(Top moments:
June 3
June 10)~June 2nd, 2024~
Today seriously was so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line, but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately put my bag next to the staire, took out the notes I made her during the weekend, and went to her classroom. I luckily found her right away next to her classroom, so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and I gave her the notes which she absolutely loved! 💕💕💕 We hugged one more time and I went to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. We luckily had free inside the class (since it was the last art session of the year) so we took all our art supplies with us and spent the whole session with my friends and at 2:45 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she said I could leave anyways, so I grabbed my art supplies, ran through the hallways, and to my locker. I put my supplies in my locker, left my bags in the field, and went to Myl's classroom. Her door unfortunately was locked, so I went to the reception and luckily found bags next to the auditorium door and started waiting. When it was 2:56 P.M. and she still didn't let her class out, I went down the stairs and as I was going down the auditorium steps, she saw me so we waved at each other, then I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I asked her if our class was gonna be in her classroom tomorrow and she said she'll tell me when she knows. I said okay, hugged her, and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy because of all the kindness she showed me and that I got to see her twice and everything! 💗💗 Since tomorrow was our last session together, I promised myself to wear my cutest accessories with my uniform, show her the most kindness and love I ever have, and make use of every single chance I have 💗💗 I also want to talk to her about what I sent her during the weekend (either during our session before any of my classmates enters or the after the activity) and next to the message, it showed that she saw it, but I'll ask her whether her daughter was the one who snooped through her messages or if she actually saw it, but didn't have the time to reply. Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖💖
~June 3rd, 2024~
Today seriously was the best day ever! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line, but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. However, we unfortunately got told to go to the field instead and I was devastated.. I was so so worried that she was gonna be absent again, but I wasn't too, too worried since it was still the first session and plus, she could just be late. Anyways, I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallways, down the stairs, and as I was going through the reception, I saw her, so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I asked her why didn't she come the first session, so she told me she overslept and I said it happens alot. We hugged and even started laughing and she kissed me which made me so happy! 😂💗💗 Then, I asked her if she saw my messages that I sent her during the weekend or if her daughter was the one who opened them, so she said she didn't know, but she'll check them herself later for it to be a surprise. I said okay, then we hugged, and I ran to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. I decided to skip the activity for today as well since I wanted to find her as soon as possible and plus, it was the last day of activities so there really was no point. Anyways, when it was 2:53 P.M., I grabbed my bags, went downstairs, left them in the field, and started searching for her. When it was 3:00 P.M. and I still didn't find her, I was feeling heartbroken and so worried that I wouldn't find her soon... However, I saw elementary students leaving from the auditorium downstairs so I decided to go and check there myself. When I made it, I saw her moving the bleachers back in their original spot, so I went inside and as I was going down the steps, she saw me and we hi to each other and hugged 💗💗 I told her I was searching for her and she said she was here 😂💕 I asked her if she saw my messages and she told me no since there was no internet in the auditorium. I told her that I wanted to make these last 2 weeks ones we could remember by spending much more time together, but instead of the answer I was expecting, she said these 2 weeks are the ones she has the most work in due to Grade 5's graduation. I was shocked, I'd totally forgot that she was busy during that short period of time before it, so I asked if she promised we would spend the last day together and she told me she couldn't promise me, but she'll see her schedule 💗💗 I said okay, hugged her, and went to my bus. As I was going down the stairs, I saw her hugging a little kid, but I didn't mind since I knew she loved me too 💗💗 When she let go of him, we said bye while hugging each other, and I went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special for all the kindness and love she showed me and that I atleast got to see her twice despite her not showing up during our session 💗💗💗 Keep in mind that tomorrow's a day off for middle and high school students to study for our exams, so for all the days I'm staying on during the term exams week, I promised myself to go to her during any free session she has and if she has any of her classes in the field, I'll spend those sessions with her as well and on the last day of school, I promised myself to spend the whole day with her for as long as possible just like I told her today 💕💕💕 Wish me the best of luck cause I'm definitely gonna need it 💖💖💖💖💖
~June 5th, 2024~
Today was so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line, but I didn't mine since I was going to her after the exam anyways. The exam luckily was easy and surprisingly, the writing topic was supposed to be about "the best day of your life" and explaining all your feelings and who were you with etc etc., so I wrote about the last day of Grade 6 with her in details but didn't mention our promises since that was our secret. I promised to tell her about what I wrote and I also made us matching heart bracelets last night and I was gonna give one to her when I go to her. Anyways, when the time was up, I grabbed my phone, packed my bag, and went to the field. I unfortunately didn't have time to go to her during the period of time we were in the field, but I decided to stay patient until the break. I went through the next 2 sessions normally and at 11:54, I went upstairs, to her classroom, knocked, and entered. I went up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back but told me she had an urgent phone call, so we hugged and I went to my friends. 