(Top moments:
February 5
February 13
February 14
February 19
February 20
February 21
February 22
February 29)~February 1st, 2024~
Today was seriously so much fun!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to see her in the talent show anyways. I went through the first 4 sessions normally and during the 5th, she came in and told us she needed one of my classmates (so that she could get changed) and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to the auditorium as fast as I could and when I saw her, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and then I took a seat. I had to watch a couple of other performances and they were all amazing and she was smiling at me alot and I did the same 💕💕 When it was my turn, I was so excited and a bit nervous but I brushed it off so when the music started, I performed to the best of my ability and I saw her smiling at me for the entire performance which was so sweet of her and made me feel more confident 💞💞 When I was done, everyone including her starting clapping and cheering for me so the first thing I did when I got off the stage was hug her and she hugged me tighter and kissed me 💗💗 As I was running up the stairs, I saw my mom and she told me I did amazing so I hugged her too 🤍 I had to watch a couple more performances and when our break was over, as I was going up the stairs, I saw my mom in the reception so I talked to her a bit then I saw her and asked my mom if she said hi to her yet and she said she hadn't so I took my mom to her and I told her my mom was with me and they hugged and she talked to my mom about how amazing I performed and that I made up the entire dance and all, she's seriously the sweetest 💗💗 Then, I hugged both of them and as I was walking to my class, she told me that I didn't say goodbye well enough to my mom so I told her I did but she insisted so I waved my mom goodbye and blew a light kiss at her and ran to my class. I unfortunately didn't see her for the rest of the day and I even tried searching for her after I left the last session and taleya even asked me where she was so we searched everywhere but we couldn't find her at all and it was really late so I went to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special about hoe kind and sweet she was to me even though I only saw her once! 💗💗 I promised myself to make her an amazing note with all my heart put into it and be the kindest and sweetest to her as much as possible! 💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖
~February 4th, 2024~
Today was seriously so much fun! 💗💗 I luckily saw her at the morning line so when they got dismissed, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💞💞 She hugged me tighter and told me good morning 💗💗 I said the same and gave her the note that I made her during the weekend which she absolutely loved!! 💗💗 I hugged her one more time before she left and stayed in the field. (since I had PE) I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. We unfortunately got dismissed at 12 P.M. so I had to run faster than I usually did and luckily, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕💕 She hugged me back and I apologized to her for being late but she told me that there was no need to apologize and I was coming to school to learn, not just to see her. I understood her point and she had something to do quickly so I walked around the school for a bit while waiting for her, then I luckily found her again but she still wasn't done with what she needed to finish so I waited for her in the auditorium and at 12:18 P.M., she came so I ran up to her, hugged her, and went back to my seat. I watched her class sing and they were actually amazing. When they got dismissed, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕💕 She hugged me back and I played with her ponytail a little bit, hugged her one more time, and ran to my class. I went through the rest of the day normally until the last session. At 2:45 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she luckily agreed so I ran through the hallways to the bathroom and when I made it, I used the toilet, adjusted my clothes, ate a bit, and ran to the auditorium. I waited for around 3 minutes before she dismissed her class and when she did, I hugged a couple of kids that I saw and ran inside. When I saw her, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She was so happy to see me and so was I! 💕💕 I talked to her a bit and asked if we could go to our buses together and she happily agreed 💕💕 I hugged her and she did the same while telling me love you which made me so happy! 💗💗 When I was in the field, I told her daughter that her mom needed her and she luckily went right away and I walked with her to make sure she was safe and when we both made it, I saw her so I grabbed my bags and went to my bus with her. She wanted her daughter to thank the head or elementary for the talent show results, so I said bye to her but I unfortunately didn't have time to give her a hug, so I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special because of how kind she was to me and everything! 💗💗 I promised myself to wear the cutest things with my uniform tomorrow and be the kindest and sweetest to her as much as possible! 💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖
~February 5th, 2024~
Today was seriously the best day ever! 💗💗 I luckily won 3rd place in the talent show which made me was so happy and I wanted to show her my certificate in class but she wasn't in the morning line unfortunately.. Anyways, when we got dismissed from the morning line, I immediately ran to the auditorium but only her assistant was there. When everyone else came, it was 8:15 A.M. and she stil hadn't arrived which made me so worried that she was absent. Luckily she came 5 minutes later so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💞💞 She hugged me back and I showed her my certificate that I won and she was so proud and hugged me! 💗💗 I told her that she looked amazing and hugged her 💕💕 We unfortunately didn't do much today but something was better than nothing and when we got dismissed, I immediately put my shoes on, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💞💞 She hugged me back and told me that my hair looked amazing and I thanked her alot! 💞💞 I hugged her one more time and ran to my class. I went through the next 4 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway and as I was going down the stairs, I saw a bunch of kids sitting on them so I had to use the other stairs but I didn't mind since we got dismissed early anyways. When I made it to the auditorium, I saw her so I immeidiately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I asked her if we could take a picture together and she happily did! 💞💞 I told her it looked amazing and asked her if she could send it and she happily agreed 💗 I asked her if I could watch her class so she happily agreed and asked me if I ate all of my food and I obviously said yes. Since there were still a couple of 9th graders on the stage, she sat down so I sat next to her and talked to her a bit while hugging her alot 💞💞 After they left and her class came, some of the kids hugged her and when they took their seats, she asked the head of music department's teacher if he could stay so that I don't get into trouble if the head of school sees me and she really loves when I come to watch her classes, she's seriously the sweetest 💗💗 He explained to her that the students during break are supposed to be in the field, so she told me to be on the safe side and go to the field every breaktime. I agreed and hugged her tight and she told me love you, so I said the same and ran to the field. At the end of break, I was with my friend from Grade 8 and I talked to her a bit about her so she got the idea to go to her and say hi and I told her we shouldn't to not get in trouble but she insisted so when we arrived, she was teaching her students the dance and we watched a bit and she noticed and said hi to us and when they got dismissed, we ran up to her and I hugged her tight 💗💗 We talked to her a bit and then I hugged her one more time and ran to my class. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. When we got dismissed, I immediately grabbed my bags and since the same friend from Grade 8 was with me, she asked me if she could come with me to go with her so I agreed and told me she was in the auditorium which was great to know to not waste time searching for her so when we arrived, we saw her so we immediately ran up to her and I hugged her tight 💞💞 We talked to her a bit about what we did yesterday and all and she was so happy to know that we were friends 🤍 As we were going up the stairs, I told my friend that I was going to stay with her until 3 something so that she doesn't get bored and she luckily agreed and when she came up the stairs, I hugged her again and promised her to not forget to send the photo and she promised to not forget 💗💗 I hugged her one last time and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special because of seeing her 3 times and everything! 💗💗 I promised myself to be the kindest and sweetest to her tomorrow as much as possible 💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💗💗
