(NOTE: All chapters of this school year will be EXTREMELY detailed and might get repetitive quickly. It's prefered if you read every single day cuz each day contributes to the story, but if u don't have the time for that, here are the top moments:
September 4
September 5
September 12
September 19
September 26
(Now, back to the story)I've been waiting for this day for so long, September 4, 2023, finally it's here! I went through the first 5 sessions normally, but didn't stick up the confidence to go to her classroom during breaktime, but it was fine, her class was just 2 periods away. Once the period before her class ended, I grabbed the gift I made her and went downstairs. My friends kept complaining on why the school didn't give us another music teacher, but I didn't care. All I cared about was her. Back to the point, when I saw her, I went up to her and hugged her and it was the best hug I'd ever received! 💗💗 The broken parts of my heart were finally restored ❤️🩹❤️🩹 I told her I missed her sooooo much and she said she missed me too as I held onto her tighter 💕💕 She told me that she was wearing the necklace I'd gotten her (in may) and I was so happy to hear that! 💕💕 I gave her the gift and she said she'll read the letter on the bus so that no one takes it. She even let me sit in the seat right next to her desk even when someone else was already sitting there 🫶🏻💗 For the entire class, we were picking a song for our Winter Show, but voting on what era the song should be. At the end of class, I went up to her desk and hugged her 💕💕 She smiled which made my dad so much better 💕💕 Honestly, I'd never had this much fun in the past 2 months. Traveling, playing deck of cards with my family, or laughing, it wasn't nearly as fun as being with her and she's all I need to be truly happy 💗 From that day forward, I promised to make our friendship the strongest it can be! 🫶🏻💘💕
~September 5th, 2023~
Today was also a good day, I went through the first 2 sessions like normally and I hugged her like always when I went to her class, I asked her if she liked the note which she said yes in an enthusiastic voice which was great! I also wanted to wear my half of the necklace that I got her but we unfortunately realized that it was torn and she told me that her's ripped as well and she was so sad about it but I understood 😊 My class was really noisy like always but I didn't care since she yelled at them which was well deserved, the class kept suggesting songs and in the end, we picked an arabic song. At the end of class, I hugged her like normally and she smiled 💗💗 I asked her which days was she free during my break time and she told me on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday but she told me to pick only 1 day to go to her because she heard unfortunately, students aren't allowed to go to teachers. I was shocked but I didn't care as long as I got to spend more time with her 🤍 So I hugged her and left. I decided to pick Wednesday since I didn't have any fun subjects as the last class, session, or basically any guaranteed chance like last year. I spent the rest of the day with my friends and that's pretty much it.
~September 6th, 2023~
Today was also a fun day but I unfortunately didn't see her ☹️ I wanted to go to her in the break but I didn't go because I hung out with one of my friends and I tried at the end of the day but I didn't find her ☹️
~September 7th, 2023~
Today was seriously one of the best days ever! I luckily arrived at school today at 7:32 A.M. and I was walking around the field for a bit and after about 6 minutes, I saw her so I instantly ran up to her and hugged her, I gave her the letter I made last night which she absolutely loved! 💗💗 She also did my hair in an updo which was so sweet of her 💖 I tried going to her at the end of the day by going to the bathroom the last class. Everytime I saw a teacher or class going down the stairs, I hid until around 2:58 but I unfortunately didn't find her ☹️ I luckily saw one of my closest friends from Grade 4 that day and she told me they had music that session which is good because I learned now to act fast on Thursdays 😊. I still don't know any class that does have music the last session on Sunday but I'll figure that out next week 😊.