10 minutes later, I knew that she must've finished her phone call so as I was going downstairs, I saw her assistant enter with a trolley full of fans, so I entered and hugged her 💕💕💕 She told me she still had her important call, so we hugged, and I went back to my friends. I decided to wait until the 8th session was over since she doesn't have an activity with elementary today and if her phone call was taking so long, it must be important. I went through the next 2 sessions normally and when it was 2:11, I ran upstairs and luckily saw her class leaving, so I went inside her classroom, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and showed me the bracelets I made her before and I was so happy to see her wearing them 💕💕 She asked me why was I wearing the flower of the international day, so I said for style. She told me it wasn't fashionable and it was only made for the show, but I didn't get upset since I knew she was just being honest 💗💗 Then, she hugged me and I hugged her back 💕💕💕 I gave her the heart bracelet I made yesterday and she absolutely loved it and immeidiately wore it! 💗💗 She said that she needed to talk privately with another student so I said okay, hugged her, and went to the field. When the activity was over, I started searching for her everywhere and when it was 3:03 and I still didn't find her, I was starting to lose hope. However, I luckily found her in the playground so I went up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I told her that I wrote about our last day of school together in the writing question and she was so happy to hear that! 💗💗 Then, we hugged and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy because of all the kindness she showed me and that I got to see her 4 times and all, but deep down I was heartbroken. I missed her so so much and barely got any time with her and the problem was that the school year was ending in less than a week! 😭💔 Since elementary (except grade 5) has their field trip tomorrow, I promised myself to make use of the free sessions she has and try my best to plan an amazing last day of school with her just like last year 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖💖
~June 6th, 2024~
Today was so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line, but I didn't mind since I was going to her after the exam anyways. The exam luckily was really easy and when the time was up, I grabbed my phone, packed my bag, and went to the field. She unfortunately didn't show up which I understood since it was 43° today. Anyways, I went through the next 2 sessions normally and at 11:48, I started searching for her eveywhere including her classroom, but the door was locked. I started worrying that she might be in the trip with elementary but instead of worrying, I decided to be patient and go to her after the break. I spent the break with my friends and at 12:42, I left the classroom I was in and continued my search for her. I unfortunately didn't find her and I was devastated 💔 Even laughing with my friends couldn't improve my mood, I missed her terribly and more than words could ever describe 😣💔 I tried not to cry and stayed calm and strong for her, I was gonna find her eventually. God was gonna send her to me at the best and right time and crying over her wasn't gonna do anything more than make me feel even worse... As I was checking messenger, I saw that she was active 15 minutes ago and I knew that had to be a sign that she was at school. I didn't want to waste anymore time, so I grabbed my bag and went upstairs to her classroom. Without a second thought, I knocked on her classroom door but it was locked unfortunately. I started to lose hope, so I grabbed my bag and went back to the field. I texted her asking where she was and that I searched for her everywhere and wanted to tell her something (about the last day of school and ask her if I could give her a nickname). I decided to stay patient and wait until the middle or end of the last session and if I didn't find her at that time either, I'd call her on the bus or at home and make sure she was okay. Then, I went to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally and at 2:48 PM, I saw her leaving the bus gate with Grades 3 and 4, so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and I asked her if she had fun, so she said yes 💕💕💕 I told her that I thought she was absent at first and we talked a little. She said she needed to go to the toilet so I said okay and waited for her. I was so so relieved that she was just on the trip and not sick or something. I decided to show her the video I made her when she's done using the bathroom and after around 5 minutes, I saw her coming to the field so I went up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I asked her if I could show her something but she seemed in a hurry, so I asked her if she really was and she answered yes. I opened the video and she asked me if I sent it on messenger, so I said yes and she said she'll watch it later. I said okay and went to my friends. I decided to run back to her since I barely got any time with her today, so I went to the playground and hugged her 💗💗 She hugged me back and called her daughter to come quickly since the weather was extremely hot and she wasn't joking, it was boiling hot 🥵When she was leaving the playground, I walked up to her and hugged her again because I just missed her so so much 💗💗💗💗 She hugged me back and told me love you which made me feel extremely happy! 💕💕💕 I walked with her to the reception and I promised her if she could come to a trip with my class next year and she said she'll see 💗💗💗 We talked the way there whole way there and when we made it, we hugged and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy for the kindness she showed me and that I got to see her 3 times despite her being on the trip! 💗💗💗 However, I was just feeling a bit upset, in fact really upset that I didn't get to tell her any of the things I wanted to tell her today, but it was out of my control and I couldn't do anything about it. Since I wasn't gonna stay on sunday, I promised myself to search for her right after the exam and make her an amazing surprise and give it to her when I find her on monday if I don't find her on sunday 💗💗💗💗 That same day at night, I realized if I waited until sunday to tell her what I wanted, it'd be too late, so I messaged her, called her, everything I could really. Then, I saw her profile picture show up next to my message with my own EYES. I called her that second, but she hung up. I didn't know why. She told me in the nicest way to respect her after school time and put a heart in the end. I said okay and smiled but in reality, I was heartbroken. I WAS SUCH AN IDIOT. She's obviously gonna reply that way. She was dead exhausted after the trip and the weather also killed her energy. I couldn't stop stressing myself out, was she mad at me? Did she get annoyed? Or did she really mean the heart she sent at the end of the message? I was in constant worry and fear all night and even cried myself to sleep. For the rest of the weekend, I sent her short messages to paragraphs trying my best to apologize to her and explaining everything that happened in detail. When she didn't see nor reply to my messages, I knew that she must be mad at me. I wrote her a sincere apology on a notecard, folded it, and shoved it into my backpack. Now I just have to wait and see her reaction...