~February 6th, 2024~
Today was seriously so much fun! 💗💗 Luckily, when I got off the bus and as I was walking to my class, I saw her so I left my bags on the floor, ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕💕 She hugged me back and I told her that I missed her so much and she said the same! 💗💗 I told her I was excited for our class today which she also said and I told her love you and she said love you more! 💗💗💗 I hugged her and ran to my class. I went through the first 3 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my bag, put my sheet in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. When I arrived, I luckily saw her so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💞💞 She hugged me back and then I asked her if our class was in her class or here since she was going up the stairs so she told me here and she was just going to download the song. I said okay, hugged her, and took a seat. When everyone else came, they started sliding, talking etc etc. Then, she came so I hugged her and she told us that she was going to work with the boys today so I sat down and watched her teaching them. Some of the girls danced with them which I also did and then we also practiced later and when we got dismissed, I immediately put my shoes back on, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I ran to my class. I went through the next session normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway, down the stairs, and to the auditorium. I luckily found her there but with Grade 8 which I expected since my friend from that class that she was with told me she was having rehearsals at this time. I ran up to her and hugged her tight which she also did 💕💕 I talked to her a bit and asked her if she could send the photo and she promised me she would 💞💞 Then, I asked if I could watch her class but she told me I couldn't since the head of elementary was going to be with her, so I hugged her one more time and ran to the field. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. When we got dismissed, I immediately ran out of the classroom, grabbed my bags, and ran to the reception. I put my bags in the reception and began searching for her everywhere but I unfortunately couldn't find her anywhere but unexpectedly, some of the kids from my bus began holding on to me and spinning so I started laughing and told them I was getting dizzy and luckily, I saw her right infront of me so I hugged her and she asked me who were they, so I told her they were kids on my bus and they span me again! 😂 Then, the matron luckily told them to let go of me. When they let go, she asked me to call her daughter to the reception which I immediately agreed to and ran to the field. Her daughter luckily went right away which I also did and we raced each other to see who made it first 😂💕 When we arrived, we saw her so we went up to her and I hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and we talked a bit before she went to sign out and when she did, I told her she looked like a princess today and she told me I was a princess 💗💗💕💕 I reminded her again to send me the photo and she promised me once again 💞💞 Unfortunately, the guy infront of the reception gate told me that I'm supposed to leave through the other gate so I told her what he told me which she luckily understood, so I hugged her one last time and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I was so happy that I got to see her 4 times and everything! 💗💗 I promised myself to be the kindest and sweetest to her tomorrow 💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖
~February 7th, 2024~
Today was seriously so much fun!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. When I arrived, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I told her she looked amazing today and she thanked me alot 💕💕 She asked me if I was sick since I sounded kinda sick, so I told her I was fine and asked if she had a class and she said no. I said okay, said bye while hugging, and she called me love and said love you! 💗💗💗 I told love you more, hugged her one more time, and ran to the field. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. The activity was surprisingly fun, but something felt missing.. When we got dismissed, I immediately ran to the reception and started waiting for her. When 5 minutes passed, I went to the auditorium and luckily found her and she was having a class but there were some people from my class that were there but I didn't mind. When I saw her, I immediately ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and asked me if I could call her daughter to the reception so I did so, but her daughter told me she had an after school duty (which was true), but I told her that was what she told me. When I took her to the reception, we didn't find her so I took her to the auditorium but she wasn't there either so we went back upstairs and luckily found her and she asked me where was I so I explained everything and she luckily understood but since there was no time to hug her, I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy that I got to see her twice and everything! 💗💗 I promised myself tomorrow to use every single chance I had to see her and be the kindest and sweetest to her ever 💞💞 Wish me luck 💖
~February 8th, 2024~
Today was seriously so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to her classroom. Her door was locked unfortunately so I expected her to be in the auditorium so I immediately checked and she luckily was there so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕💕 She hugged me back and I told her she looked amazing and played with her ponytail a bit. I asked her if she had a class so she said yes but told me to be a good girl and go to the field so I agreed, hugged her, and ran to the field. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. At 2:48 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she luckily agreed so I ran through the hallway to the bathroom, used the toilet, packed my bags, and ran to the reception. I left my bags in the field since it was no longer allowed to go through the reception then I ran to the auditorium and waited. I waited for around 5 minutes before she dismissed her class and when she did, I immediately went down the auditorium stairs, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I asked her if she needed help so she told me to call her daughter to the reception so I agreed but asked again if she really needed help, so she told me nothing really except carrying the hats that were on the edge of the auditorium. I grabbed them and as we went up the stairs, I told her she looked amazing today and this time, she blew a kiss at me 💕💕 When we made it outside of the auditorium, I asked her where should I put the hats so she told me in the room that was opened so I put them inside and she reminded me to call her daughter so I agreed and she said that I was a good girl 💗💗 When I made it to the playground, I didn't find her daughter anywhere in the playground, so I quickly ran back to the reception and found her so she asked me if I found her daughter, so I told her that she wasn't in the playground so she asked the receptionist if they came back from their trip yet, so she told her that they're still parking and then I hugged her while telling her that I unfortunately barely spend time with her these days so she hugged me back and said something really sweet that I unfortunately can remember. I told her that I was going to my bus now so I hugged her one more time and she hugged me back while saying bye and thanking me for everything 💕💕 I ran to my bus and the whole ride home, I was so happy that I got to see her twice and everything! 💗💗 I promised myself to make her an amazing note this weekend, be the kindest and sweetest to her more than I've ever been, and make the best out of every single chance I have since next week was only 4 days due to me not going to the trip because we were coming back to school at 6:30 P.M. so there was no point in going especially if I didn't see her at the elementary morning line. Wish me the best of luck 💖💖