~September 10th, 2023~
Today was seriously the best day ever! I arrived at school at 7:39 A.M today and I saw her (Myl) and I immediately hugged her tight 🤍 I asked her about the after school activities and if she was gonna be the trainer there and she said yes and I was over the moon! 💗 After that, I went through the rest of the day like normally and went to her the last session my going to the bathroom. I luckily wasn't caught as I was walking around the hallway. After around 10 minutes, I saw her dismissing Elementary so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her 💕💗She told me I love you and I said the same! 🤍 Then, I said bye and went home. I luckily now know that I have guaranteed chances to see her on Sunday AND Thursday which was great! 💗
~September 11th, 2023~
Today was seriously one of the best days ever!! When I went to her class, I hugged her like always and gave her a gift with a paper saying "Best teacher in the world" which she deserved very much 🤍 My class was noisy like always and complaining about the grades that she gave us last week which wasn't really a big deal to argue about. Anyway, at the end of class I hugged her and went to my after school activity. Unfortunately, she wasn't the one teaching me singing, I remember when I didn't see her name as the teacher that'll teach me I wanted to cry so much but I held back my tears. As I was leaving, I saw her walking around so I immediately went up to her and she asked me how the activity went and I told her I had fun and I was with one of my friends, but it would've been better if she was there. I asked her if it was possible for her to ask the school if she could teach karaoke and she said I'll see which made me so happy! 💖 Then I hugged her and went home. Luckily, I now know that I have a guaranteed chance with her after my karaoke class on Monday. (unless if she'll be teaching me which will be even better) I still don't know about Wednesday but I'll figure it out soon 🤍
~September 12th, 2023~
Today was for real the BEST day of this entire week! I saw her (Myl) at the morning lines today and I hugged her tight 🤍 She told me that she'll ask the school if she could teach me karaoke instead of the current teacher and I was so happy that she remembered 💕 She then saw my cousin and she hugged him, I didn't care because I knew he didn't have a huge heart for her like I did. I told her if she knew that we were cousins and she didn't and she asked me who else was my cousin in the school and I told her only him. Then I went through the first 2 sessions like normally and immediately ran to her class. When I saw her, I hugged her and told her an idea for the dance and she loved it 💖 We just practiced the dance and when the class ended, I hugged her and told her I'll miss her and she told me the same 💖 After the next 2 sessions, I decided to go to her after she dismissed her previous class so I did and I luckily found her, I hugged her tight and she asked me what session I had currently so I told her break and she told me to ask the school about her teaching me singing and I obviously agreed. She told me she had a class coming so I hugged her and went to the field. I only was kind of shocked because she told me she was free on Tuesdays during break time but I didn't mind since I had music on the same day anyway. After the next 3 sessions, I decided to go to her after the last period so I went immediately after I got dismissed. I didn't expect to find her but I luckily did and hugged her tight 💕 I asked her if she asked the school about the karaoke and she asked me why I didn't go and I told her the truth that I didn't know what to say and if she could and she luckily said yes. I hugged her and blew a kiss at her and so did she! 💗💗 I left and went to the bus. I was feeling so happy since not only did I get to see her 4 TIMES today, I also might have a chance to see her on Monday after class and Wednesday! I really hope they agree but if they don't, I'll figure it out. _________________________________________
~September 13th, 2023~
Today was also a good day, I luckily saw her (Myl) at the morning lines and I hugged her like always 🤍 I gave her a letter I made her and she loved it! 💖 Keep in mind I wrote this letter about my attachment towards her so I was kinda nervous but I knew she'd understand 💗 Then as I was leaving PE with my friend, I saw her in the field and immediately ran to hug her. She asked me if it was my break time and I told her no I wanted to say hi to her before going upstairs and she luckily asked the head of music department about the after school activity and he was fine with it luckily. Then I went through the next 3 sessions like normally and went to the activity manager to ask her about the activities and she was going to put me in Choir and for some reason, I didn't say anything else but I luckily saw her outside of my English classroom so I immediately asked her again and she told me to tell her what activities I want tomorrow so I agreed and continued the rest of the day normally. After my singing activity, I immediately went to her classroom and hugged her like always and told her all about the activities and she luckily understood 💖 I then hugged her and told her I'll miss her and for some reason, some kid asked me why I hugged her again and that she wanted to leave (which was true) but I didn't care, I loved her and I wasn't gonna stop showing it no matter what! 🤍 Then I left and went to my bus. I started thinking about what happened and I felt a little upset due to that kid but I didn't care, I knew tomorrow I was picking singing on Monday and band on Wednesday to be with her and also more variety in activities.
