift, so I put the surprises I got her into a happy birthday gift bag and shoved it into my backpack. The next day, I woke up at around 5 AM with the reminder on my phone buzzing telling me it's her birthday. I send her a sweet happy birthday message, the edit I made her 3 weeks ago, and posted the paragraph I spent all break perfecting. She surprisingly replied right away thanking me for my wishes and when she read the paragraph, she thanked me from her deep heart! 💗💗 She also said she needed to take her time replying to this so that she could gather up everything she wants to say and I knew that meant it'll be something heartwarming! 🥹💗 Afterwards, I was the happiest I'd ever been. I danced at 6 AM without turning back and with full energy!🔥💕 The next day was normal, and now we move on to one of the best months of the school year..

The Love That Saved Me 💗
Non-FictionTrue Story DISCLAIMERS: - All characters are anonymous for privacy reasons - This story took place in Egypt so week days are from Sunday to Thursday! - Egyptians are extremely affectionate, even ones you aren't very close with so don't take this as...