~February 11th, 2024~
Today was seriously so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, grabbed the note that I made her during the weekend, and ran to the auditorium. When I arrived, I waited for around 3 minutes before she dismissed her class and when she did, I immediately ran down the auditorium stairs, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me tighter and I gave her the note which she absolutely loved! 💞💞 She told me that it was amazing and now she knew the reason why I was asking her to send the photos but she didn't. I told her it was okay and hugged her which she also did 💕💕 I asked her if I could watch her class or go upstairs to not get in trouble so she told me I can watch for a bit then go upstairs so I hugged her and took a seat. There were some pre-k's rehearsing so I watched them and they were surprisingly amazing and when she came, I got up from my seat and hugged her again 💕💕 I told her she looked amazing today and she thanked me alot 💞💞💞 She told me she wants to see the note and I can look with her so I obviously did and she told me it looked amazing but still felt bad about not sending the photos we took and I told her it really was okay and hugged her 💗💗 I asked her what did she think of my scarf (I decided to wear one since the weather was cold) and she told me it looked so stylish so I thanked her alot and hugged her 💗💗 She told me that she'll sit with her class now and that I should go to the field so I hugged her one more time and went to the field. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. At 2:47 P.M., I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she luckily agreed so I immediately ran through the hallway to the bathroom and before I did that, I packed my bags then used the toilet. As I was grabbing my bags, I saw one of my friends from Grade 8 and since it was still 2:53 P.M., I walked and talked to her a bit but when we said bye, one of my other teachers asked me who did Grade 6 take french and german with so I told her who exactly, which stairs to take, and the direction to go in etc etc. She thanked me, so I told her you're welcome, went back to my locker to grab my bags, and ran to the reception. I left my bags in the field and ran to the auditorium. Her class was luckily already leaving so I immediately ran inside and there was still a class but I didn't mind so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and since she was going to adjust their positions, I took a seat and watched. I told her that it was 2:59 P.M. so that she wouldn't be late for the bus and she told me that she's leaving by car today. When they got dismissed, I asked her if she needed any help and she told me no it was fine 💕 I told her that I posted about her yesterday and asked if she could see it so she happily agreed and said she will 💕💕 I was going to my bus so I said bye while hugging her again and she hugged me back and told me I love you! 💗💗💗 I said the same, hugged her one last time, and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I was so happy that I got to see her twice and everything! 💗💗💗 I promised myself tomorrow to be the kindest and sweetest to her ever and wear the most stylish hairstyle and accessories with my uniform 💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~February 12th, 2024~
Today was seriously so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I had her session anyways. When I arrived to the auditorium, I put my bags against the door and went inside. The auditorium was still dark so I walked down the stairs slowly but luckily, the lights were turned on a minute later. She luckily came early today so when I saw her, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and I took a seat. When everyone else arrived, we practiced a couple of times and luckily took a new move and luckily, the boys were a bit more serious today. Since there was another class waiting to practice, she told us to be more serious and when we finished, I took off my heels, put my shoes back on, ran up to her and hugged her tight 💞💞 She hugged me back and told me I did amazing 💕💕 I talked to her a bit and took a seat. When we got dismissed, I wanted to hug her, but she was on the stage with the other class and I obviously knew that I couldn't get on the stage so I ran to my class. I went through the next 4 sessions normally but during the 3rd, one of my classmates was constantly annoying me all throughout the class and to my disadvantage, I was also laughing alot at others jokes, so when I went to to tell the teacher of that class, she said I should've told her earlier and that she deducted 5% of my classwork grade. When I was getting my stuff for the next class, that same girl who was annoying me said "Are you happy now?" sarcastically. GOD SHE'S SO ANNOYING! I wanted to tell Myl about what happened, but not yet. When we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway and down the stairs to the auditorium. When I arrived, I saw her on the stage with her class so I took my seat and she saw me a few minutes later so she waved at me and so did I 💕💕 When she dismissed, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I told her their dance was amazing and we talked to a bit. I asked her if I could watch her class and she happily agreed 💕💕 When her class came, they luckily were serious and learned alot of new moves which were amazing and made their dance so good. When they took a water break, I ran up to her and told her their dance was amazing so she thanked me alot and we hugged 💗💗💗 When it was 12:39 P.M., she was still doing the dance with them one more time and I knew I couldn't be later to class than that, so I immediately ran up to her and said bye to her while hugging her. She hugged me back and I ran to my class. I unfortunately didn't see her for the rest of the day and I even searched for her everywhere including the auditorium but she was nowhere to be found and since it was 3:06 P.M. and I wasn't allowed to go through the reception anymore, I went to my bus. The whole ride home, I was so happy that I got to see her twice and spend alot of time with her and everything! 💗💗 I was still upset about not finding her the last session but it was out of my control so I promised myself to give her the most and more love than I ever usually give her tomorrow 💗💗 On that same day at night, I texted Myl telling her about the incident with my classmate and all. When she replies, I'll update 💗
~February 13th, 2024~