~September 14th, 2023~
Today was also so much fun! I unfortunately didn't see her during the morning lines but I luckily saw her in someone else's classroom as I was going to my french class, I knew that I couldn't be late on purpose so I asked my teacher to go to the bathroom so that I'd have an excuse to be outside of the classroom. After I went, she was still inside so I kept going back and forth until I luckily found her leaving so I immediately called her name before it was too late and hugged her tight 🤍 I told her that I was gonna ask the activity manager about the activities today during the break and she was so happy to hear that 💕 Luckily, I didn't get caught by anyone in the classroom or anyone basically which was a relief because I could've been told to come back inside which would've been super awkward. Anyways, after that, I went to the classroom and continued my day like normally until the last session. As I usually did, I worked on my project so that I didn't lose marks for not working and asked the teacher to go to the bathroom so that I could go to her. The teacher luckily said yes so I took the pass and immediately went to the bathroom. I was so worried that she was gonna say no because I already went to the bathroom in the other 2 sessions and never came back. Anyways, as I went, I purposely walked slowly, so that I wouldn't have to wait for a long time in the bathroom and not make things suspicious. I made it to the bathroom at 2:48 PM so I immediately went to the bathroom (since I had to go anyways) and washed my hands. I also saw some 8th graders so I asked them how was Grade 8 going and stuff so that I wouldn't be too bored during the last 5 minutes. At 2:53 P.M., I immediately went towards the stairs and I waited whenever a class was going down the stairs so that I wouldn't grab anyone's attention and I wouldn't be told on on Sunday. I went down the stairs at 2:55 P.M. and after about 5 minutes, her class was finally leaving and I immediately went down the stairs. I also saw the same 4th grader from last week, so I immediately went to her and asked her how was music and what did she do and she told me they did a dance. I told her we were also doing a dance and that I'll go say hi to Myl now. When I went inside, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💖 I told her about how I unfortunately forgot to go to the activity manager and that I was gonna send her a message and she luckily understood 🤍 (keep in mind that I was going to go during break but I couldn't find her anywhere) Then she asked me to return a cap that belonged to someone from the class she just had. I agreed and hugged her tight 💖 Then as I was going to my bus, I luckily found the 4th grader I'd just saw and gave her the cap to return it to her classmate since I didn't know what they looked like. When I was on my bus, I promised myself to send a message about changing my after school activities to singing on Monday and band on Wednesday (she teaches band on Wednesdays) so that I could be with her 💖 If things don't work out as planned or I end up with another teacher for band, I'll figure it out 🤍 _________________________________________
~September 17th, 2023~
Today was a really good and fun day, I saw her at the Elementary morning lines, so I immediately went up to her and hugged her tight 💕 She also reminded me about walking slowly like a lady which made me feel happy that she still remembered 🤍 After that, I put my bag upstairs, went down to the field to go to the gym for PE and I luckily saw her again and walked up to her and hugged her again 💕 She was really proud with the way I was walking and I felt really happy on the inside, I also asked her what perfume she used and she told me it actually was deodorant and she'll put on perfume later, they I hugged her goodbye and went to my class. I went through the rest of the day normally until the last session, when I was about to ask if I could go to the bathroom, someone else already went and I wanted to cry because I was worried she'd come late and I would lose my chance with her! Luckily, she came back just in time and I immediately ran to the bathroom. When I made it, I stayed in the stall just for a minute so that things wouldn't look suspicious. Afterwards, I packed my bag and went to the stairs. I waited about 6 minutes before going down the stairs and luckily finding her, but with one of her students. I didn't think about it too much and went up to her and hugged her tight 💕 I asked her if we could do my idea for the dance tomorrow and she happily agreed 🤍 Then, I hugged her and she told me I love you 💗 I said the same and went to my bus. I forgot to mention that I also checked the after school activity board and it still wasn't updated. I asked the activity manager when will she update it and she said tomorrow. I really hope that I got in band with her, but if I don't, I'll figure it out 💖
~September 18th, 2023~