~June 9th, 2024~
Today was so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line, but I didn't mind since I was going to her after the exam anyways. The exam luckily wasn't too hard, but still possible to be solved before 9:30. When the time was up, I grabbed my bag and left the examination room. As I was packing my stuff, I saw her leaving a classroom so after I finished packing, I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I held on to her for a while since I missed her so so much 💕💕 I apologized to her alot for what I did on Thursday. She said it was completely okay and it was just a lifestyle to adapt to which was not constantly sending messages very frequently. I was so so happy that she forgave me and I hugged her 💗💗 She hugged me back and I went to my friends. I originally was gonna give her the note apologizing to her in details with everything I did and what actually happened and all, but I didn't have the time to take out the note because of how fast she was walking. Anyways, I unfortunately didn't see her for the rest of the time I was staying for, but I didn't mind since the most important goal for today was to apologize to her 💗💗 The whole ride home, I was so so happy that she forgave me and I got to atleast see her once 💕💕 I promised myself to try to text her today and ask about planning our last day of school together or better yet not to annoy her, I'll ask her at school tomorrow in the hallway before the exam starts (since she'll be a proctor for 6A) and go to her after the grade 5 graduation and plan everything with her 💕💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~June 10th, 2024~
Today was one of the best days ever! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line, but I didn't mind since I was gonna find her in the hallway 💕💕 However, bad luck struck and I didn't find her, but I wasn't gonna give up so easily. I knew that I couldn't search for her for too long until the end of the session, so I went back to the examination room. When the time was up, I grabbed my phone, packed my bag, and ran to the field. I knew that she was in the auditorium for the grade 5 graduation and it obviously wasn't allowed for anybody to enter, so I went through the next session normally and during the 4th, I knew that the graduation was over so I grabbed my bag, and went to the reception. When I made it, I saw her, so I went up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back, but she had to go to the auditorium again for the KG2 graduation, so I decided to wait until the graduation was over and then start planning our day for tomorrow together 💕💕 I also was gonna give her the gift today instead of tomorrow since tomorrow was awards day and I might not have enough time to find her. Then, I went to my friends. I went through the next session normally and during the break started, I was sitting with one of my friends but after around 5 minutes, I left my bag on the bench and went to the reception. I luckily found her walking around, so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and even called me really cute nicknames which made me so happy! 💕💕 However, she called another teacher to talk about something, so I decided to be nice and gave them some space, so I went to the field. A few minutes later, I kept walking around the reception searching for Myl and luckily, I found her next to the elevator, so I went to the field, zipped open my bag, took out the heart box with her gift (with 2 bracelets, 1 letter, and a picture of us with hearts as the border), and went back to the reception. She luckily was still standing there, so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back, then I gave her the heart box and she was so surprised to see such an adorable box 💗💗 She absolutely loved the gifts, but gave the me the box back so that I could use it for other gifts 💕💕💕 As I was about to ask her about the last day of school, she said she urgently needed to go to the bathroom, so I said okay and went to my friends. I went through the next 2 sessions normally and then, I decided to go to her classroom to start planning our day tomorrow, so I grabbed my bag and went upstairs. It took me many trials and error to finally gather up all my confidence and strength, but I knew it was gonna be worth it plus, there was no other time than today. I left my bag on a desk, went downstairs, towards her classroom, knocked, and entered. When I saw her, I immediately ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She told me to be careful and I noticed how tired she looked, so I asked her if she was okay. She said yes, but had a class next session, then I asked her if I could ask her about something. She said maybe later and I didn't want to bother her, so I told her get well soon, hugged her, blew a kiss at her, and ran upstairs. I decided that if she took her class to the field, I'd talk to her about planning our day together but if her session was in her class, I'd wait until the end of the session and talk to her then. However, if she dismissed them late and needed to go to the bus for instance, I'd text her about it and go from there. At 2:48 P.M., I ran upstairs and saw that her class still had bags outside, so I used the restroom and afterwards, it was 2:55 P.M., so I went on the stairs and her class luckily was just leaving, so I went down the stairs, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and one of her students was writing on the board, so I also took a marker and drew a heart saying "I love you" inside