Today was quite literally the best day ever!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line since I arrived late, but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. I went through the first 3 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway, down the stairs, and went to the auditorium. When I saw her, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and I told her I missed her so much and she said the same 💞💞 I played with her hair a bit then took my seat. We had to watch a couple of shows before it was our turn and while we were sitting, she told us that today was an open day and we only had 10 minutes on stage so when all of the classes finished, we practiced a couple of times and even took a new move which was awesome 💕💕 When we were done, she told us to go to her classroom and wait for her so we all went, but by the time the session ended, she didn't come back which made me worried but I didn't worry too much. We luckily got taken from the next session so we immediately went to the drama room. (since the auditorium had parents inside) When we arrived I saw her so I hugged her and watched the other classes. We luckily adjusted a few things but we unfortunately found out that her laptop wasn't plugging in so we went to go to the auditorium and as we were walking, I told her that she looked like a princess and she thanked me alot 💗💗 When we made it to the auditorium, there was another class practicing so we took our seats and watched. As I was watching, I noticed that she looked upset, so I went up to her and asked her what was wrong and if anyone irritated her. She hugged me while telling me she was only stressed. I hugged her one more time and sat down again. They surpisingly performed amazingly so when they were done, we luckily progressed alot more and everyone was a bit more serious. When we got dismissed, I immediately put my shoes back on and ran up to her but when I tried to grab her attention, she told me that she needed a second so I waited a bit and then tried grabbing her attention again and this time, she turned so I hugged her while saying bye and she hugged me back and said the same! 💗💗💗 I couldn't handle letting my classmate get away with what happened yesterday, so I told the discipline director (very snitchy of me i know 😭) about what happened yesterday and he luckily dealed with my classmate. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. When we got dismissed, I immediately grabbed my bags, ran down the stairs, and went to the reception. I left my bags in the field and started searching for her everywhere. When it was 3:04 P.M. and I still didn't find her, I started to lose hope but luckily, I found her at the fingerprint station so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and I told her I missed her so much and she said the same! 💕💕 It was almost 3:07 P.M. so I said bye to her while hugging her which she also did 💗💗 and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy because I got to see her 3 times and everything! 💗💗💗 I promised myself to wish her the happiest valentine's day tomorrow and be the kindnest and sweetest to her ever tomorrow 💕💕 Later that same day, I had a tutoring session at around 7 P.M. so when it was over, I went to check my phone and saw 5 messages from her. I knew that meant it was something important, so I checked and saw that she'd replied to the paragraph I sent her yesterday about the incident with my classmate. She asked me if I told the discipline director and if I needed her advice as a friend. I told her that I did tell him today, but that I also didn't understand what she meant by "advice as a friend (which was true)." She replied right away and said "We are best friends, right?" I answered truthfully and said yes. She told me I needed to listen to her advice and go to the school's psychologist and that she gives the best advice. I said okay and that she was the one who gives the best advice 💗💗 She told me not to tell anyone and that it'll be our little secret. Wow... no one I ever knew and met has ever promised me secrets 💘💕 I promised her to not tell anyone 100% 🤞🏻💕 She said I looked so beautiful today and to keep it up and not forget to go to the school psychologist 💗 Her compliment meant sooo much to me, so I thanked her alot for it and promised her to not forget 💕 She asked me if I knew where her classroom was, so I answered truthfully and said no 😂😂 She told me it was next to the school nurse. I told her I didn't know what I'd do without her and she replied saying "You're my friend and daughter 💗 Feel free to text me anytime 💗" Wow... that was...THE SWEETEST THING SHE EVER SAID TO ME!!🥹💕💗💞💘💝 I said okayyy with a couple hearts 💕💕 We said goodnight to each other and that's where the conversation ends.
~February 14th, 2024~
Today was seriously the best day ever! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind sincd I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first session normally and unexpectedly, my friends wanted to ask her when she'll take us today so we all went to the auditorium and when I saw her, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and one of my friends called her and as a joke, she pushed her 😂💕 We watched her class for a bit and when my friends decided to go upstairs, I told them that I was going to stay for a bit then come so they agreed. Their dance was surprisingly amazing and at 9:29 A.M., I told her that I was going upstairs but she didn't hear me since she was busy so I ran to my class. We luckily got taken from that session since the teacher was absent so I ran to the auditorium. Her class was still practicing so I watched for a hit and when they got dismissed, I told her she looked amazing today and she thanked me 💗💗 We luckily did alot today and learned a couple of new moves and when we got dismissed, I immediately put my shoes back on, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I thanked her for the messages she sent me yesterday which made me so happy and she was so happy to hear that and hugged me 💗💗 She reminded me to go to the school psychologist like she promised me yesterday during breaktime, so we promised each other and I ran to my class. For the next 2 sessions, I was stressing and worried about the future if I didn't do what she told me nor if I didn't tell my parents so I decided to tell her that I'll ask my mom and go to her tomorrow and all so that I don't hide it from my parents nor break her promise. Anyways, when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, grabbed the letter I made her yesterday, and ran to the auditorium. When I made it, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I gave her the letter and she absolutely loved it! 💗💗 I told her that our trip was postponed to sunday (which was true) so that she could take us so she thanked me for telling her and she was going to take us tomorrow. I hugged her one more time and ran to the field. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. It surprisingly was so much fun and luckily, the teacher didn't come so I was able to leave whenever I wanted so at 2:56 P.M., I grabbed my bags, and ran to the reception. When I made it, I saw her with 2 other students so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕💕 She hugged me back and she was holding an envelope so I asked her who made it for her so she told me the 2 students that were infront of her. I hugged her again and told her she smelled amazing and she kissed me! 💗💗 I told her that I saw her through the bus's window yesterday and she smiled and gave me a hug 💕💕 I hugged her back and she kissed me again! 💗💗💗 We hugged each other on last time, said bye, and I told her love you and she said the same! 💗💗💗 Then, I stayed in the field for a bit and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special for all of the love that she showed me today and the time that we spent together 💕💕 I was still a bit worried about not going to her and all, so on the way home, I messaged her telling her why I didn't go to the school psychologist today and that I'll ask my mom about it so that she wouldn't be upset that I didn't tell her. She replied a couple minutes later and said that I was a good girl 🥹🫶🏻💗 I replied to her right away and thanked her for understanding and that she was the sweetesttt 💗💗 I messaged my mom as well explaining the whole situation to her and she said she'll tell me when I get home. Anyways, I promised myself to show her the most kindness everrrr tomorrow 💗💗 When I got home, my mom allowed me to go to the school psychologist which was great news, so I texted Myl and told her what my mom said 💕 Wish me luck 💖💖
~February 15th, 2024~