Today was really fun, I unfortunately didn't see her in the morning lines, well I actually did but by the time she came, the morning line had started so I couldn't go up to her but atleast I knew that she came to school today. Then I went through the rest of the day normally until the break, I immediately went to the after school activity board and hoping that I'd be with her in the band, well guess what? That's what happened! When I saw her name on the paper, I was screaming with joy and I'm pretty sure the entire hallway heard my screams, but I didn't care. I was so happy for and relieved that I wasn't with another teacher. Afterwards, I continued my day normally, until the last class. I immediately ran to her classroom after the class got dismissed. When I saw her, I quickly went up to her and hugged her tight 🤍 She asked me what was my idea for the dance, so I showed it to her and she loved it! 💕 Unfortunately, we didn't have time to do it because my class was being so freaking noisy like always, but I didn't care. At the end of class, I went up to her and hugged her 💖 She didn't want me to be late for my activity so I told her I'll miss her and she said the same 💕 After that, I left and went to my activity. After it ended, I went down to her classroom, but I unfortunately didn't find her. As I was about to leave, I saw her so I went up to her like she told me and she was super proud of me 💖 I asked her how the band went and she told me it was actually dance and I told her how I wanted dance and she suggested me changing to dance, but I denied. As long as I was with her, that's what mattered!I Then, I hugged her goodbye and blew a kiss at her 💕 Afterwards, I left the classroom and went to my bus. I was so happy that I was with her in the band and I was excited to see her tomorrow 💖
~September 19th, 2023~
Today was one of the best days ever! I saw her (Myl) at the Elementary morning lines so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕 I talked to her for a little bit and also saw some of my friends from Grade 4 which was nice 😊 Afterwards, I went upstairs to my class. In the middle of class, someone came in and told us the 3rd period (that was the time of our music session that day) instead was PE. I was shocked and almost cried but luckily, it was just a mistake and for another class. I was so relieved, I would've been crying the entire time if it wasn't a mistake. Then I went through the rest of the day normally, until the 3rd period. Someone told us our music session was in the auditorium, so I kept that in mind and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to the auditorium and found her, I hugged her tight and gave her a note I made last night. As usual, my class was really noisy and we barely worked on the dance. She mainly told us what each person will do in the show and we only did the dance a few times. At the end of class as I proceeded to put on my shoes, for some reason, my feet weren't getting in my shoes. I kept trying over and over again and when the second bell rang, she warned us that she won't give anyone a note. (to be excused for being late) I started to panic because I didn't want to be late for my next class, so I decided to ask her to help me tie my shoes because it was the only way out of this problem. I went up to her and asked if she could help me tie my shoes and she happily agreed. At first, she asked me why I didn't know how to tie my shoes and I told her that I tried to learn how but I kept failing. When the rest of my classmates left, she told me that no one else was getting a note except me, I felt really happy that I was still her favorite student🤍 (which I hope never changes) She then started to teach me how to tie my shoes step by step and I luckily started to learn how to do it. As she was tying it, I asked her what grade she'll give me and she asked me what grade I wanted. I was surprised at first since I already knew she was supposed to pick and I didn't want her getting in trouble for it. I told her if she could, I wanted 100 because I knew that she only gave 100 in shows. Surprisingly, she said yes and said that I deserved it and if I didn't, she wouldn't have given me 100. I felt happy on the inside because nobody has ever been this kind to me in forever. We laughed a little in between and when she finished, she wrote me the note and gave it to me. I hugged her tight and told her I'll miss her and she said the same! 💕 Afterwards, I left the auditorium and went to my class. Unfortunately, I didn't see her for the rest of the day but I wasn't too upset because I had band with her the next day. Keep in mind that I tried to go to her after the last session but I didn't find her there. When I went to my bus. I promised myself to learn how to tie my shoes and make her proud 💖💖
~September 20th, 2023~