it. She hugged both of us and starting singing the "I love you, you love me" song which made me feel so so happy 💕💕 When she locked her classroom door, I asked her if we could spend time together before the awards show. She asked me what time were they, so I told her from 11 A.M. to 12 P.M. She said that she'll be downstairs with elementary for the awards and I can see her there 💕💕 Then, we hugged and I held on to her for a bit since I was gonna miss her so so much 💗💗 I told her I was gonna send her what I wanted to tell her today on messenger (a couple of promises for next year), so she said okay, then we hugged, and I went to the field. A few minutes later, as I was going to the bus, I saw her, so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She was going over to the playground to pick up her daughter, so I walked her there and when we made it, we hugged and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and a bit special for all the kindness and love she showed me and that I got to see her 6 times and everything! 💕💕 Since tomorrow was the last day of school, I promised myself to show her the most love I ever have as possible during the awards and make the best of the time that we have together 💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~June 11th, 2024~
Today seriously was the best day ever! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line, but I didn't mind since I was going to her after the exam anyways. The exam luckily was extremely easy and when the time was up, I grabbed my phone, packed my bag, and exited the classroom. Everyone was screaming full of pride and happiness because school was finally over, I was happy too, but was gonna miss her like crazy. I saw her proctoring another class so I waited for a bit, but when it was 9:42 and there still were students inside, I started walking around the hallway and as I was strolling, I luckily saw her standing outside the classroom she was in, so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and asked me how I did in the exam, so I told her great and gave her the note I made her (it had a photo of her and the words "best teacher in the world" on it) and she absolutely loved it! 💗💗 I told her I couldn't believe this was gonna be the last day I'd see her in 2 months and I'd miss her so so much 💕💕 She said the same and that it was only a month and a half, (since school was starting back up again on August 25) then we hugged 💗💗 I held on to her for a while since I knew these were gonna be my last hugs from her in 2 months. Then, I went to my friends. As I was using my phone in the field, I saw her coming to order something from the cafeteria and when she finished, I went up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She smiled and hugged me back, then I asked if she could see the surprise I sent her and she said she will 💕💕💕 Then, I went back to my friends. At 10:50, we got called for the awards ceremony and I knew she'd be there, so I went inside and took a seat. I surprisingly won 1st place for Academic Excellence and I was so so proud of myself and now I had something to show her!! 💗💗💗 When the cermony was over, I spent some time with my friends and as I was walking in the reception, I saw her, so I ran up to her and showed her the certificate I won. She said that she saw me and clapped for me, then we hugged 💗💗💗 I felt so so happy, then I ran to my friends. I went through the next 3 sessions normally and during the 8th, I decided to search for her since the day was coming down to an end. As I was going to the reception, I saw her waiting to order something, so I went up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back, but she seemed stressed so I asked her what was wrong and she said that she had a session and the cashier was stressing her out 😂. I asked her if we could take a picture together since it was the last day and all, so she happily agreed and we took a couple 💗💗 Then, we hugged and I went to my friends. I went through the next session normally with my friends and a few minutes into the last one, I saw her walking to the cafeteria, so I grabbed my bag, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and called me a really cute nickname that she never called me before which made me so happy 💕💕💕 I asked her if I could give her said nickname (won't be mentioned cause it'll lead to her real name) from next year and she loved the idea and giggled a bit 😂💕💕 She said she was leaving now, so we hugged and I told her I'll miss her so so much and she said the same! 💗💗💗 Then, I went to my friends. I spent the rest of the day with my friends laughing, running, etc. I posted about her on facebook saying how grateful I am to have her in my life and all 💗💗When the day was over, I went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special for all the kindness and love she showed me and that I got to see her 5 times and everything! 💗💗💗 I promised myself to stay in touch with her as much as possible all summer long and if I get lucky enough and have her as my teacher next year, I'll update 💕💕 However, if she wasn't my teacher, I'll update with my new schedule with her and gift I'll get her for the first day next year 💗💗 Little did I know that there was no next year...

The Love That Saved Me 💗
Non-FictionTrue Story DISCLAIMERS: - All characters are anonymous for privacy reasons - This story took place in Egypt so week days are from Sunday to Thursday! - Egyptians are extremely affectionate, even ones you aren't very close with so don't take this as...