Today was seriously so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. When I arrived, I saw her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I asked her about something in the dance and afterwards, she asked me if I went to the school psychologist yet and I told her I didn't know what to talk to her about, so she told me I can talk about the problems I'm currently having and go on from there. I said okay, hugged her, and ran upstairs. For the rest of the break, I was constantly stressing out whether I should go or wait until monday, so that I can figure out whether I need to send an email or not but at the same time, I didn't want to break her promise. In the end, I ran to the hallway, grabbed my phone, and went to the bathroom. I texted my mom about the situation and she told me that she might not even be at school on thursdays so we kept texting and I decided I was going to her on monday. Anyways, I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. We luckily got taken from the last session (art) so I didn't have to worry about asking to go to the bathroom and all. When we arrived, I saw her on stage so I took my seat and watched and when she went down the stairs, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I told her she looked amazing and she hugged me again 💕💕💕 We had to watch a couple of shows before we got on stage and when we did, we unfortunately didn't do much but then out of nowhere, the boys started sliding and pushing so she and another teacher obviously yelled and telling us that there's no time. I wanted to cry because I felt so bad for her and all the stress that she's been through. When we got dismissed, she told us to leave the auditorium and there was no time to hug her and say bye, so I ran to the field. I was constantly stressing, thinking, and feeling the urge to cry my heart out. I knew that if I went to her, I'd get told to leave and she'll feel even more stressed, so I ran to my bus. The whole ride jome, I felt really happy that I got to see her twice and spend alot of time with her and everything, but it obviously wasn't the same as yesterday.. However, I didn't get too upset because 1, she was so kind and sweet to me when I went to her during the break and 2, she was only like this due to all of the stress that she was going through. I promised myself to make her an amazing letter or note on monday and be the kindest and sweetest to her as possible 💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~February 19th, 2024~
Today was seriously the best day ever!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. When I made it to the auditorium, she still wasn't there yet but I didn't worry since our international day was postponed to May 30th. (due to chicken pox cases increasing) When she came, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and then I gave her the note I made which she absolutely loved 💕💕💕 Since everyone still didn't come yet, some of my classmates and I talked a to her bit and then, I wanted to tell her that I didn't know when I was going to the school psychologist yet so I asked her if I could talk to her about something private and if we could move (so that nobody could hear us), so she moved a little bit. I told her that my mom sent her an email telling her that I'll go to her on wednesday and surprisingly, she told me that she already sent the psychologist an email about it and that I shouldn't tell anyone. Then, I told her that's why I told her to move a bit and we laughed a little 😆💞. I told her if she could see something that I sent her yesterday, so she asked me if it was urgent since there was no internet in the auditorium and I told her it was a video I made for her, so she told me she'll see it later and hugged me 💕💕 Anyways, when everyone else came, she told us get on the stage and since now we luckily had time to adjust the moves, we changed the entrance and some other things alot. When we got dismissed, I immediately put my shoes back on, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and reminded me to go to the psychologist during the break so I agreed, hugged her one more time, and ran to my class. I decided to ask her what she told the psychologist in the email during the break just incase but anyways, I went through the next 4 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the auditorium. I luckily already saw the boys leaving so I ran into the auditorium. When I took my seat she was still practicing something with the girls and she saw me a minute later so we waved at each other then she asked me if I went to the psychologist, so I told her I wanted to ask her something when she was finished with them but she told me to come, so I walked up to her and asked her what she told the psychologist in the email and she told me she said that I was going to her today and I should tell her about all of my problems that I've going through and she was waiting for me. She also told me to tell her everything that happened afterwards so I agreed, hugged her one more time, and ran to the classroom. When I made it to the pyschologist's class, she told me that she had a meeting and that I could come to her on wednesday like I did today. I agreed, high fived her, and ran to the auditorium. The auditorium doors were closed so I expected the head of elementary to be downstairs so I ran to the field. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the last session. When we got dismissed, I immediately ran through the hallway, up the stairs, and started waiting. I waited for around 5 minutes before she dismissed her class and when she did, as I was walking towards the door, one of the girls ran up to me and gave me a hug 🤍 I hugged her back then immediately ran inside. She was talking to another kid so I tried grabbing her attention but when that didn't work, I hugged her from behind and then she screamed my name and hugged me back 💗💗 She told me that she thought I was someone else, so I told her I wasn't and laughed a bit 😂💕 She asked me if I went to the psychologist, so I told her that she told me she had a meeting and that I could come to her on wednesday and she surprisingly didn't get upset and told me that I had a meeting on wednesday and I was growing up 😂💞 I laughed a bit then she asked me if I could call her daughter to the reception, so that we can go to our buses together and I obviously agreed, but told her if she didn't find me, she should know that I went to the bus so that I wouldn't be late. She told me that she was going to the bus now anyways so I hugged her and ran to the field. When I got her daughter to the reception, it was 3:05 P.M. so we waited a bit but when she didn't come, I told her daughter that I was going to see where she was so I ran upstairs. I luckily found her and told her that her daughter was waiting for her so she thanked me alot and even took me with her in the elevator since she knew that I was exhausted from walking all day, she's seriously the sweetest 💗💗💗 I told her that I hoped that the guard doesn't say that I have to use the other gate so she laughed and told me he won't 😂💕 I told her (as a joke) to convince the guard to let me pass and she agreed 💗 I told couldn't live without her so she smiled and we hugged 💗💗 She told me that she wants me to not wear shoes but instead sneakers or scotch since it's easier and everything. I told her I didn't have so dhe told me when I grow up a bit I can. When the elevator door opened, we both walked out and she went to sign out. When she did, we all went down the reception stairs and luckily, the guard didn't say anything so when we made it to her bus, we said bye and she hugged me so I did the same! 💗💗💗 When I made it to my bus, the whole ride home, I felt so happy and special because of all of the kindness that she showed me and that I got to see her 3 times and everything! 💗💗 I texted her like I usually did and reminded her to watch the video and she luckily replied a few minutes later saying that nobody made her anything like this and that was so nice of me 💗💗 I told her that she deserves the best and afterwards, I was on cloud nine! 💗💗💗 I promised myself to be the kindnest and sweetest to her ever and spend the most amount of time possible 💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~February 20th, 2024~