Today was literally the best day ever! I saw her (Myl) at the morning line today so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕 I talked to her for a little bit and continued the rest of the day normally, until my band class with her. When we got dismissed, I immediately ran down the stairs to her classroom. Luckily, there were many people I knew from Grade 6 and one of my classmates was there. When I saw her, I quickly ran up to her and hugged her tight 💖 One of the 6th graders did the same but I didn't mind because she deserved it 🤍 Afterwards, we just picked our instruments ( I picked the xylophone) and she taught us the C major scale, and as expected, the boys were being really noisy and I started to get a headache. She luckily yelled at them and we just kept practicing until the end of the session. When the class ended, she was helping someone put the clarinet in its case and once she was done, she asked us to organize the classroom while she washed her hands. When we finished and as we were leaving, we both hugged her tight and as the other girl left, I talked to her about when I told my mom that she wanted to meet her, she wanted to arrange an outing (this wasn't a lie) and she was so happy to hear that! 🤍 She said that a day on the weekend would be best and I told her I'll see on a weekend that I don't have much studying in, then I hugged her tight and went to my bus. When I was on the bus, I promised to make the best impression possible during the outing (whenever it'll be) and practice what she said in class today 💗
~September 21st, 2023~
Today was also a good day, I saw her at the Elementary morning lines so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💖 She said that she missed me and I said the same 💕 I just talked to her about my mom planning the outting next weekend or something and she said it's fine and I can text her on messenger whenever everything is set I believe. Then I asked her what perfume she used and she told me misk I think. Then, I hugged her and went to my class. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. As usual, I worked on my art project so that I wouldn't get a bad grade and asked to go to the bathroom. When I went, I used the toilet like usual so that nothing would look suspicious, washed my hands, fixed my hair, and went to the stairs. I waited for about 5 minutes before she dismissed her class. I went down the stairs and I hugged the 4th grader I'm friends with since I saw her. I asked her what she did in her music session and I think she told me dance. I told her I was gonna say bye to her (Myl) and went to her classroom. I knocked on the door and I surpisingly saw her with the head of music department but I didn't care. I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕 She went to do something in the bathroom so I waited for her. Luckily, 2 other girls were going to her to ask her something about the band. One of the girls sneakly walked behind her and we all surprised her 😄 The girl then asked about the band and she just told her to ask the activity manager about it. Then the other girl with us just showed the one who asked Myl the clarinet etc. Then I complimented on Myl's outfit because I wanted to see her smile (it looked amazing either way) She then told us to call her daughter to the reception etc. Then, I hugged her and she told us love you 💕 I said the same and see you on Sunday 💖 When I was on my bus, I promise myself this weekend to make her a card with alot of effort put into the design and writing. I also decided to get the perfume she said she used 💕
~September 24th, 2023~
Today was also a really good day, I saw her at the Elementary morning lines so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 🤍 I went up to her again after their morning line so that I could at least talk to her for a little bit. Afterwards, I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. Luckily, the water was out so we didn't work on our new art project so I asked to go to the bathroom like normally and I finished at 2:50 PM. Then I packed my bags, got the card I made her during the weekend, and went to the stairs. Luckily, I didn't wait as long as Thursday so when everyone left, I ran down the stairs and when I saw her, I hugged her tight and gave it to her and she absolutely loved it! 💗 She said she'll read it on the bus which I was fine with so afterwards, I hugged her and went to my bus. When I was on the bus, for some reason I didn't feel enjoyment because I didn't spend a long time with her but I knew this feeling would go away tomorrow because I had a session with her 😊
~September 25th, 2023~
