True Story
- All characters are anonymous for privacy reasons
- This story took place in Egypt so week days are from Sunday to Thursday!
- Egyptians are extremely affectionate, even ones you aren't very close with so don't take this as...
This month started out somewhat good, but the last week was just pure pain... Let me explain. On the last class of the year with her, she gave the entire class certificates with our names on it for being talented musicians.
Here's the certificate: (my last name, her name, and my school's name are covered for obvious reasons)
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After that, things just went downhill... On the last day of school, I saw her getting off the bus, ran up to her, and hugged her 💗💗 Fun fact I used to wait for her to get off the bus everyday just to hug her (until a certain time period of course not to be late to class). She hugged me back and I told her I couldn't believe this was our last day together. She said the same and many students gathered around her and told her about a cat stuck onto the goal of the football field. She was worried and as soon as the cat go released, it ran around the entire field and everyone was terrified! 😂😂 It was random, but we let it slide. The day started out as lovely, but ended horribly...
When it was time for awards, I was expecting her to have picked me for the best student in her class, but she didn't. She chose K.. You guessed that right, the same girl she was giggling with while styling her hair! I wanted to crawl under the auditorium chair and cry until my eyes hurt 💔💔 That ends that year with her which was supposed to be the last which made me feel even more hurt.. When I got home, my dad lectured me over framing my mom for something she didn't do (won't explain further for privacy) and I couldn't tell you how much I wanted to bawl my eyes out! 😭💔 I wanted to go back to school and hug her and feel safe again but that's when I realized: Oh... I can't... I'm on summer break now. Never felt more hurt in my life and obviously never cried over someone! 💔💔 Keep in mind that I was in 5th grade throughout this time period and 11 years old! 11!!!!!!