Today was seriously the best day ever! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. I went through the first 3 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my bag, put my stuff in it, and ran to the auditorium. We unfortunately got dismissed late since we were doing a project and my group planned for us to continue during break time but I was obviously going to figure out a way to not come. Anyways, when I arrived, the boys were already there telling me that this was the first time they came before me and all but I didn't mind since it was out of my control. When Myl went down the auditorium stairs, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and when the rest of my classmates came, we luckily practiced a bit and took some new moves and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and I ran to my class. I went through the next session normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to the auditorium. I waited for around 10 minutes before I saw her class coming and then a few minutes later, I saw her so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💞💞 She hugged me back but she didn't seem happy so I asked her what was wrong and she told me it was nothing. Anyways, I watched her class and they were absolutely amazing but after a while, one of the members from my project called me so I obviously couldn't ignore her and went up the stairs. She told me to come and help them finish the project so I tried to convince her to let me come on my own or take another session for it, but she refused and told me to come. I begged her to atleast let me say bye to Myl before coming and she told me I didn't have too. Of course that made me extremely angry but after 10 minutes of arguing infront of everyone, I went. Luckily by the time we arrived, they'd already finished the project, so I ran back to the auditorium. Honestly, I didn't care if I lost marks at that point since 1, she was more important to me than a project and 2, I already worked with my group during our session. Anyways, when I came back to the auditorium, I saw her coming back inside the auditorium since she had a phone call and when I hugged her, she didn't seem happy so I asked her if she was stressed and she said yes she had problems at home. She also told me to pray for her which I obviously promised to do and hugged her tight 💕💕 After the session ended, I hugged her one more time and ran to my class. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the 8th session. So you may be wondering, why the 8th? Well, our teacher luckily gave us 10 minutes to do whatever we wanted before the next session so I went to the field to buy a brownie and as I was leaving, I saw her so I immediately tried to grab her attention, but she was on a phone call so she told me to wait and I did. When she finished, I hugged her and asked her if she was okay and she said yes but still had another call to take so I hugged her one more time, and ran to my class. I went through the next session normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran down the stairs, put my bags in the field, and started searching for her. I unfortunately didn't find her anywhere but luckily, I found her in the reception so I ran up to her and hugged her and tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and told me to call her daughter to the reception so I agreed and ran to the field. Her daughter surprisingly refused and begged me to let her pick her up instead and I tried convincing her to go but in the end, I ran back to the reception. I searched for her everywhere but she unfortunately was nowhere to be found. Luckily, Myl was only using the toilet so when she came out of the door, I told her that her daughter wanted her to pick her up and she obviously got upset at her and told me to go to my bus and she'll pick her up. Then, I asked her again if she was okay so she told me it was only the problems she was having at home and I gave her a long and tight hug 💗💗💗💗 She told me to pray for her again so I obviously agreed, grabbed my bags, and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I was so happy that I got to see her 4 times and everything!! 💗💗💗 I was still worrying about her and if she was okay and all but anyways, I promised myself to be kinder to her more than I've ever been and make sure she was okay 💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖💖
~February 21st, 2024~
Today was seriously the best day ever!! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran down the stairs to the auditorium. She wasn't in the auditorium unfortunately so I searched for her in the reception but when she wasn't there either, I ran to her classroom so when I arrived, I knocked and entered. When I saw her, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗💗 She hugged me back and told me she had an important phone call so I waited for her a bit. She told me I had to leave, so I hugged her and ran upstairs. I went to the school psychologist like I promised and it luckily only took 15 minutes so when I was done, I spent some time with my friends and then went to her classroom. She was talking to someone outside so when she finished, I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and some students from Grade 6 wanted to ask her something so when they finished, I told her I sent her a surprise yesterday. She thanked me for texting and checking up on her yesterday, but she didn't reply only because she wasn't in the mood which I completely understood 💕💕 I asked her if we could watch the video I sent her together (I sent her a video yesterday at night) so she told me that she had to make some lesson plans and she'll see it later. Then, she asked me if I went to the school psychologist, so I said yes, then she asked about what she told me, so I told her everything and that she also told me I should come back next week and give her an update. She was so happy to hear that and then, I promised her to see the video and she promised so we hugged, told each other love you, and I ran to my class. I went through the rest of the day normally, until the activity. It was surprisingly really fun from all of the talking and laughter and when we got dismissed, I immediately grabbed my bags, ran through the hallway, and went to the reception. I left my bags in the field and started searching for her everywhere from her classroom, the field, and reception. She unfortunately wasn't in either of those places so I started waiting in field for her to come for her after school duty but when it was 3:02 P.M. and she still didn't come, I checked the playground and she wasn't there either but I didn't get too upset about it since I already had so much fun with her during the break but luckily, I found her sitting in the receptionist's chair so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I asked her if she saw the video I made her and she told me not yet, so we watched it together 💗💗 She absolutely loved it and told me that no one has ever made her a video before and I was surprised since she deserves the best 💕💕 She told me she was leaving by car today and that I should go to my bus so that I wouldn't be late so I hugged her one last time and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special that I got to see her 3 times and how sweet she was to me and everything! 💗💗 I promised myself to be the kindest and sweetest to her everrr and since tomorrow is out of uniform, I'll wear the cutest outfit I have 💕💕💕 Wish me the best of luck 💞💞
~February 22nd, 2024~