Today was a really good day, I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line, so I went through the rest of the day normally until her session. When we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker to get the paper I wrote on for her (it was supposed to be a poster that she could hang) When I went to her classroom, I ran up to her and hugged her tight 🤍 She told me that I smelled amazing which made me feel so happy and that my body splash actually lasts for a long time! Then, I gave her the paper I made for her and she absolutely loved it! 💕 Of course as usual, my class was being really noisy to the point that we barely worked on dance and she warned us that she could cancel our show etc etc. She even told us that we were gonna be seniors soon and when we go to college, we'd want to tell our friends there that our friends at school were nice and good, not always getting in trouble and getting zeroes and told us that she could tell the head about us and our bad behavior etc etc. She also told us that she told them about a class due to their smell. Right after she said those words, everyone laughed like crazy and I felt so angry on the inside because of my classmates but I unfortunately laughed a little as well but only because they were. (Keep in mind that laughing is contagious) I was a little upset about her canceling our show and all, but that's not what I cared about, the only thing I cared about was her and how my friends were frustrating her. In the end, when we got dismissed, I hugged her tight and told her I was sorry about what happened and she luckily told me that I wasn't the reason, I felt happy about that but I seriously wanted to scream at my classmates for upsetting her. Anyways, I left the class and went to my activity. After it ended, I immediately ran to my locker, put my water bottle in my bag and went to her classroom. When I arrived, I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💖 I asked her how she was and she said fine. She asked me if I could tell her daughter to come to the reception and she was at the car gate, so I agreed. Then, I hugged her and she told me I love you! 💗 I said the same and went to the field. I looked for her daughter everywhere at the car gate but I couldn't find her unfortunately, so I went to my bus and thought the whole ride that tomorrow I was gonna tell her everything that happened so that I wouldn't look like I forgot.
~September 26th, 2023~
Today was seriously the best day of the week! I arrived at school at an average time and I luckily saw her walking to the Elementary morning line, so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗 She reminded me about photo day (which was today) and if I had a comb in my bag and I said unfortunately no. She told me that I should always keep a comb in my bag which I kept in mind. I also apologized to her about yesterday and how I couldn't find her anywhere but she luckily said it was no problem 🤍 Then, I hugged her and went to my class. However, I unfortunately found out that they'll take us from our music session to take our photos and I was heartbroken and wanted to cry my heart out, luckily, my classmates were also upset about them taking us from our music session because it was the best part of the day, so I didn't stand out too much, but I wasn't upset about the session being wasted, all I wanted was to see her. I felt kind of upset but I managed, I went through the rest of the day normally, until the photoshoot. So you may be wondering, why the photoshoot? Well, she luckily was there! As the other teachers brought the rest of the class, she was walking behind them and I was over the moon! When I saw her, I hugged her and she asked me why wasn't I wearing earrings. (okay before I continue, there's something you need to know about me) My ears used to be pierced but I stopped wearing earrings for a really long time so the holes closed. I also was really scared of needles and accidentally hurting myself while trying to put on my earrings, but I decided to atleast try to pierce my ears so that I could wear earrings and she'd be proud of me. (I also wanted to wear earrings like my friends and feel confident) Anyways, back to the point, as every other photo day I had at school, the teachers were telling us where to stand and to put our hands to our sides etc etc, she was there the whole time which made me feel glad that I wasn't alone. After we finished our group photo, we went backstage to take our individual photos and she luckily went backstage with us. Everyone took their photos like normally and I didn't care about the time anymore because she was with us, so I had nothing to worry about. After I was done, I saw some of my friends talking to her about how they prefer smiling with or without their teeth and how the photographers edit the photos etc etc. She told them that last year, her skin in the photo was completely brown and that she doesn't like smiling with her teeth and I told her that she looked great last year and how I liked smiling with my teeth more that without. (which was true) I asked Myl how my hair looked just to know if it looked good in the photo and she said amazing 💗 I also asked her what perfume she used because it smelled so good and she said she unfortunately doesn't remember but it's something basic. After we finished the photoshoot, as we were going to the classroom, I asked what we will do and she said (as a joke) thst she'll cry and I asked why, I don't remember what she said but I do remember telling her I was upset about them taking us from our music session but I was really happy when she was with us so I hugged her and she smiled 🤍 As we were walking, I tied my hair back to a bun (I put my hair down during the photoshoot so that my hair doesn't get photoshopped and the waves won't show) and I asked her what did she think and she said amazing! 