Today was seriously one of the best days ever!! 💗💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. We luckily got told that the 7th session (english) and 9th session (art) were free which was a relief so that I didn't have to ask to go to the bathroom and all. Anyways, I went through the first 5 sessions normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my locker, put my stuff in my bag, and ran to the reception. She wasn't there so I checked the auditorium and her class as well, but she wasn't in either of those places so I spent some time with my friends and luckily as I was walking around the reception, I saw her coming up the stairs so I called her and we talked a bit. When she got up the stairs, I hugged her tight and she hugged me back 💗💗💗 She told me that pink looked amazing on me and so was my hairstyle 💕💕💕 I hugged her one more time and ran to the field. 20 minutes later, I saw her sitting in the field so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She smiled and hugged me back 💗💗 I talked to her a bit and as I was going back to my friends, she called me so I ran back to her and she asked me if I knew how to tie my shoes now so I said yes. She said if I really didn't know how, she could help me, she's seriously the sweetest 💗💗 I told her there was no need and that I already knew how, so she asked me to tie them infront of her so I did. When I was done, she was so proud of me and we hugged 💗💗 She told me that I smelled so good and I thanked her alot 💕💕💕 She told me that I should tie them twice since the way I tied the laces made them loose so I tied them again and as I was tying them, she told me that my shoes were amazing and that I should wear those types of sneakers instead of shoes that were made for going out so I promised her I would 💕💕 When I was done, she was extremely proud of me and we hugged 💗💗 She asked me if I went to the school pyschologist today, so I told her that she told me to come to her next week, so we hugged one more time, and I ran to my friends. When our break was over, the next session was free so I spent some time with my friends then I saw her walking in the field so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and then I went back to my friends. After a while, I switched to sitting with some 9th graders and as we were talking, I saw her so I told them that I needed a minute and they luckily understood so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and after she was done buying water, I told her that she looked amazing today, so she thanked me and gave me a kiss 💞💞💞 I asked her why was she upset on tuesday, so she told me why and I unfortunately couldn't remember what she said but either way, we hugged and went our separate ways. I went through the next session normally and when we got dismissed, I immediately went upstairs, grabbed my bags, and ran downstairs. I left my bags in the field and then I started searching for her but unfortunately, she wasn't in the auditorium nor the reception so I ran upstairs to her classroom and I luckily found her so I immediately ran up to her and hugged her tight 💕💕 She hugged me back, but she wasn't having her class in the auditorium this time so I ran to the field. I spent the rest of the session with my friend from Grade 8 and at 2:55 P.M., she left, so I waited for Myl at the stairs. I waited for around 3 minutes before she dismissed her class and when she did, I immediately went downstairs and ran into her classroom. I tried grabbing her attention and luckily, she noticed so we hugged and talked a bit. I asked her if I could come with her in the elevator and she happily agreed 💕💕 We talked a bit and when we arrived to the reception, she told me that if I found her daughter, I should tell her to come do I agreed, hugged her, and ran to the field. Her daughter wasn't there, so I asked some other kids where she was and they told me she left, so I ran back to the reception. It was already 3:05 P.M. and I didn't want to be late so I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special because of how sweet and loving she was to me and that I got to see her 6 times and everything! 💗💗💗 I promised myself to make her an amazing note or letter during the weekend, be the kindest and sweetest to her, and since trimester exams will start on thursday, I'll try to spend as much time as possible with her every chance since elementary will be having a trip that day and for tuesday and wednesday, I'll watch all of her classes and show her as much love as possible and for sunday and monday, I'll try to pass by her after the exam or if there is a day that she's the proctor for another class or even us, I'll talk to her a bit and show her lots of love 💗💗 Little did I know what was hitting me next...
~February 25th, 2024~
Today was seriously so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the elementary morning line but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. I went through the first 4 sessions normally but during the 5th, I went to the bathroom and saw one of my friends from Grade 6 there, so I asked her what they had and she told me free in music. I was extremely shocked and upset at the same time, so I asked her why and she told me she believed it was only for the 5th session which was a bit of a relief. Anyways, when we got dismissed, I immediately ran to my bag, put my stuff in it, grabbed the letter I made her during the weekend, and ran to the auditorium. I unfortunately didn't find her there, so I checked the field and her classroom but I saw one of her students going inside her classroom, so I expected her class just being in her class so in the last 3 minutes of the break, I waited for her to dismiss her class but since break ended before she dismissed them, I ran to my class. I luckily found out that we had art free so I decided to look for her that session but anyways, I went through the rest of the day normally and unfortunately, I found out that she was absent and constantly praying that she didn't have chicken pox or wasn't sick. I went through the rest of that session normally and at 2:54 P.M., I ran to her classroom and luckily saw her class leaving so I decided instead of entering, I ran to the field and asked one of the girls from that class what they did in music and she told me they sang, but with the head of music department and another teacher which broke my heart even more 💔 I talked to them a bit and afterwards, I sat down on the bench and texted her asking if she was okay. After I sent the message, I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I was feeling devastated that I didn't see her today but at the same time, I wasn't too upset since nobody saw her and that I wasn't the only one who didn't see her. Anyways, I promised myself to give her the letter, ask her why she didn't come today, and show her the most love and care that I ever have tomorrow, but if she doesn't come (which I really hope doesn't happen), I'll do the same thing as I did today and text her asking if she was okay. Wish me the best of luck 💖💖
~February 26th, 2024~
Today was really fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line, but I didn't mind since I had a session with her anyways. I went to the auditorium feeling extremely excited but unfortunately, she was absent again which broke my heart even more than yesterday 💔💔 We went to the field and unfortunately, I later found out that she was absent because she was sick, so I grabbed my phone, ran upstairs, and into the bathroom. I texted her telling her that I unfortunately found out she was sick and asking if she was okay. Afterwards, I ran back to the field, put my phone in my bag, and went to my friends. I went through the rest of the day normally but I realized during my break time, I started envisioning others as her and feeling extremely lonely without her 💔💔 Anyways, when the day was over, I ran to the field and texted her asking how was she feeling right now and that I missed her alot 😣💔 Luckily, when I was going to my bus, I saw her daughter so we said hi and I asked her where was her mom Then, the driver told me that she was sick which I unfortunately expected. Her daughter wanted a hug so we hugged and I asked her to tell her mom that I miss her soooo much and she happily agreed and that she'll tell Myl to send me a picture of a plushie (that I gave her daughter), so I said okay and ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt really heartbroken since I missed her terribly, but seeing her daughter luckily improved my mood a bit 🤍 I promised myself to make her a get well soon letter explaining all of my feelings and give it including the other letter and note that I made her during the weekend to her tomorrow. However, if she doesn't come tomorrow (which I really hope doesn't happen), I'll give it to her when she comes back to school and text her again asking if she's okay and all 🤍 That night on the same day, she reacted to all my GIFs and messages that I sent to check up on her with hearts, then I told her I missed her and asked when she'll come back to school. She replied right away and told me on Wednesday. That day was off for students due to Teacher's PD (i believe), so either way, looks like I'll still have to go through 1 more day without her 😔💔 She thanked me for asking and hoped that I was doing alright 💗💗 I told her I luckily am, but I missed her sooo much and school was so boring without her 💔💔 She told me that the school was so good when I was there, that made me crack a smile and I replied with some hearts 💗💗 We chatted a little bit more, then I went to bed. When was this pain gonna end? 😔💔
~February 27th, 2024~
Today was seriously so much fun! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line which was expected, bit I decided to plan a huge day for us on thursday and to make her feel extra happy, I decided to give her daughter the note that I made her after the last session so that it would be an awesome surprise. I went through the entire day normally which was surprisingly full of fun and laughter but during the day, I constantly kept thinking about her during class and even cried a couple of times.. I even still vividly remember shedding tears in English class hoping nobody would notice. Anyways, when we got dismissed, I immediately packed my bags, grabbed the note that I made her yesterday, and ran to the playground. I spent 3 minutes searching for her daughter and when I didn't find her there, I checked the Grade 1 and 2 hallway, but she wasn't there either, I expected that the matron already picked her up so I grabbed my bags and ran to my bus. Luckily, as I was walking, I saw her daughter and she saw me as well, so we said hi to each other and she jumped into my arms for a hug 🤍🤍🤍 I hugged her back and it was exactly what I needed after not seeing Myl for 5 days 🤍 Then, I took the note out of my pocket and asked her if she could give it to her mom when she goes home. She happily agreed, so she took it and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I still felt extremely heartbroken and missed her soooo much, but seeing her daughter and knowing that she was going to give her the note I spent hours working on yesterday made me feel a bit better 🤍🤍 I promised myself to spend the whole day with her on thursday and be the kindest and sweetest to her than I ever been 💗💗💗 Wish me the best of luck 💖💖
~February 29th, 2024~
Today was seriously the best day ever! 💗💗 I unfortunately didn't see her at the morning line, but I didn't mind since I was going to her during the break anyways. The exam was easy luckily and when the time was up, I grabbed my bag and went to the field. I can still clearly remember my heart beating out of my chest everytime I thought of her or wondering how much was left until she'd come to the field. I had alot of fun with my friends and later, I luckily saw Myl and she called me so I screamed, ran up to her, and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I told her that I missed her so much and she said the same! 💗💗 I asked her why didn't she come all week and she told me things that I wouldn't understand now which I completely understood 💕💕 When she sat down on one of the benches, I talked to my friends a bit, then I sat next to her and hugged her 💕💕 She hugged me back and I asked her if she saw the note that I gave her daughter 2 days ago and she told me it was still in her daughter's bag and that her lunch box was still full and homework wasn't done. As I was about to reply, 2 of my friends talked to her a bit about the dance, piercings etc etc. When they left, I told her that when she didn't come to school, I cried alot at home and school, so she told me I shouldn't be this hurt and warned me that she could leave the school at anytime and that we won't see each other after I graduate including that she will be upset if I was upset. I completely understood where she was coming from and that she was only trying to help me for the future, so I hugged her and she told me that my hair smelled so good so I thanked her alot 💗💗 After a few more minutes had passed, she told me she had some work to do now so she told me love you (which I also said 💞💞) and we hugged tightly 💗💗💗 I went through the next 2 sessions normally and during the break, I began searching for her everywhere including her classroom but her door was locked so I ran back to the field. Luckily, as I was walking in the reception, I saw her again so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I asked her where was she going so she told me she had some work to do and I asked if I could come with her in the elevator so she told me I shouldn't since the head of school was watching but in the end, she gave in and I walked into the elevator. I talked to her a bit and she told me she needed to use the bathroom quickly I could go inside her classroom if I wanted too, so I waited for her inside then I got the idea to surprise her so I waited for her outside the bathroom. When she finished, I said surprise and she laughed a bit 😂💕💕 We talked a bit, then I told her that I was supposed to go to the school psychologist this week, but she took the day off today and I was going to her next week. She was so happy to hear that 💕💕 I told her (like yesterday) the school was really bad without her and she told me it was good with me already which made me smile 💗💗 She warned me again that she could get a job anywhere else and I shouldn't depend on anyone else. I completely understood her and we hugged each other tight 💕💕 She told me that she had some work to do now so we hugged, told each other love you, and I ran to the field. I went through the rest of the day normally and when the last session was over, I saw her in the reception so I ran up to her and hugged her tight 💗💗 She hugged me back and I asked her if I could come with her in the elevator, so she told me no since the head of school was watching so I said okay and continued walking around the reception. Just a second later, I realized that the elevator she used lead to her classroom so I ran upstairs to her classroom and waited. Luckily, she came a minute later and she was so surprised to see me and I said that I wanted to surprise her 💕💕 She was happy to hear that and I asked her if she needed any help and she said no, so I waited for her outside. As she was locking up her door, I asked her if I could come with her in the elevator and surprisingly, she happily agreed and when we got inside, I told her when I found out that she was sick, I was really upset and asked her if she really was sick these 3 days or something else. She told me it was a mix of both and she saw me when I was upset and she was happy that someone cared 💗💗 I hugged her and when we made it to the reception, I asked if she needed me to pick up her daughter and she told me her daughter doesn't listen to me anymore and I shouldn't annoy myself, so I said okay and we hugged 💗💗 She told me to go to my bus now so I agreed, walked around a bit, and as I was going down the reception stairs, I saw her so I immediately went up to her and told her I was leaving, then we hugged we said love you to each other 💗💗 We hugged one more time and I ran to my bus. The whole ride home, I felt so happy and special for all of the kindness that she showed me today and even trying to help me out for the future. I promised myself to be as kind and sweet as possible to her on tuesday and wednesday and also pass by her on sunday and monday after the exam. Wish me the best of luck 💖💖
And little did I know that was gonna be the last week I was genuinely happy in...

The Love That Saved Me 💗
Non-FictionTrue Story DISCLAIMERS: - All characters are anonymous for privacy reasons - This story took place in Egypt so week days are from Sunday to Thursday! - Egyptians are extremely affectionate, even ones you aren't very close with so don't take this as...