💕💕 When we made it back to the classroom, she told us that there were only 4 minutes left ( there were actually 10) and for those people who got 0 yesterday, what was she gonna do? We did the dance twice and after we got dismissed, I went up to her and hugged her tight 🤍 I told her what was the name of the perfume she used and it smelled so good and she told me she doesn't remember unfortunately. I asked her if she can bring it and she luckily agreed. Then, I hugged her and told her I'll miss her and she said the same! 💗 Afterwards, I told her bye and went to my class. I continued the rest of the day normally until the last session. After we got dismissed, I immediately ran to her classroom and the door was luckily open, so when I saw her, I ran up to her and hugged her tight 🤍 She thanked me for the note I made her and she said I love you and I love you to the moon and back! 💗💗 I said and even more and she smiled 🤍🤍 Then, I talked to her about the outing and what my mom told me during the weekend etc etc. I asked her if she knew my mom on Facebook and she unfortunately said no but I could ask my mom to friend her, so I agreed. She told me she'll go to the bathroom and that I could stay which I wanted too. As I waited, I saw some of my friends so I talked to them for a little while and when she was done, she called me and asked me to get her daughter from the car gate which I obviously agreed too. I also asked her what she liked about the note most and she said everything! 🤍🤍 Then, I hugged her and told her see you tomorrow 💗 When I made it to the field, this time I luckily found her daughter so I went up to her and told her that her mom wants her at the reception and she luckily went on her own. I wanted to take her there, but it was already getting late so I left her alone. Afterwards, I went to my bus and I felt so happy the whole ride that she still remembered about our friendship! 🤍 I promised myself to make her even more proud tomorrow and everyday by getting my ears pierced and bringing a comb with me everyday!
~September 27th, 2023~
Today was so much fun, I saw her after our morning line so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 🤍 I told her how I saw her from the line and how I wanted to go up to her etc etc. She smiled and also reminded me to wear earrings and I told her I'll be getting some next week. Afterwards, I hugged her and went to my class. I went through the rest of the day normally until my band class with her. When I went to her class, I didn't see her so I expected her to come soon and after a few minutes, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗 She was going to take a child to their activity I believe so we waited for her for around 3 minutes and then we just listened to some calm music for a little bit because she had running sessions and she obviously needed a break. After about 10 minutes, she showed us some shows of bands from someone called Yani (I think) and afterwards, we just practiced the C major scale again. After the class ended, I put my xylophone back, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗 The other girl did the same, but I didn't mind. Then, she told me to call her daughter to the reception and I obviously agreed. I organized the chairs and when she came back from the bathroom, I told her that I organized the chairs and she was so happy and thanked me 🤍 Afterwards, the girl and I hugged her and she said I love you 💖💖 Then, I told her I love you to the moon and back 💗 Afterwards, we said bye and went to the field. When I made it to the field, I couldn't find her daughter anywhere so I asked the other girl to help me and we luckily found her. We told her that her mom wants her and she immediately went. Afterwards, I went to my bus. When I was on the bus, I felt happy and all, but it wasn't the same as yesterday when I was with her alone and she was saying the same things. I tried to brush off the feeling, but it just wouldn't go away. Then, I decided to do 3 things this weekend. 1- Make her a letter about how much I enjoyed the last day of Grade 6 (because that was the only time I had with her that was secret and she'd feel happy that I remembered) and 2- Get earrings like she wants. I promised myself to get these 2 things done during the long weekend no matter what it takes 💗💗
_________________________________________Before moving on to October, the reason why the next day was off was due to an Islamic holiday. I actually found out in the weekend that my ears were pierced and that I just needed to start wearing earrings again after a super long time. I bought an entire box of them and it was heartshaped which I love 💗💗 Now, back to the story!

The Love That Saved Me 💗
Non-FictionTrue Story DISCLAIMERS: - All characters are anonymous for privacy reasons - This story took place in Egypt so week days are from Sunday to Thursday! - Egyptians are extremely affectionate, even ones you aren't very close with so don't take this as...